Spanish Clothing Vocabulary List in Spanish

Discover key Spanish vocabulary related to clothing. Learn common terms for different types of garments and their uses.

(pantalones) vaqueros

The term '(pantalones) vaqueros' in Spanish refers to a specific type of clothing known as 'jeans' in English. Originating from the American West, these are typically pants made from denim or dungaree cloth, often blue in color, and are a staple in modern wardrobes around the world. The term 'vaquero' has its roots in the Spanish word for cowboy, giving a nod to the origins of this style of pants.


The Spanish word 'abrigo' translates to 'coat' in English. It can refer to a variety of outer garments typically worn in the cold weather to keep warm. The concept is broad and the exact type of 'abrigo' can vary from a heavy jacket to a styled overcoat. The word 'abrigo' is a masculine noun in Spanish.

Example sentences with  abrigo

The Spanish word 'aguja' translates to 'needle' in English. It refers to a very fine tool with a hole at one end and a sharp point at the other, typically used for sewing. Needles can be used to pass thread through cloth for the purpose of sewing or can also be used in medical scenarios to inject or extract fluids.


The Spanish word 'albornoz' translates to 'bathrobe' in English. This noun is commonly used in household vocabulary. A bathrobe is a loose-fitting outer garment worn by individuals in the privacy of their home, especially after bathing or swimming. Robes are also worn for warmth over pajamas and for modesty before dressing.


The Spanish word 'alfiler' does not translate to 'alger' in English. It directly translates to 'pin' in English. It's typically used to refer to a needle or short pointed piece of metal with a head, which is used in sewing to fasten pieces of fabric together. It can also refer to safety pins, which are made slightly differently but have a similar use.


The Spanish word 'algodón' translates to 'cotton' in English. Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber that grows in a boll, or protective case, around the seeds of the cotton plants. Cotton is used to make a variety of textile products. Furthermore, it embodies a significant commodity in the global economy because it is essential to produce clothes, home furnishings, and other common items.

apretar la cintura
tighten the waist

The Spanish phrase 'apretar la cintura' translates to 'tighten the waist' in English. It is a literal translation where 'apretar' means 'to tighten', 'la' is 'the', and 'cintura' is 'waist'. This phrase can be used in situations such as when referring to adjusting the fit of clothing like a belt or a dress, among others. In a figurative sense, it can be used to imply reducing expenses or making a budget stricter.

apretar los zapatos
tighten your shoes

The Spanish phrase 'apretar los zapatos' translates to 'tighten your shoes' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone's shoes are loose or when preparing to go for a walk or run and requiring secure footwear. Essentially, it is an instruction to secure the fit of your shoes possibly by pulling on the laces or straps.

arreglar el bajo
fix the bass

In English, 'arreglar el bajo' means 'fix the bass'. This is a phrase that could be used in various contexts, such as a musician needing to repair a bass guitar, a sound engineer adjusting the bass levels in a piece of audio, or a fisherman mending a certain type of fishing net called a 'bass'. It primarily involves the activities of correcting, repairing or making adjustments to improve the function or performance of a 'bass'.

arreglar el dobladillo
fix the hem

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar el dobladillo' translates to 'fix the hem' in English. It is a commonly used phrase in situations where the bottom edge of a piece of clothing, usually a skirt or a dress, needs to be adjusted or repaired.

arreglar la cintura
fix the waist

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la cintura' can be translated into English as 'fix the waist'. The term 'arreglar' generally implies fixing or arranging something, and 'la cintura' is the Spanish term for 'the waist'. Therefore, the phrase is often used in a context where a piece of clothing might be too loose around the waist and needs to be adjusted or fixed to fit better. However, the phrase could also be used in a more metaphorical sense to imply getting in better shape or losing weight around the waist area.

arreglar la manga
fix the sleeve

The Spanish phrase 'arreglar la manga' translates to 'fix the sleeve' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of clothing repair or alteration, where 'arreglar' means to fix, mending, or arrange, and 'la manga' means the sleeve. So, if you have a shirt with a torn or ill-fitting sleeve, you would 'arreglar la manga' to make it wearable again.


The term 'arrugado' is a Spanish word which translates to 'wrinkled' in English. It is an adjective that can be used to describe something that has lines or creases, often because it has not been ironed or is old or has been used a lot. The word is used in the same way in Spanish as 'wrinkled' is used in English, to describe things like clothes, skin, or any other surface that is not smooth.


The Spanish word 'bañador' translates to 'swimsuit' in English. It's a piece of clothing worn for swimming. This word is mainly used in Spain, and in some Latin American countries, you might hear 'traje de baño' or 'malla'. The term 'bañador' can refer to any type of swimsuit, whether it's a one-piece, bikini, or swim trunks.


The word 'bata' in Spanish translates to 'robe' in English. Although this word might be confused with 'bat,' it's an entirely different term. 'Bata' typically refers to a loose-fitting garment that people wear in their homes, particularly before they go to bed or when they get up in the morning. So, be careful not to mix it up with the word for 'bat', which in Spanish is 'murciélago'.


The Spanish word 'biquini' translates to 'bikini' in English. This term is used to describe a two-piece women's swimsuit. It's typically worn in warm climates or at the beach and consists of a bra top and a bottom part that is designed not to cover the navel. It is named after the Bikini Atoll, a site of atomic testing, because of the intended provocative and explosive impact on the viewer.


The Spanish word 'blusa' translates to 'blouse' in English. It is a term used to refer to a type of upper garment that is worn by women. It generally features a loose-fitting design and comes in a variety of styles, cuts, and patterns. From casual blouses that are perfect for everyday wear to more formal types ideal for office settings or special occasions, 'blusa' broadens one's wardrobe options.


A container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.

Example sentences with  bolsa

The Spanish word 'bordado' translates to 'embroidered' in English. Embroidered typically refers to a design that is sewn onto a piece of fabric using threads. It is often used in the context of clothing, linens, and artworks. The term can also be used metaphorically to refer to intricate or detailed patterns or designs.


The Spanish word 'botas' translates to 'boots' in English. It is a plural noun, used to refer to a type of footwear that covers not only the foot, but also the ankle and sometimes even extends up to the leg. Boots are typically used for protection against harsh weather conditions or particular activities, such as hiking or working in heavy industries.

botas (de montaña)
boots (mountain)

The Spanish word 'botas (de montaña)' translates to 'boots (mountain)' in English. It refers to a type of footwear typically used for hiking and other outdoor activities. These boots are usually made of durable materials designed to provide foot and ankle support while also offering appropriate grip and traction for mountainous terrain. The term is often used in the context of outdoor adventure, trekking, and mountaineering.

Example sentences with  botas (de montaña)

The Spanish word 'braga' translates to 'bra' in English, and it's a piece of women's underwear that supports the breasts. It's mostly made from soft and lightweight materials to ensure maximum comfort. The use of the bra is widespread across different cultures and it comes in various types and designs to suit different body types and fashion trends.


The term 'calcetines' in the Spanish language translates to 'socks' in English. These are items of clothing that people wear on their feet. 'Calcetines' can be of different types, varying in size, material, and color, and are typically used to provide comfort, absorb sweat, and protect the feet from cold. Whether for sporting, warmth in winter, or daily casual wear, 'calcetines' or socks are an essential part of our wardrobes.


The Spanish word 'calzoncillo' translates directly into English as 'underwear'. This refers to a piece of clothing that is worn beneath exterior clothes, usually in direct contact with the skin, acting as a first layer of protection and hygiene. In context, it could be used in sentences like 'He is washing his underwear' which translates to 'El está lavando sus calzoncillos'. Both in English and Spanish, it can be used to refer to both the general category of such clothing, or to specific pieces within that category.


A garment for the upper body made of cotton or a similar fabric, with a collar, sleeves, and buttons down the front.

Example sentences with  camisa

The Spanish word 'camisón' translates to 'nightgown' in English. It is a feminine noun, primarily used to describe a loose, flowing article of clothing for women. It is intended for use during sleep and leisure times at home. However, in some fashion trends, the nightgown style has been adapted to outdoor clothing styles as well.


The Spanish word 'cazadora' translates to 'hunter' in English. This term can be used in several contexts relating to hunting, such as referring to a person who hunts game for sport, a creature that hunts other animals for food, or even metaphorically to denote someone persistently pursuing an object or a goal. It is important to note the cultural and contextual nuances when using this term, as hunting practices and their societal perception can vary widely across Spanish-speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'ceñido' translates to 'tight' in English. It is often used to describe something that fits closely or snugly, such as clothing. For example, 'El vestido está muy ceñido' would mean 'The dress is very tight.' It can also be utilized to depict situations where available space or resources are limited. Note, it should not be confused with 'estrecho', another Spanish word for 'tight' or 'narrow', which is usually used for tight physical spaces rather than describing a fit or situation.


The Spanish word 'chándal' translates to 'tracksuit' in English. This is a type of comfortable, casual clothing that typically consists of a loose-fitting jacket and trousers, often made of soft, flexible materials like cotton or polyester. It is primarily used for sport activities but has also become a popular choice for casual everyday wear. The equivalent term in American English might be 'sweatsuit' or 'sweat suit'.

coger el dobladillo
take the hem

The Spanish phrase 'coger el dobladillo' translates to 'take the hem' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sewing or dressmaking, where 'take the hem' refers to the act of folding and sewing the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing item to prevent it from unraveling or to adjust its length. Like many idiomatic expressions, the literal translation may not provide the exact meaning, so understanding the context is essential for accurate interpretation.

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