A collection of Spanish words used in the context of a classroom. Perfect for beginners to learn essential classroom terminology.
The Spanish phrase 'prueba parcial' translates to 'partial evidence' in English. This phrase is often used in various professional fields, such as law and science. In law, it indicates a piece of evidence that, by itself, fails to prove something but works as a component towards proving the whole; essentially, it is a piece of a larger case or argument. In science, 'prueba parcial' might refer to a segment or component of a larger body of research or experimentation. This phrase can be construed in other contexts as well, but always generally indicates a fragment or segment of a larger whole.
A door is a hinged barrier used to close off an entrance. It usually has a handle that you use to open it.
Example sentences with puerta →In Spanish, 'puntuar' is a verb that primarily means 'to score' or 'to rate'. It is often used in the context of grading or evaluating a performance, like in a game, on a test, or a critique of an object or event. It's also used in less formal situations such as ranking preferences or opinions. While it can be translated to 'point' in English, be cautious as this is not a one-to-one match. For example, in the context of 'to point at something', which is 'señalar' in Spanish, and not 'puntuar'.
'Quedar una asignatura pendiente' in Spanish is a phrase that can be translated into English as 'a pending subject'. It is usually used in educational settings when a student has not yet completed a course or an assignment. This phrase can also be metaphorically used to indicate an unfinished business or something that has been left unresolved.
The Spanish phrase 'quedarse en blanco' directly translates to 'stay blank' in English. However, it's more commonly used to express the feeling of forgetting or being unable to think or recall something, much like the English phrase 'drawing a blank.'
Chemistry is a branch of science that studies the properties and behaviour of matter. It investigates everything from the reactions and interactions of individual atoms to complex chemical structures and processes.
Example sentences with química →The Spanish phrase 'recibir clases' is translated into English as 'receive classes'. It is generally used to express the action of attending or taking certain classes or courses. For example, if a student is taking English lessons in a school, in Spanish he would say, 'Estoy recibiendo clases de inglés'. This directly translates to 'I am receiving English classes', and accurately means 'I am taking English classes'. Remember that in Spanish, the verb 'recibir' is conjugated differently based on the subject and tense.
The Spanish phrase 'recibir educación superior' translates to 'receive higher education' in English. This is a concept widely used to denote any form of education that exceeds high school level or its equivalent. This type of education usually takes place at colleges, universities, or professional training centers. The phrase could also suggest the act of receiving said education, rather than referring to the institution where it occurs.
The phrase 'recibir educación universitaria' in Spanish refers to the act of acquiring education at a tertiary level, usually after one has completed their secondary education. This instruction often takes place at a college or university, where one can study a vast range of subjects in numerous disciplines. 'Recibir educación universitaria' may encompass a broad variety of experiences, including attending lectures, conducting research, partaking in discussions or seminars, engaging in project work, and preparing for examinations, among others. The terminal goal of 'recibir educación universitaria' is typically to gain academic degrees or professional certifications.
The word 'reciclarse' is a Spanish verb which originates from the noun 'reciclaje', meaning 'recycling'. In English, 'reciclarse' would mean 'to recycle oneself'. This is more often used metaphorically rather than literally, like someone changing their life direction or learning a new skill. So while 'recycled' can be a direct translation, the verb often carries more weight in Spanish, symbolizing change and self-improvement.
The Spanish word 'rector' translates to 'rector' in English. This term is mainly used in an academic context, often denoting the head of a university, college, or other educational institution. While it has the same spelling in both languages, its pronunciation and usage differ. In English-speaking countries, this title is typically given to a clergy person in certain Christian denominations, but it can also refer to the chief administrative officer of certain universities.
The Spanish phrase 'recuperar una nota' translates to 'recover a note' in English. This could be used in a context where someone has misplaced a note and has found it again, or in a digital context where someone has deleted a note and then restored it from the recycle bin or through a backup.
The Spanish word 'regla' can be used in much the same way as 'rule' in English. It is often used to describe a regulation, standard, or principle that must be followed. For example, 'Es una regla importante' translates to 'It's an important rule'. This word can also refer to a ruler, a tool used for measuring.
Example sentences with regla →Repasar refers to the action of examining or reviewing something, especially material previously learned, so as to reinforce learning and facilitate retrieval of information.
Example sentences with repasar →The Spanish phrase 'repasar un ejercicio' translates to 'review an exercise' in English. This could refer to the process of going back over an exercise in a subject such as mathematics, language learning, or any other practice exercise. It is a common phrase in educational contexts used to encourage learners to study their work, understand the corrections and mistakes to boost their proficiency in the task, subject, or skill being learned.
The Spanish phrase 'repasar una lección' translates to 'review a lesson' in English. This phrase is typically used in educational contexts indicating that the person should revisit the material taught in a particular lesson to better understand and remember it. The verb 'repasar' specifically refers to the action of going over something again, while 'una lección' is referring to a single lesson. Thus, when learning, if you're asked to 'repasar una lección', it means you need to study the material of that lesson again.
The Spanish phrase 'repasar una unidad' translates to 'review a unit' in English. It's usually used to indicate the action of going over academic or educational material that has been previously covered, in order to refresh or solidify knowledge of that topic. It is a common term in educational contexts, such as classroom settings, learning platforms, or in conversations related to studies and academic progression.
The Spanish word 'repetidor' translates to 'repeater' in English. A repeater is a device that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher power level, or to the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances. In a classroom setting, 'repetidor' could also refer to a student who repeats a grade or a course due to insufficient performance.
The Spanish word 'repetir' directly translates to 'repeat' in English. It is a verb that denotes the action of doing something again either once or multiple times. This could refer to a wide range of activities, such as repeating a phrase or sentence in a conversation, repeating an action, or repeating a period of time or event. The use in a sentence would depend on the context, just as with the English equivalent.
The Spanish phrase 'repetir el curso' translates to 'repeat the course' in English. This phrase is typically used in an academic context. For instance, if a student did not achieve the necessary grade or understand the course content, they might need to 'repetir el curso', or 'repeat the course'. The verb 'repetir' means 'to repeat' and 'el curso' refers to 'the course'. Therefore, when a student is told to 'repetir el curso', they are being instructed to retake or redo the complete course to improve their understanding or grades.
The Spanish phrase 'resolver una duda' translates directly into English as 'to solve a doubt'. However, a more common equivalent in English is 'to clear up a doubt' or 'to resolve a doubt'. It refers to the action of finding a solution or answer to a doubt or question one might have. This phrase is often used in both academic and everyday-life contexts.
The Spanish phrase 'retomar los estudios' translates to 'resume studies' in English. This is often used in the context when someone had paused their studies or education for a certain period, and now they are returning or planning to return to continue their studies. It's similar to the English phrase 'pick up where one left off' in study or work situations.
'Retroalimentación' refers to advice, criticism or information about one's performance in an effort to improve. It's a key part especially in educational or professional settings where a person is learning a new skill or subject.
Example sentences with retroalimentación →The Spanish word 'retroproyector' translates to 'overhead projector' in English. An overhead projector is an optical device used to project an image onto a screen, often presented in classrooms or business meetings. The image to be projected is placed onto a transparency, which is placed onto the overhead projector. Then, light from a source inside the projector passes through the transparency and forms a magnified image on a screen. The term 'retroproyector' in Spanish refers to this piece of equipment.
The Spanish phrase 'revisar las actas' translates to 'review of records' in English. It is often used in legal, professional, and educational contexts where documents or records must be examined or reassessed. The verb 'revisar' means to review, check, or inspect, while 'las actas' refers to the records, often ones that have been officially recorded in a formal meeting or an event.
The Spanish phrase 'revisar un examen' translates to 'review an exam' in English. It's often used in an academic or learning context, where a teacher or student might need to look over an examination to check the answers or understand the evaluated content better. This phrase is a common command or task within these settings, ensuring the accuracy and understanding of material.
The Spanish phrase 'revisar una prueba' refers to the action of taking a closer look at a 'test' or 'exam', typically with the objective of analyzing, assessing or understanding it better. This may involve going through the test questions, correcting or scoring the responses, or giving another evaluation to ensure accuracy. The equivalent phrase in English would be 'to review a test'. It is applicable in educational contexts and other areas where tests are utilized for assessment.
The Spanish phrase 'rotulador de punta fina' translates to 'thin-tipped marker' in English. A 'thin-tipped marker' is a writing tool which uses ink and has a very fine or thin tip. These markers are typically used for detailed work or smaller text as they allow for more precise marking or writing.
The Spanish phrase 'rotulador de punta gruesa' directly translates to 'thick-tipped marker' in English. It is made up of three parts: 'rotulador' meaning marker, 'de' meaning of, and 'punta gruesa' meaning thick tip. This phrase would be used to refer to a specific type of marker pen that has a thicker tip, which allows for broader strokes and is commonly used in art and design for creating large, bold lines and filling in large spaces quickly. It might also be used in business or educational settings for marking charts, posters, or other visual aids.
The Spanish phrase 'rotulador fluorescente' translates to 'fluorescent marker' in English. It is typically used to describe a type of marker pen which has brightly colored, fluorescent ink. These markers are usually used for highlighting text in books, notes or documents to easily identify and remember important information.