Spanish Classroom Spanish Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words used in the context of a classroom. Perfect for beginners to learn essential classroom terminology.

(número de) matrícula
(number of) enrolment

(número de) matrícula is a Spanish term that relates to a system used in educational institutions. It references an unique identification number assigned to each student upon enrolment. This number becomes the personal identifier for the student throughout their academic journey at a particular school, college or university. The term can be translated to '(number of) enrolment' in English.

Example sentences with  (número de) matrícula

The Spanish word 'Internet' also means 'Internet' in English. It is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. Unlike online services, which are centrally controlled, by design, the Internet is decentralized. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent.


The Spanish word 'Medicina' translates to 'Medicine' in English. It is used in the same context as it is in English, referring to the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It can also be used to reference drugs or medication used in the treatment and prevention of illnesses. Additionally, 'Medicina' can refer to a course of study at universities, similar to 'medical school' in English.


Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially in relation to weather and weather forecasting. It seeks to understand and predict the Earth's atmospheric conditions, including patterns such as climate and weather.

Example sentences with  Meteorología

Oceanography is a branch of Earth science that studies the physical and biological aspects of the ocean. It covers a wide range of topics, from marine life and ecosystems, to currents and waves, to the movement of sediments and to seafloor geology.

Example sentences with  Oceanografía
abandonar los estudios
abandon studies

The Spanish phrase 'abandonar los estudios' translates to 'abandon studies' in English. It implies the act of giving up or ceasing to participate in academic studies in any educational environment. This term is usually used to describe a situation where someone stops their education before completing it.

acabar el bachillerato
finish high school

The Spanish phrase 'acabar el bachillerato' translates to 'finish high school' in English. In many Spanish speaking countries, 'bachillerato' is the term used to refer to the stage of education that is equivalent to high school. 'Acabar' is a verb that means 'to finish' or 'to end'. Therefore, 'acabar el bachillerato' can be used when talking about completing or graduating from high school.

acabar un doctorado
finish a doctorate

The phrase 'acabar un doctorado' in Spanish translates to 'finish a doctorate' in English. It is used in academic contexts and indicates the completion of the highest level of academic degree, typically referring to a PhD or doctorate program. For example, if a student were to say 'Voy a acabar un doctorado en filosofía', this would translate to 'I'm going to finish a doctorate in Philosophy'. It represents the end of a substantial commitment to specialized study in a particular field.

acabar un máster
finish a master

The Spanish phrase 'acabar un máster' can be translated into English as 'finish a master'. This phrase is used in the educational context, particularly in higher education, to denote the completion of a master's degree program. In other words, when a student successfully meets all the educational requirements and completes all coursework for a master's degree, they 'acabar un máster'.

acabar una carrera
end a race

The Spanish phrase 'acabar una carrera' means 'to finish a race' in English. This phrase can be used in both literal and metaphorical sense. In the literal sense, it refers to reaching the end of a physical contest of speed such as a foot race, car race etc. Metaphorically, it can mean completing a major phase or task like finishing a long project or graduating from school or university which can be seen as 'races' in the broader journey of life.

academia de ballet
ballet academy

The term 'academia de ballet' in Spanish translates to 'ballet academy' in English. It is a school or institution where students learn the art of ballet, a highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French. Ballet academies often offer training in technique, flexibility, strength, and performance, catering to different skill levels from beginner to professional.

academia de idiomas
language academy

The Spanish phrase 'academia de idiomas' translates to 'language academy' in English. A language academy is an educational institution where you can learn different languages. These academies typically hire professional language educators and offer courses in various languages, often across beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels. The term 'academia de idiomas' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking nations to refer to such institutions.

academia de música
music academy

The Spanish phrase 'academia de música' translates to 'music academy' in English. A music academy is a type of educational institution specifically dedicated to the study and practice of music. It offers a variety of music-related courses including vocals, instrumental music, music theory, composition and much more. Teachers in music academies are often professional musicians or experienced educators in the field.


In Spanish, 'acercarse' is used in a similar context as 'approach' in English. It can refer to moving closer to a specific physical location or getting closer to achieving a particular objective. However, it's important to note that 'acercarse' is a reflexive verb, so it needs to be used with appropriate reflexive pronouns to convey the meaning accurately. It can also mean to reach out to someone for conversation or to attempt to get to know them better.

Example sentences with  acercarse

The Spanish word 'actividad' is used in much the same way as the English word 'activity', referring to something that a person does for pleasure or as a task. It can be about a physical or mental task, a fun event, or a planned work. For example, 'Mi actividad favorita es leer libros' translates to 'My favorite activity is reading books'.

Example sentences with  actividad

The word 'adivinar' in Spanish is analogous to the English 'guess'. It's commonly used to describe the act of predicting without sufficient information. This term often appears in casual and formal conversations. Additionally, 'adivinar' can find usage in various contexts ranging from playful guessing games to serious conjectures on significant matters.

Example sentences with  adivinar

The Spanish word 'administración' is used in much the same way as its English equivalent. It can refer to the managers of an organization, the tasks completed by these individuals, or an academic field of study relating to running businesses or public institutions. It is used in both formal and informal contexts and is commonly found in business and governmental language.

Example sentences with  administración
adquisición de conocimientos
knowledge acquisition

The term 'adquisición de conocimientos' in Spanish translates to 'knowledge acquisition' in English. This refers to the process through which information is obtained and compiled, typically through learning or education. The process can occur through various methods such as observation, investigation, or instruction, among others. It's an integral part of human learning and cognition, playing a significant role in our understanding and interpretation of the world around us.

afrontar el fracaso escolar
facing school failure

The Spanish phrase 'afrontar el fracaso escolar' translates to 'facing school failure' in English. This phrase is generally used in the context of education and refers to the action and process of dealing with or confronting academic shortcomings or failure. It expresses the difficulty and effort required to acknowledge and manage situations of academic decline or unsatisfactory progress in school.


The word 'alumnado' is a term used in the Spanish language, referring to a collective body of students within an educational context, like a school or a university. This can be all of the students currently enrolled in an institution, a certain course, or certain year. In English, it is usually translated as 'student body' or simply 'students'. It is a noun and when used within a sentence, it is regarding to large group of people undertaking an academic study altogether.

alumno brillante
brilliant student

The Spanish phrase 'alumno brillante' directly translates to 'brilliant student' in English. In this context, 'alumno' pertains to a learner or pupil, primarily in a school or educational context, and 'brillante' refers to being bright or intelligent. Therefore, 'alumno brillante' describes a student who is exceptionally smart, talented, and shows a high level of intelligence or ability in their learning.

alumno conflictivo
troublesome student

The Spanish term 'alumno conflictivo' translates to 'troublesome student' in English. It is often used to describe a student who frequently causes disruptions in the classroom environment, distracting others and potentially hindering learning. This student might consistently fail to abide by the school or classroom rules and regulations, and they might exhibit defiant or disruptive behavior towards teachers and fellow students. A 'troublesome student' might require additional support or disciplinary measures in order to maintain a conducive educational environment.

alumno de la escuela
school student

The term 'alumno de la escuela' in Spanish translates to 'school student' in English. It generally refers to an individual who is enrolled in an educational institution or school. This person is usually part of a systematic instruction or educational training conducted under the supervision of teachers or instructors. The term is commonly used in the educational context to refer to individuals who are acquiring knowledge or learning concepts in a school setting.

alumno del instituto
high school student

The term 'alumno del instituto' is composed of two parts. 'Alumno' is a Spanish term that translates to 'student' in English. On the other hand, 'instituto' refers to an educational institution that is often used to refer to a high school in English context. Therefore, when combined, 'alumno del instituto' translates to 'high school student' in English.

ampliar estudios

'Ampliar estudios' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'expand studies' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of enhancing one's knowledge or skills in a particular field by undertaking additional studies or courses. Its use could vary depending on the context. In a sentence, you may hear it being used in a situation such as 'Voy a ampliar estudios en psicología', which translates to 'I'm going to expand studies in psychology', essentially meaning you're intending to study further or deepen your understanding in the field of psychology.

analizar un tema
analyze a topic

The Spanish phrase 'analizar un tema' translates to 'analyze a topic' in English. It implies a deep and detailed examination or studying of a particular subject or issue. The term 'analizar' means to analyze - to break something down into its parts to understand it better. 'Un tema' translates to a topic, which refers to a subject or subject matter that is being discussed or studied.

aplicar una fórmula
apply a formula

The Spanish phrase 'aplicar una fórmula' translates to 'apply a formula' in English. It is a common phrase used in various fields such as mathematics, science, and computer programming. It instructs one to use or implement a specific formula, often to solve a problem or carry out a calculation.


This verb denotes gaining knowledge or understanding of a subject. It is a regular -er verb.

Example sentences with  aprender
aprender de memoria
learn from memory

The Spanish phrase 'aprender de memoria' translates to 'learn from memory' in English. It is often used in educational contexts and refers to the act of memorizing information or knowledge. This phrase may be directed at students to encourage them to study and remember specific information, such as facts, figures, or language vocabulary. Similar phrases in English could include 'memorize', 'commit to memory', or 'learn by heart'.

aprender una fórmula
learn a formula

The Spanish phrase 'aprender una fórmula' translates to 'learn a formula' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in academic and professional settings, especially in the fields of mathematics, physics and chemistry. The word 'aprender' means 'to learn', and 'una fórmula' is translated as 'a formula'. Together, they are used to express the acquisition of knowledge or understanding of a specific formula.

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