Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.

reservar una entrada por Internet
book a ticket online

The Spanish phrase 'reservar una entrada por Internet' translates to 'book a ticket online' in English. This is a common phrase used when one needs to make a reservation for events such as movies, concerts, theater, or other similar activities. The term 'reservar' denotes the act of booking or reserving something, 'una entrada' implies a ticket or an entry pass, and 'por Internet' corresponds to the English phrase, 'online'. All together, it implies the act of booking or reserving a ticket online.

rodar una película
shoot a movie

The phrase 'rodar una película' in Spanish translates to 'shoot a movie' in English. It is used in the context of film production, where the process of capturing the film on camera is known as shooting. Therefore, 'rodar una película' would typically refer to the full process of creating a movie, from setting up the scenes, to recording the footage, and finally, to editing the captured film.

Example sentences with  rodar una película
sala de cine
Cinema room

The Spanish phrase 'sala de cine' translates to 'cinema room' in English. This phrase is often used in a Spanish-speaking context to refer to a place where films are shown, similar to a movie theater in English-speaking cultures. It is a compound noun, made from the merger of 'sala' (room), 'de' (of), and 'cine' (cinema). In a broader context, it also encompasses the notion of a place where people gather to watch films together, whether in a commercial or private setting.

sala de conciertos
concert hall

The Spanish phrase 'sala de conciertos' translates to 'concert hall' in English. It is a venue where typically music concerts and performances are held. Comprising of an auditorium with a stage for performances, these halls are designed with good acoustics that help enhance the sound of the performances. In many cities, concert halls serve as important cultural symbols, and many are renowned for their notable architecture.

sala de exposiciones
exhibition room

The Spanish term 'sala de exposiciones' translates to 'exhibition room' in English. This is a space designed specifically for the display of various types of items like art, historical artifacts, innovations, etc., typically found in museums, galleries, or events. In Spanish-speaking countries, 'sala de exposiciones' is a common term used to refer any such space or place, where objects are displayed for the public.

salir a escena
go on stage

The Spanish phrase 'salir a escena' translates to 'go on stage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in the context of theater or performance arts where performers 'go on stage' to start their act or presentation. It represents the transition from being off-stage or backstage to being in front of the audience, ready to perform or present.

Example sentences with  salir a escena

A 'secuencia' in filmmaking refers to a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit, which is often connected by a unity of location, time, event, or story.

Example sentences with  secuencia
ser un éxito
to be a success

The term 'ser un éxito' in Spanish translates to 'to be a success' in English. This term is used to describe an individual, a performance, or anything that has achieved commendable success or has been well-received. It can be used in various contexts, both informal and formal, to signify a favorable outcome or a victory. Hence, 'ser un éxito' is a positive affirmation of successfulness.

sesión continua
Continuous session

The Spanish term 'sesión continua' translates to 'continuous session' in English. It's generally used in contexts like cinemas or theaters, where the movies or performances are shown one after another without breaks in between. It can also be used more broadly to refer to any ongoing or uninterrupted series of events or activities.

Example sentences with  sesión continua
sesión de cine
cinema session

The Spanish phrase 'sesión de cine' translates to 'cinema session' in English. This phrase can refer to a specific showing or a time slot at a movie theater where a particular film is playing. It is commonly used in discussions about movie scheduling or planning a time to go to the cinema. It points to the scheduled arrangement of film screenings in a day.

sesión de noche
night session

The Spanish phrase 'sesión de noche' translates directly to 'night session' in English. This phrase could be used to describe an event, such as a meeting, concert, or even a study group, that takes place during the nighttime hours. Reflective of Spanish's rich and expressive phonetic nature, it provides a concise, albeit beautiful, way of describing these nighttime gatherings.

Example sentences with  sesión de noche
sesión de tarde
afternoon meeting

The phrase 'sesión de tarde' in Spanish translates to 'afternoon meeting' in English. In a work context, it refers to a meeting or gathering that is held in the afternoon. The word 'sesión' refers to 'session' or 'meeting' and 'tarde' means 'afternoon' in English. Thus, this phrase can also be used in various contexts where an event or activity takes place in the afternoon.

Example sentences with  sesión de tarde

'Subtítulos' are printed translation of the dialogue in foreign films, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. It's used when the language spoken in the movie or show is not understood by the viewer.

Example sentences with  subtítulos

The word 'taquilla' does not mean 'tickle' in English. 'Taquilla' in Spanish is commonly used to refer to 'box office' in English, typically in the context of cinema or theatre where tickets are sold. It's essential to note that 'tickle' is translated as 'cosquillas' in Spanish.


The word 'teatro' in Spanish translates to 'theatre' in English. As in English, it refers to a place where performances such as plays, musical performances, or films are presented. It comes from the Latin 'theatrum' which meant 'play or show'. Similar to the English usage, it can also mean the art form of writing and producing plays.

Example sentences with  teatro
temporada teatral
theatrical season

The Spanish phrase 'temporada teatral' translates to 'theatrical season' in English. This term is used in reference to a particular period of the year when most theatrical productions are staged. It is similar to how sports have seasons - it's the time of the year when most plays, musicals and other theatre events occur. 'Temporada' signifies season or period, and 'teatral' indicates that it relates to theatre. So, when you hear 'temporada teatral', think of it as the theatre season or the timeframe in which you can expect to see theatrical shows and performances.

Example sentences with  temporada teatral

The Spanish word 'tragedia' translates to 'tragedy' in English. It is a noun and is often used in contexts to describe a distressing or disastrous event, or a serious drama dealing with the downfall of a heroic or noble character. The pronunciation of 'tragedia' in Spanish is 'trah-heh-dee-ah'. Just like in English, this word can be used in various contexts including literature, discussions on events, and expressing personal feelings.

Example sentences with  tragedia
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