Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.

película de risa

The Spanish phrase 'película de risa' can be translated to English as 'comedy'. It is typically used to describe a genre of film that is intended to entertain the audience by provoking laughter and amusement. This genre may be characterized by humorous dialogues, slapstick scenarios, or satirical elements, often revolving around improbable situations and exaggerated characters.

Example sentences with  película de risa
película de terror
horror movie

The Spanish term 'película de terror' translates to 'horror movie' in English. This term is used to categorize a genre of movies designed to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle its audience by invoking an eerie and frightening atmosphere. 'Película' translates to movie, and 'de terror' translates to of horror. Often these types of films feature an evil force, event, or character of supernatural origin. Many horror movies also include a central villain or character that audiences are lead to fear.

Example sentences with  película de terror
película doblada
dubbed movie

The Spanish term 'película doblada' translates to the English term 'dubbed movie'. In the world of cinema, a 'dubbed movie' refers to a film that was originally recorded in one language, but has had its dialogue replaced or 'dubbed' over in another language. This process allows audiences in different countries to enjoy films from around the world in their own native language, ensuring that language is not a barrier to the storytelling.

Example sentences with  película doblada
película en versión original
movie in original version

The Spanish term 'película en versión original' directly translates into English as 'movie in original version'. This term is mainly used in the context of cinema, indicating that a movie is shown in its original language as opposed to being dubbed or translated. For example, a French film showing in Spain would be called a 'película en versión original' if it were shown in French with Spanish subtitles, rather than being dubbed into Spanish.

película policiaca
crime movie

The Spanish term 'película policiaca' translates as 'crime movie' in English. This refers to a genre of film that commonly centers around characters such as detectives, criminals, or police officers, and emphasizes the systematic investigation of crime by the protagonist. This genre is known for suspense-building elements and narratives involving intricate plots and mystery.

Example sentences with  película policiaca
película romántica
romance movie

The Spanish term 'película romántica' translates to 'romance movie' in English. This term comprises two words: 'película' meaning 'movie' and 'romántica' meaning 'romantic'. When combined, it refers to a film genre characterized by romantic love stories, which typically focus on passion, emotion, and the romantic love between main characters. Such movies usually have happy endings or emotionally satisfying endings, and are popular for their heartwarming and emotional narratives that revolve around romantic relationships.

Example sentences with  película romántica
película subtitulada
subtitled film

The Spanish phrase 'película subtitulada' translates to 'subtitled film' in English. This refers to a film in a certain language that has the dialogue translated and displayed on screen in another language. This is very common when a film is being shown to an audience that may not understand the original language of the film. In other words, a 'película subtitulada' allows people to enjoy films in languages they do not speak and understand.

Example sentences with  película subtitulada
pista de baile
dance floor

The Spanish term 'pista de baile' translates to 'dance floor' in English. It is a common phrase used to indicate an area specifically designed or set aside for dancing. Similar to English-speaking countries, in Spanish-speaking countries it is typically found in nightclubs, restaurants, and other places where music entertainment and dancing occur.

pista del circo
circus ring

The Spanish phrase 'pista del circo' directly translates to 'circus ring' in English. The term is used to describe the main area where circus performances are held. It is generally a circular arena with a stage in the middle. Performances such as acrobatics, juggling, clown antics, animal stunts and other thrilling acts are performed in the 'pista del circo'. This phrase can be part of larger discussions about entertainment, performance arts, and culture.

plano de fondo

The Spanish term 'plano de fondo' directly translates to 'background' in English. It's used in similar contexts to the English 'background', such as referring to a desktop wallpaper on a computer (plano de fondo del escritorio), the backdrop of a photo (plano de fondo de una foto), or more abstractly, the underlying conditions or situation (plano de fondo de la situación).

Example sentences with  plano de fondo
plano general
general plan

The Spanish phrase 'plano general' does not translate to 'general plan' in English. Instead, it is a term used in cinematography which translates to 'long shot' or 'wide shot'. This refers to a shot that shows an entire object or human figure in relation to its surroundings. It is often used to set the scene or to show all the action happening in a large area like a crowd.

Example sentences with  plano general
plaza de toros

The Spanish term 'plaza de toros' translates to 'bullring' in English. A bullring is a circular or oval open-air venue, primarily used for bullfighting, a traditional spectacle in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. It can also host other performances or events, similar to how an amphitheater functions in public spaces. The cultural significance of plazas de toros stems from their integral part in the 'corrida de toros' or bullfight, a ritualistic performance rooted in Spain's history.


The Spanish word 'ponencia' translates to the English word 'presentation'. It is commonly used in professional settings, such as a business or academic environment, to refer to a speech or talk in which a new idea, product, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience. This could be a speech delivered at a conference, a lecture, or a business proposal. The literal meaning also extends to the slides or visual aids used in such a presentation. Thus, 'ponencia' can refer to both the event of presenting and the material presented.

poner en escena una obra teatral
stage a play

The Spanish phrase 'poner en escena una obra teatral' translates to 'stage a play' in English. In theater, staging a play refers to the process of selecting, designing, adapting to, or modifying the performance space for a play or film. This can involve a variety of tasks including the design and arrangement of sets, lighting, sound effects, costumes, and choreography. In Spanish, 'poner en escena' literally translates to 'put on scene', and 'una obra teatral' means 'a theatrical work' or 'a play'. Therefore 'poner en escena una obra teatral' can be understood as 'putting a play on stage' or 'staging a play'.

Example sentences with  poner en escena una obra teatral
poner una obra de teatro
put a play of theatre

The Spanish phrase 'poner una obra de teatro' translates to 'put on a play' in English. This is an idiomatic expression that refers to the act of presenting or producing a theatrical performance. The verb 'poner' literally translates to 'put', whereas 'una obra de teatro' refers to 'a play'. However, when combined in this specific phrase, it doesn't mean to place a play somewhere, but to perform it in front of an audience, reflecting the unique ways language can be used contextually.

Example sentences with  poner una obra de teatro
poner una película
put on a movie

The Spanish phrase 'poner una película' literally translates to 'put a movie', but a more accurate English interpretation is 'to put on a movie'. This phrase is typically used when someone wants to watch a movie, similar to the English mechanism 'let's put on a movie'. In everyday usage, it can refer to the act of selecting, preparing, and starting a movie in a home setting.

presenciar un espectáculo
witness a show

The Spanish phrase 'presenciar un espectáculo' translates to 'witness a show' in English. This can be used in situations where someone is watching a performance or event. The verb 'presenciar' comes from 'presencia' which means 'presence'. It conveys a sense of being present at a place or event to observe or experience it. 'Espectáculo' refers to show or performance that includes a variety of events like a play, concert, or a sports game.


The term 'principal/secundario' in Spanish translates to 'main/secondary' in English. 'Principal' is used to distinguish something as the most important or primary, whereas 'secundario' signifies that something is of less importance or is secondary. These words are typically used in contexts involving hierarchies or classifications, where rank or importance needs to be specified.

Example sentences with  principal/secundario

The Spanish word 'producción' translates to 'production' in English. In business, it refers to the process of creating, making, or manufacturing an item or items, often in large quantities. Similarly, in the movie and entertainment industry, 'producción' refers to the process of making a movie, TV show, or stage performance. Like its English counterpart, 'producción' can also refer to the amount of something that is made or grown, especially by farming. This word is a noun and is often used in economic, business, industrial, and agricultural contexts.


The Spanish word 'productor' translates to 'producer' in English. In detail, it refers to a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale, especially in the context of business or agriculture. This term can be applied in various industries including film, music, television, and theater, where it denotes the person who oversees and manages the production of a show or product.


The Spanish word 'protagonista' translates to 'protagonist' in English. A protagonist is the main character or lead figure in a novel, play, film, or similar work of narrative art. This character drives the story by their actions and decisions, and often undergoes significant personal growth over the course of the story. This word can also be used in a broader sense to refer to a lead or central figure in real-life scenarios, such as a political event or a social movement.

Example sentences with  protagonista

The Spanish word 'proyección' can be translated to English as 'projection'. It is mainly used in context of casting or throwing forward. It can refer to a variety of different concepts depending on context. For instance, in mathematics, it refers to the process of projecting one shape onto another. In cinema, it refers to the process of displaying a motion picture on a screen. It could also be used in a psychological sense, when one ascribes their own attitudes or feelings to someone else.

Example sentences with  proyección
proyección de cine
cinema projection

The Spanish phrase 'proyección de cine' translates to 'cinema projection' in English. This term refers to the projection of images, typically on a large screen, in a movie theater. It primarily denotes the display process during the screening of a film or a movie. However, it can also refer to the broadcasting or airing of cinematic works on televisions. The word 'proyección' stems from the verb 'proyectar', which means 'to project', and 'cine' translates to 'cinema' or 'movie theater'. Therefore, when combined, these two words essentially depict the showing of films in a cinema setup.


The Spanish word 'público' is used to refer to something that is open to everyone, similar to how 'public' is used in English. It is often used in phrases like 'transporte público' which means public transportation or 'servicio público', meaning public service. It can also be used as a noun to refer to people in general, much like 'public' used as a noun in English to refer to a group of people.

Example sentences with  público

The Spanish word 'recital' translates to 'recital' in English. It is typically used to refer to a program of music or dance, or any sequence of poems or other work being read out loud. Just like in English, 'recital' can describe a public performance of something such as a piece of music or poetry. The word 'recital', therefore, is a cognate, where the word has the same meaning and similar pronunciation in both English and Spanish.


The Spanish word 'rendimiento' is used to refer to how well a task is being or has been done. It is often used in contexts related to work, education, athletics, or any activity where the quality, efficiency, or effectiveness of the action is important. Besides, 'rendimiento' is also used when talking about the productivity or output of machines or systems.

Example sentences with  rendimiento
representación teatral
theatrical representation

The term 'representación teatral' in Spanish translates to 'theatrical representation' in English. This term typically refers to a performance acted out on a theater stage or any dramatic presentation. This could include plays, musicals, or other live performances that aim to tell a story or express artistic concepts. The word 'representación' suggests the idea of presenting something again or bringing it to attention, while 'teatral' is derived from 'teatro' which signifies 'theater'.

representar un número
represent a number

The Spanish phrase 'representar un número' translates to 'represent a number' in English. This can be used in various contexts, such as mathematics, where you may need to express one number in terms of another number or a function. It could also be used in programming, where a variable may 'represent a number' that is used in calculations. Likewise, in accounting or finance, a certain figure could 'represent a number' significant to financial reports or analyses. Even in everyday life, we 'represent numbers' in various ways such as telling time, counting objects, or representing measurements or distances.

representar una obra teatral
represent a theatrical work

The phrase 'representar una obra teatral' in Spanish implies the act of performing a piece of theatre or drama. It could be used to refer to individuals or a group of actors who are putting on a theatrical performance on stage. The phrase itself can be related to theater, drama, performance art or any context where a play or theatrical work is being performed.

Example sentences with  representar una obra teatral
reservar una entrada (por teléfono
book a ticket (by phone)

In Spanish, 'reservar una entrada (por teléfono)' means 'book a ticket (by phone)' in English. You would use this phrase when you want to reserve a ticket for an event, a show, a movie, etc. over the phone. 'Reservar' translates to 'book', 'una entrada' translates to 'a ticket', and '(por teléfono)' translates to '(by phone)'. It's quite a handy phrase to know especially if you're planning to attend any event in a Spanish-speaking country and you need to book your ticket in advance by making a call.

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