Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.

interpretación convincente
convincing interpretation

The Spanish phrase 'interpretación convincente' translates to 'convincing interpretation' in English. This term is often used in arts and literature or in any discourse where there is analysis and explanation. An 'interpretación convincente' implies that the interpretation provided is persuasive, compelling, and believable, resonating strongly with the intended meaning, context, or theme.

Example sentences with  interpretación convincente
interpretación pésima
Petty interpretation

'Interpretación pésima' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'petty interpretation' in English. The phrase is typically used to describe an interpretation that is done poorly or without much regard for detail or accuracy. It implicates a subjectively bad or undue explanation or understanding of a given material, concept, situation or conversation. Such interpretation is narrow-minded or selfishly skewed.

Example sentences with  interpretación pésima
interpretar un papel
interpreting a role

The Spanish phrase 'interpretar un papel' translates to 'interpreting a role' in English. This can refer to the process of an actor taking on a character role in a theatrical performance or film. It can also be used metaphorically to describe any situation where a person assumes a specific role or set of responsibilities, often different from their usual ones. For example, in a workplace setting, one might 'interpretar un papel' when stepping into a new position or role.

Example sentences with  interpretar un papel

The Spanish word 'invitación' translates to 'invitation' in English. It is a noun and is most commonly used to request the presence or participation of someone in an event such as a party, wedding, meeting or ceremony. Similar to its English counterpart, 'invitación' can be used both in a formal and informal context.

ir a un concierto
go to a concert

The Spanish phrase 'ir a un concierto' translates to 'go to a concert' in English. This phrase is commonly used in scenarios leading to attending a live musical event, where 'ir' means 'to go', 'a' implies 'to', 'un' indicates 'a', and 'concierto' translates to 'concert'. Thus, if you want to express the idea of going to a concert in Spanish, you would use 'ir a un concierto'.

ir al cine
go to the movies

The phrase 'ir al cine' in Spanish translates to 'go to the movies' in English. It is typically used in everyday conversation, and is indicative of a common leisure activity. Similar to its usage in English, 'ir al cine' is applicable in a variety of scenarios, from making plans with friends, to sharing past events or future intentions. You can use it in sentences like 'Vamos a ir al cine esta noche.' which means 'We are going to the movies tonight.' in English.

ir al circo
go to the circus

The Spanish phrase 'ir al circo' translates to 'go to the circus' in English. It is often used when someone expresses their desire or plan to go to a circus, as in ‘Voy a ir al circo’, which means ‘I’m going to go to the circus’.

ir al teatro
go to the theater

The phrase 'ir al teatro' in Spanish translates to 'go to the theater' in English. In this instance, 'ir' means 'go', 'al' is a contraction of 'a el' which means 'to the', and 'teatro' translates directly to 'theater'. This phrase could be used to tell someone about your plans for the evening. For example, you might say 'Voy a ir al teatro', meaning 'I am going to go to the theater'.

long film

The Spanish word 'largometraje' refers to what is commonly known in English as a 'long film' or 'feature film'. This term is generally used to describe movies that have a full-length duration, typically over an hour long. It's an important term in the film industry to differentiate full-length films from shorter films, such as shorts or mid-length films.

Example sentences with  largometraje

The Spanish word 'maquillaje' translates to the English word 'makeup'. This term often refers to cosmetics applied to change or enhance facial or bodily appearance. Makeup could include products like lipstick, mascara, blush, and many others. 'Maquillaje' like makeup, is commonly used in fashion, television and theater, jewelry, women's daily life, or to create characters for film or stage.

Example sentences with  maquillaje
meterse en el papel
get in the paper

The phrase 'meterse en el papel' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'get in the paper' in English. Instead, it is an idiomatic expression meaning 'to get into character' or 'to empathize'. This phrase is typically used in the context of performing arts, where actors are required to 'get into character' to portray their roles convincingly.

Example sentences with  meterse en el papel
meterse en el personaje
get into the character

The Spanish phrase 'meterse en el personaje' translates to 'get into the character' in English. It is often used in arts and drama context, and it implies that someone is preparing and portraying a character so convincingly that it appears as if they have become the character. It's about totally immersing oneself in a role, adopting and internalizing the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of the character one is tasked to represent.

Example sentences with  meterse en el personaje
meterse en la película
Get in the movie

'Meterse en la película' is a Spanish phrase rather than a single word, often used in colloquial speech. It roughly translates to 'get in the movie' in English, but it doesn't mean literally entering into a film. In context, it's used to depict someone who is deeply involved or absorbed in a situation or a problem. It's as though they're not merely observing a situation as an outsider, but they're actively participating, absorbed in it just like a character in a movie.

Example sentences with  meterse en la película

The Spanish word 'montaje' translates to 'assembly' in English. This can be used in various contexts such as a physical assembly of objects or people, or in a technological context such as the assembly of a software application. In arts and media, it may refer to the process of arranging or editing different pieces into a whole, like a film or music montage.

montar una exposición
mounting an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'montar una exposición' translates in English as 'mounting an exhibition'. This phrase is typically used in arts and cultural contexts, where it refers to the act of setting up and organizing an exhibition in a museum, gallery, or other public space. The word 'montar' means to mount or set up, 'una' means 'an', and 'exposición' is the Spanish equivalent of 'exhibition'. Therefore, when one is 'montando una exposición', they are typically involved in the various aspects of preparing an exhibition, which can include selecting the artworks or items to be displayed, arranging them in the space, and coordinating the logistics of the exhibition's public viewing.


In Spanish, 'mostrar' is the equivalent of 'show' in English. It is often used in the context of displaying or presenting something. For instance, if you wanted to say 'show me the book', you would say 'muéstrame el libro'. It can be conjugated differently depending on the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  mostrar

The Spanish word 'muestra' translates to 'sample' in English. This can refer to a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like. For example, in a scientific context, a 'muestra' could be a sample of tissue or blood. In a retail context, it may refer to a sample product given for free in order to try it. Depending on its usage, 'muestra' can also be translated as a demonstration, display, or exhibit.


The word 'musical' in Spanish translates directly to 'musical' in English. It is used to denote anything pertaining to or characterized by music. It may refer to a form of theatre that combines songs, spoken dialogue, and dance or simply describe the property of being pleasing to the ear as in 'sounds that are musical'. The Spanish term shares not only similar spelling but also identical meaning with its English counterpart.


The word 'nudo' in Spanish translates to 'knot' in English. It can refer to a range of concepts, from the physical braid or loop formed by interweaving, twisting, or tying a rope or string, to a unit of speed in aviation or maritime contexts. Additionally, it could denote a complex or difficult problem or situation.

Example sentences with  nudo
obra de teatro
play theatre

The Spanish phrase 'obra de teatro' translates to 'play' or 'theatre play' in English, referring to a dramatic work performed on stage. This could be a piece of drama, tragedy, comedy, or other genres performed by actors usually in a theatre. The phrase literally translates to 'work of theatre' indicating that it is a creative or artistic work meant to be staged and performed in front of an audience.

obra teatral
theatrical work

The Spanish phrase 'obra teatral' translates to 'theatrical work' in English. This term is frequently used in the world of arts and literature. It refers to a piece of drama that is primarily composed to be performed by actors on a stage in front of an audience. 'Obra teatral' might encompass a wide variety of genres, including tragedy, comedy, musical, drama, and others. The creation of an 'obra teatral' often involves multiple stages including script-writing, casting, rehearsing, and finally, public performance.

Example sentences with  obra teatral
organizar una exposición
organize an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'organizar una exposición' translates to 'organize an exhibition' in English. This phrase generally refers to the process of planning, coordinating, and setting up an exhibition, which could be a showcase of art, historical artifacts, scientific discoveries, among others. It involves a series of tasks including selection of exhibits, layout design, installation, and promotion.


The Spanish word 'pantalla' translates to 'screen' in English. It can be used in many contexts such as computer screen, phone screen, TV screen, or even a movie screen. It's a very useful word to know as we commonly use screens in our everyday life. For example, you can say 'La pantalla de mi computadora está rota' which translates to 'The screen of my computer is broken'.

Example sentences with  pantalla

This is the standard term for 'movie' in Spanish. It is used in both casual and formal contexts, identical to 'movie' in English. People can understand you referring to a feature film or movie.

Example sentences with  película
película de acción
action movie

The Spanish term 'película de acción' translates to 'action movie' in English. This is a genre of movies that typically involve a hero who takes on a series of challenges, often involving physical feats and extended fight scenes. These films generally have a high level of excitement and thrill, and often keep viewers on the edge of their seats with daring stunts, chases, rescues, battles, martial arts, explosions, and other fast-paced scenes.

Example sentences with  película de acción
película de amor
romance movie

The term 'película de amor' is Spanish for 'romance movie'. It refers to a genre of film that places its primary focus on the romantic relationships between people. These films often explore the themes of love, passion, desire, idealized love, and romantic idealism. Stories usually revolve around characters falling in love, overcoming obstacles to be with their love interest, or struggling to preserve their relationships. They often induce strong emotions in the audience, such as joy, sadness, and hope.

Example sentences with  película de amor
película de aventuras
Adventure movie

The term 'película de aventuras' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'adventure movie' in English. This is a category of movies that are often characterized by exciting and adventurous plot lines, often involving a quest or journey, and typically featuring varied settings that may include different countries or worlds. These movies may involve elements of action, thrill, and suspense, and often tend to feature heroes or protagonists who overcome obstacles or challenges in their path. Examples of 'película de aventuras' could include movies like Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, or The Lord of the Rings.

Example sentences with  película de aventuras
película de ciencia ficción
science fiction film

The Spanish phrase 'película de ciencia ficción' translates to 'science fiction film' in English. This phrase is used to describe a genre of movie that uses speculative, fictional science-based depictions of phenomena that are not fully accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial lifeforms, alien worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft, robots, or other technologies. Science fiction films have been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issues like the human condition.

Example sentences with  película de ciencia ficción
película de dibujos animados
cartoon movie

The Spanish term 'película de dibujos animados' translates to 'cartoon movie' in English. It refers to a motion picture crafted by sequencing a set of animated images. A wide variety of techniques, including hand-drawn animation and computer-generated imagery, can be used to create these films. The narrative often includes characters, plots, and settings that are distinctive and imaginative, appealing to children as well as adults. This term is often used in conversations and contexts related to animation industry, film studies, and popular culture.

Example sentences with  película de dibujos animados
película de guerra
war movie

The Spanish term 'película de guerra' translates to 'war movie' in English. It is used to categorize films that emphasize warfare actions, often showcasing the horrors, struggles, and drama of war, usually set in periods of historical wartime events. Such movies create an understanding of the human experiences during wartime, often portraying elements of heroism, loyalty, and survival.

Example sentences with  película de guerra
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