Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.


The Spanish word 'exposición' translates to 'exhibition' in English. The term 'exposición' can refer to a presentation or display of a selection of items. Typically, these items can be works of art, historical objects, scientific or artistic installations, among others. 'Exposición' is commonly used in academic, cultural, and commercial environments and it represents an important aspect of learning, knowledge sharing, and business promotion in Spanish-speaking cultures.

exposición antológica
anthological exposure

The Spanish phrase 'exposición antológica' translates to 'anthological exhibition' in English. This is a term commonly used in art and literature to describe a collection or an exhibition that showcases the best or most representative works of an artist or a writer over a period of time. It provides an extensive overview of their creative journey, highlighting their growth, evolution, and major artistic milestones.

exposición colectiva
collective exposure

The Spanish phrase 'exposición colectiva' translates to 'collective exposure' in English. It generally refers to a situation where a group of people or entities is subjected to the same condition or influence. It is commonly used in context of art exhibitions, where multiple artists are given the opportunity to display their work to the public simultaneously. This can also refer to a shared or communal experience or event, such as a scientific exposition or cultural fair, where various elements are present for the collective understanding or appreciation.

exposición itinerante
travelling exhibition

The term 'exposición itinerante' in Spanish refers to a type of exhibition that does not remain stationary in one place or museum. Instead, it travels from location to location, allowing a broad audience to view the display. This could encompass a diverse range of materials from art, history, science exhibits, among others. Essentially, an 'exposición itinerante' allows for a broader geographic exposure, reaching audiences who might not typically have access to such exhibitions.

exposición permanente
permanent exposure

The Spanish term 'exposición permanente' translates directly to 'permanent exposure' in English. However, in a museum or art gallery context, it can be used to mean 'permanent exhibition' or 'permanent display'. It refers to a selection of items or works of art that are always on show to the public, as opposed to temporary exhibitions that change from time to time.

feria (de muestras)
(trade) fair

The Spanish term 'feria (de muestras)' translates into English as '(trade) fair'. This typically refers to a large-scale event organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. It may also imply a periodic gathering for the sale of goods or the exhibition of agricultural, crafts or artistic activities in some contexts. In general, it's a venue that fosters business development and networking.

festival de música
music festival

The Spanish term 'festival de música' translates to 'music festival' in English. This refers to a community event, oriented towards live performances of singing and instrument playing, often presented with a theme such as musical genre, nationality, locality of musicians, holiday, etc. Such festivals could be single or multiple-day events. They could also feature other attractions such as food and merchandise vending, performance art, and social activities.

fila de un cine
row of a cinema

The Spanish term 'fila de un cine' translates to 'row of a cinema' in English. This term is often used when talking about seating in a cinema or theater. Just like in English-speaking countries, cinemas or theaters in Spanish-speaking countries are set up with rows of seats. If someone asks you to 'buscar una fila de un cine', they're likely asking you to find a row in a cinema. It basically refers to the lines of seats where viewers sit to watch a movie or performance.

fila de un teatro
row of a theatre

The Spanish phrase 'fila de un teatro' translates to 'row of a theatre' in English. This refers to a horizontal line of seats in a theatre. It is usually used to indicate a specific location within the venue, such as when purchasing tickets or guiding guests to their designated seats.

final abierto
open ended

The Spanish word 'final abierto' directly translates to 'open ended' in English. It refers to a situation, statement or question that does not have a definitive or clear conclusion, allowing for multiple outcomes or interpretations. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, including discussions, debates, literature, and arts where unresolved, unlimited or flexible results are possible.

Example sentences with  final abierto
final feliz
Happy ending

In Spanish, 'final feliz' translates to 'happy ending' in English. It can be used in literature or film to refer to a conclusion where all loose ends are tied up and all main characters experience a positive outcome or resolution. Similarly, it can be used in real-life situations to represent a satisfactory ending or a solution to a problem or conflict.

Example sentences with  final feliz
final inesperado
unexpected ending

The Spanish term 'final inesperado' translates to 'unexpected ending' in English. In Spanish literature and cinema, it is often used to describe a twist or a conclusion that the audience did not foresee. Beyond the realm of storytelling, it can also be used more broadly to describe the conclusion of any event, situation, or process that ends in a way that no one expected.

Example sentences with  final inesperado
final previsible
predictable outcome

The Spanish phrase 'final previsible' translates to 'predictable outcome' in English. It is a compound noun consisting of 'final' meaning 'end' or 'outcome' and 'previsible' meaning 'predictable' or 'foreseeable'. This phrase is typically used in contexts where the result or end state of a situation or event can be expected or foreseen based on the circumstances leading up to it. This is akin to the English usage of 'predictable outcome', where the term is used to describe a situation where the end result is not surprising given the events leading up to it.

Example sentences with  final previsible
final triste
sad ending

The Spanish phrase 'final triste' directly translates to 'sad ending' in English. It is often used to describe the conclusion of a story, movie, or event that concludes with melancholic or depressing results. This phrase is pertinent in contexts where the outcome invokes feelings of sorrow and despair.

Example sentences with  final triste

The Spanish word 'función' translates to 'function' in English. It is a noun and it is used in various contexts. In mathematics, it is used to describe a relationship or expression involving one or more variables. In computer science, it is used to indicate a sequence of instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. It is also used in everyday language to mean the natural or intended purpose of something or the role that a person or thing has in a particular situation. Similarly, it can refer to a social event or gathering.

Example sentences with  función
función de circo
circus performance

The Spanish phrase 'función de circo' translates to 'circus performance' in English. This phrase is used to describe a show or spectacle presented in a circus. These performances usually involve a variety of acts such as acrobatics, clowning, juggling, trapeze, and animal performances. The phrase encapsulates the excitement, spectacle, and unique entertainment that one can expect at a traditional circus performance.

función de teatro
theatre function

The Spanish phrase 'función de teatro' translates to 'theatre function' in English. This term can refer to a specific performance or showing in a theatre, or the role of theatre in society or in an individual's life. For instance, a 'función de teatro' might be a particular play or musical performance. Additionally, when discussing the cultural or societal 'función de teatro', it refers to the role of theatre as a form of artistic expression, a method of storytelling, and a type of social commentary.

galería (de arte)
gallery (art)

The Spanish word 'galería (de arte)' translates to 'gallery (art)' in English. It is used to refer to a room or building for the exhibition of artistic works. Often, the term specifies an area within an institution, such as a museum or library, designed for this purpose. It can also refer to a commercial establishment operated by art dealers in which artworks, typically by contemporary artists, are shown and sold to the public.


The word 'grada' does not mean graduate in English. It actually means 'stand, step, or tier' in Spanish, specifically referring to seats in a stadium or any similar structure arranged in levels or layers.


The word 'guión' refers to the written text that provides the basis for a film. It includes dialogues, actions, and instructions for the actors and director.

Example sentences with  guión
guión cinematográfico
cinematic script

The Spanish phrase 'guión cinematográfico' translates to 'cinematic script' in English. It refers to the written work that contains the story that will be filmed in the process of making a movie. It is the foundational basis upon which a film is built, comprising the storyline, character development, dialogue, and stage directions. This term is vital in the fields of film and television production.

Example sentences with  guión cinematográfico

The Spanish word 'guionista' refers to a person who writes scripts for films, TV shows, or plays. In English, this profession is known as a 'screenwriter'. A screenwriter's job is to craft the narrative of the story, including the dialogues between characters, the plot development, and sometimes the stage directions, if it's in the context of a play. They play a crucial role in the filmmaking process as they set the foundation of the story that is to be visually portrayed.

hacer de (un personaje)
make (a character)

'Hacer de (un personaje)' in Spanish refers to the act of playing a role or portraying a character, in the context of acting in a theatrical performance, film, or television series. It literally translates to 'make (a character)' in English, signifying the creation and development of a unique character persona by an actor.

Example sentences with  hacer de (un personaje)
hacer un papel
make a role

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un papel' translates to 'make a role' in English. It is used in the context of performing or undertaking a certain role or responsibility, typically in a play, movie or similar scenario. For instance, in a school play, a student might 'hacer un papel' or 'make a role' of a specific character. However, it can also be used figuratively to imply taking on a role in a metaphorical way, such as in a social situation.

Example sentences with  hacer un papel
hacer una película
make a movie

'Hacer una película' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make a movie' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the process of filmmaking, which includes pre-production, producing, directing, filming, and post-production. In a broader context, it could also imply the act of creating a motion picture or a cinematic work. This phrase implies the collective effort that goes into the creation of a movie.

Example sentences with  hacer una película

The Spanish word 'iluminación' translates to 'lighting' in English. It can refer to the arrangement or type of light in a place, or the equipment that produces light such as lamps or ceiling fixtures. Various kinds of 'iluminación' can set the mood of the room or outdoor spaces. 'Iluminación' is also used in the context of enlightenment or illumination of the mind or spirit.


The Spanish word 'improvisar' translates to 'improvise' in English. It is a verb often used when someone needs to spontaneously create or alter something in an unplanned situation. It is about being flexible and creative in the moment to solve a problem or meet a need. An example in use could be: 'No planee mi discurso, tuve que improvisar', meaning 'I did not plan my speech, I had to improvise.'

Example sentences with  improvisar

The Spanish word 'inaugurar' corresponds to the English term 'inaugurate'. It typically refers to the formal beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period, or the formal opening of a public event, such as a meeting, business, project, or newly built structure. It can also indicate the start or first public use of an airport, building, business, etc. It conveys a sense of commencement or initiation, and is often used in political, business, and organizational contexts.


The word 'interpretación' in Spanish translates to 'interpretation' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as in arts (for example, the interpretation of a role in a drama), in law (for example, the interpretation of laws and regulations), in language (for example, the interpretation of one language to another), and in many other fields. It generally signifies explaining or understanding something in a particular way.

Example sentences with  interpretación
interpretación brillante
brilliant interpretation

The Spanish phrase 'interpretación brillante' translates to 'brilliant interpretation' in English. It is often used in contexts such as arts, literature, music and performances to highlight an exceptional understanding and delivery of someone's work. Just like in English, the word 'interpretación' refers to the action of explaining or making sense of something, and 'brillante' means shining or outstanding, often used to describe excellence.

Example sentences with  interpretación brillante
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