Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.

corto (metraje)
short (measure)

The term 'corto (metraje)' in Spanish translates to 'short (measure)' in English. It is commonly used in the domain of film and cinema. In this specific context, it refers to a short film or a movie that is significantly shorter than the average length of a feature film. This term can also be used in other contexts to denote something of short length or duration.

Example sentences with  corto (metraje)

The Spanish word 'debutar' translates to 'debut' in English. It is often used in contexts related to the arts, sports, and other fields where an individual or group is performing or showing something for the first time. Similar to its English counterpart, it can refer to a person's first performance in a particular capacity or role, or the first showing of a play, film, or other production.

Example sentences with  debutar

The Spanish word 'decorado' translates to 'decorated' in English. This term is often used in the context of decoration or design, relating to things like home interiors, party venues, or movie sets. Being an adjective, 'decorado' describes the state or condition of an object or space that has been embellished or adorned with decorative elements. Variations exist depending on the gender and number of the noun it is describing.

Example sentences with  decorado

The Spanish word 'desenlace' translates to 'outcome' or 'ending' in English. While it can technically mean 'unlink', that translation is rarely used. 'Desenlace' is more commonly used in the context of stories or events, referring to the final resolution or conclusion. For example, it can be used to describe the ending of a book, movie, or a significant event.

Example sentences with  desenlace

The Spanish word 'desfile' is translated into English as 'parade'. A 'despile' or parade is a procession organized along a planned route, often on a festival or celebration day. People or vehicles move forward in an orderly, formal way. Often, parades are festive occasions with bands, floats, and sometimes people dressed in unusual costumes. They're used for celebration, protest, or commemoration. So, whenever you hear or see the word 'desfile' in Spanish, it refers to what English speakers would call a 'parade'.


Just as in English, 'director' in Spanish is used to refer a person who is in charge of making a movie or control the content and flow of the movie.

Example sentences with  director

The Spanish word 'distribución' translates to 'distribution' in English. It is intertwined with various disciplines, commonly seen in mathematics, statistics, and business. In business, 'distribución' refers to the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. In statistics, the 'distribución' of a statistical data set is a listing or function showing all the possible values of the data and how often they occur.


The Spanish word 'drama' translates directly to 'drama' in English. Interestingly, it carries over the same broad connotations that English does and can be used to refer to a genre of film, theater, or literature that depends on serious, often tragic events and themes. It can also denote any situation or series of events that has overly intensified emotions, conflicts, or high stakes, much like the English usage of 'he's causing a lot of drama.'

Example sentences with  drama
echar una película
throw a film

'Echar una película' is a Spanish idiomatic expression. While a direct translation like 'throw a film' might not make sense in English, the phrase is commonly used to mean 'to watch a movie' in Spanish. It's frequently used in informal, colloquial conversation among native Spanish speakers. Thus, instead of 'throw a film', you should understand it as 'to watch a movie'.

Example sentences with  echar una película
efectos especiales
special effects

The Spanish term 'efectos especiales' translates to 'special effects' in English. Special effects refer to illusions or visual tricks used in film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a storyline or virtual world. These effects are commonly used to enhance the viewers' experience by making imaginary or non-existing scenarios appear real.

Example sentences with  efectos especiales

The Spanish word 'ensayar' translates to 'rehearse' in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in the context of preparing for a performance, such as a theatre play, a musical concert, or a speech. For example, actors ensayar for their roles in a play by practicing their lines and movements. Similarly, a musician would ensayar their pieces before a concert, to ensure that they can perform them flawlessly. The purpose of 'ensayar' is to improve and refine one's performance by repeatedly practicing until it becomes perfect.

Example sentences with  ensayar

The Spanish word 'entrada' translates to 'entrance' in English. This could relate to a physical opening like a door or gate that leads into a place, such as in the sentence 'La entrada a la casa es grande', meaning 'The entrance to the house is big'. It could also mean the act of coming or going into a place where this is seen as a formal act, such as 'Hizo una gran entrada en la sala', translated as 'He made a grand entrance to the room'. In a broader context, 'entrada' could be used in contexts relating to the start of something, like the first part of a musical composition or an entry in a diary or log.


The term 'escena' is used to refer to a sequence of continuous action in a movie, play, opera, or book. It's a significant building block of a storyline.

Example sentences with  escena

The Spanish word 'escenario' is equivalent to the English word 'stage'. This term is commonly used in theater or performance settings where actors, singers, or other performers present their work. The usage is almost the same as in English, often referring to a specific platform or area designed for performances. However, it can also refer to the backdrop or setting of a particular situation or event.

Example sentences with  escenario
escenificar una obra teatral
to stage a play

The Spanish phrase 'escenificar una obra teatral' translates to 'to stage a play' in English. This phrase comprises of three words: 'escenificar', which means to stage; 'una', an indefinite article that means 'a'; and 'obra teatral', which translates to 'play'. This phrase is typically used in the context of theater productions, where a play is set up and performed on stage.

Example sentences with  escenificar una obra teatral

The word 'especialista' is a noun in Spanish language. Its English equivalent is 'specialist'. It is commonly used to refer to someone who is an expert in a particular field or subject matter. Like for example, 'especialista en medicina' translates to 'specialist in medicine', denoting a person who has great deal of knowledge, skill, or expertise in the field of medicine.

Example sentences with  especialista
espectáculo apto para mayores de 18 años
show suitable for persons over 18 years of age

The Spanish phrase 'espectáculo apto para mayores de 18 años' translates to 'show suitable for persons over 18 years of age' in English. It is often used to describe events, performances, or shows that have age restrictions due to their content or nature, where only individuals who are 18 years old or older are permitted to attend or participate.

espectáculo apto para todos los públicos
show suitable for all audiences

The Spanish term 'espectáculo apto para todos los públicos' translates to 'show suitable for all audiences' in English. This phrase is commonly used in entertainment contexts, such as television, movies, theatre, and live performances, to describe content that is deemed appropriate and enjoyable for people of all age groups. It ensures viewers that the content has been regulated and does not contain inappropriate or harmful material. It can also be used in other contexts to mean something that is universally understandable or accessible.

espectáculo de juegos malabares
juggling show

The term 'espectáculo de juegos malabares' in Spanish is translated as 'juggling show' in English. This term is often used in the context of circus or street performances where one or more performers manipulate objects like balls, rings, or pins, usually throwing and catching them in a rhythmic and aesthetic manner. Such performances are meant to captivate the audiences with the performers' skill and dexterity, and sometimes include elements of danger or drama. Despite the literal translation, 'juggling show' can also be metaphorically used in English language to refer to situations where someone is managing a number of tasks or responsibilities at the same time.

espectáculo de marionetas
puppet show

The term 'espectáculo de marionetas' is a Spanish word which translates to 'puppet show' in English. A puppet show is a type of entertainment that includes story telling or performances by puppet characters. This is a form of theatre presented with puppets, often with the puppeteers being visible to or hidden from the audience.

espectáculo de mimo
mimo show

The phrase 'espectáculo de mimo' is a Spanish expression that translates to 'mime show' in English. This refers to a type of theatrical performance where an actor, referred to as a mime, uses gestures and body movements without the use of speech to tell a story or portray an idea. This type of show relies heavily on physical communication and is a form of entertainment enjoyed by individuals worldwide.

espectáculo deportivo
sports show

The term 'espectáculo deportivo' in Spanish translates to 'sports show' in English. This refers to any type of show or event that features sports as its central theme. It can range from a live broadcast of a football game to an elaborate gymnastics performance. The word 'espectáculo' specifically refers to a spectacle or show, and 'deportivo' refers to anything related to sports. Therefore, a 'espectáculo deportivo' is any event or program that showcases sports in a captivating and entertaining manner.


The Spanish word 'espectador' translates to 'spectator' in English. It is usually used to refer to a person who watches an event, show, game, action, or others without directly participating. The person observes the event from a distance. It might also refer to someone in the audience of a theater, movie, or a similar context where there are performers and viewers.

estar (el público) enfervorizado
being (the public) sick

The phrase 'estar (el público) enfervorizado' in Spanish does not translate to 'being (the public) sick' in English. Instead, it roughly translates to 'the audience becoming fervent or extremely excited or enthusiastic'. It is often used when describing an audience reaction in performances or public speeches, where the audience is deeply moved or passionately engaged with the presented content. Spanish, like many languages, uses rich idiomatic expressions, and this phrase is a good example of that. In summary, 'estar (el público) enfervorizado' could be the audience being passionate, enthralled, or fervently engaged.

estar (el público) entregado
being (the public) delivered

The Spanish phrase 'estar (el público) entregado' has a more metaphorical meaning in English than simply 'being (the public) delivered'. It is used to describe a situation where the audience or public is fully engaged or captivated by something or someone. It can be used in contexts such as concerts, speeches, performances, etc., where the performer has the total attention and emotional investment of the audience.

estar agradecido
to be grateful

'Estar agradecido' is a phrase in Spanish which translates to 'to be grateful' in English. This phrase is often used in various contexts where one wishes to express their gratitude or appreciation for something or someone. Like in English, this phrase can generally be used in both formal and informal situations. Understanding and using this phrase would greatly help in expressing gratitude in Spanish speakingsetting.

estrenar una película
premiere a movie

The Spanish term 'estrenar una película' translates to 'premiere a movie' in English. This is an action, often associated with the film industry, where a movie is publicly shown for the first time. This usually takes place at a special event, often attended by the film's crew and cast members, before the movie is released to the general public. This term can also be used more broadly to refer to any first time a product or service is used or introduced.

Example sentences with  estrenar una película

The Spanish word 'estreno' translates to 'premiere' in English. It is often used in the context of debut of a play, a film, or a musical performance. For example, if a new movie is releasing, you would use the word 'estreno' to denote the first public performance or showing of this movie. You can also use it to indicate the first performance of a play or a concert. It is a noun and can be paired with various adjectives to describe the premiere in greater detail.

estreno cinematográfico
Film premiere

The Spanish phrase 'estreno cinematográfico' translates to 'film premiere' in English. This refers to the initial showing or presentation of a movie. This event often takes place in a specific location, where the cast and crew of the movie convene to witness the first public viewing of their project. Such events are usually glamorized and are hallmarks of the film industry.

Example sentences with  estreno cinematográfico
éxito de taquilla
box office success

The Spanish term 'éxito de taquilla' translates to 'box office success' in English. This term is commonly used in the cinematic industry to describe a film that is extremely popular and financial successful, often surpassing projected earnings at the box office. Success at the box office can often be a significant financial driver for a film's profitability.

Example sentences with  éxito de taquilla
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