Spanish Cinema and Theatre Vocabulary

Learn Spanish vocabulary related to cinema and theatre. This collection includes terms for genres, roles, settings, and more.


The Spanish word 'acomodador' translates to 'usher' in English. This typically refers to a person who shows people where to sit, especially in a theater or at a wedding. An usher also may help guests find their seats during events or shows. In a broader context, it can also mean someone who arranges, organizes, or puts things in order.


'Actor' in Spanish and English are cognates, words that have a common etymological origin. In both languages, this term refers to a person, typically a man, who portrays a character in a performance.

Example sentences with  actor
actor mediocre
mediocre actor

The term 'actor mediocre' in Spanish translates to 'mediocre actor' in English. This is used to describe an actor whose performance or acting skills are considered average or below average. It is not necessarily a definitive judgement, as acting skills can improve over time and subjective interpretations can differ.

Example sentences with  actor mediocre
actor reconocido
recognized actor

The Spanish term 'actor reconocido' translates to 'recognized actor' in English. This generally refers to an actor who has gained recognition or fame due to their acting skills or performances in film, television, or stage productions. They are recognized by either their audience, critics, or their peers within the acting community. This could be because of their talent, their body of work, or specific notable performances.

Example sentences with  actor reconocido

The term 'actriz' refers to a female performer in movies, television shows, or theater. It is the equivalent of 'actress' in English.

Example sentences with  actriz
actuación brillante
brilliant performance

The Spanish term 'actuación brillante' translates to 'brilliant performance' in English. It is often used to describe someone's impressive display in a particular task or role. This could relate to a range of contexts - from a stunning acting role in a film or play to a standout performance in a sporting event or business presentation. This expression acknowledges the skill, preparation and sheer talent of the individual or group contributing to the acted or performed role.

Example sentences with  actuación brillante
actuación convincente
compelling performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación convincente' translates to 'compelling performance' in English. This phrase is commonly used in arts and entertainment, particularly related to theater, films, and musical performances. A 'compelling performance' refers to the strong and convincing depiction or representation of a character or role by an actor or artist. This usually implies the expression of emotions and actions in a manner that appears real, engaging, and capable of influencing or persuading the viewer's or listener's emotions and perceptions.

Example sentences with  actuación convincente
actuación pésima
lousy performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación pésima' translates to 'lousy performance' in English. In a sentence, it can refer to a notably bad or subpar display of skill or talent, often in fields such as theater, music, sports, or any other performance-based activities or tasks. This phrase is used to express critical disappointment or dissatisfaction with the level of performance.

Example sentences with  actuación pésima
acudir a un espectáculo
go to a show

The Spanish phrase 'acudir a un espectáculo' translates to 'go to a show' in English. This is often used to refer to attending a public event like a concert, theater performance, movie, etc. It can be used in various contexts such as making plans ('I'm going to go to a show tonight'), or expressing past events ('I went to a show last night').


The Spanish word 'argumento' means 'argument' in English. It can be used in many of the same contexts as the English word, referring to a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. However, 'argumento' can also refer to the plot or storyline of a book, play, or movie. This usage does not have a direct equivalent in the English word 'argument'.

Example sentences with  argumento

The Spanish word for seat is 'asiento'. It is commonly used in situations like booking a seat in cinema or asking to pass a seat in bus or train. There could be different variations of the use of the word, depending on the region or country. For example, 'Reservé un asiento para la película' means 'I booked a seat for the movie'.

Example sentences with  asiento
asiento de un cine
seat of a cinema

The phrase 'asiento de un cine' in Spanish translates to 'seat of a cinema' in English. This refers to the individual chairs or seating arrangements in a movie theater where the audience sit to enjoy a film. These seats are usually arranged in rows for optimal viewing of the movie screen. They can vary in terms of comfort and amenities, with some cinemas offering reclining seats, armrests, cup holders, and even meal service.

asiento de un teatro
seat of a theatre

The Spanish phrase 'asiento de un teatro' translates into English as 'seat of a theatre'. It refers to the individual seating arrangement or place where a spectator or viewer is meant to sit in a venue such as a theatre. 'Asiento' is the word for 'seat' and 'teatro' means 'theatre'. Thus, it's an important term in contexts such as booking tickets for a show, play, opera or other events held at a theatre.

banda sonora

The Spanish term 'banda sonora' translates to 'soundtrack' in English. A soundtrack is a recording of music or sounds associated with a movie, television show, or video game. Soundtracks compose the background music that accompanies visual media, and they play a crucial role in setting the mood, tone, and atmosphere of the scene or entire production. In some cases, they might include dialogue, sound effects, or even popular songs, depending on the style of the visual media.

Example sentences with  banda sonora

The Spanish word 'butaca' translates to 'armchair' in English. An 'armchair' is a comfortable chair with side supports for a person's arms. It is often found in living rooms and is usually intended for relaxing or casual seating. 'Butaca', therefore, represents a common piece of furniture in both cultures serving the same purpose of providing comfort for the person sitting.

butacas numerados
numbered seats

The Spanish term 'butacas numerados' translates to 'numbered seats' in English. These are seats assigned with specific numbers, usually in theaters, cinemas, stadiums, or other public venues, to maintain order and facilitate seat allocation. Each ticket holder is assigned a specific seat number and is expected to occupy that particular seat.

Example sentences with  butacas numerados
cámara lenta

'Cámara lenta' is a Spanish phrase that means 'slow motion' in English. It is commonly used in the context of films or videos to refer to a type of shot where time appears to be slowed down as it captures details that the human eye would normally not be able to see. This term is a direct translation with 'cámara' meaning 'camera' and 'lenta' meaning 'slow'.

Example sentences with  cámara lenta
cancelar un espectáculo
cancel a show

The Spanish phrase 'cancelar un espectáculo' roughly translates to 'cancel a show' in English. This is commonly used in event management or entertainment circles where a planned show, such as a play, concert, or film screening, might need to be canceled due to various factors like adverse weather conditions, inability of performers or crew members, or technical issues. In a broader context, it might also be used metaphorically to indicate the abandonment or discontinuation of any planned activity or event.


The Spanish word 'cartelera' translates to 'poster' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a large printed picture, notice or advertisement that is displayed in a public place. It's often used in the context of advertising or promoting movies, music, or other forms of entertainment, as well as for educational or informative purposes. In a broader sense, 'cartelera' can also refer to a billboard or a marquee.

certamen (de música)
contest (music)

The Spanish term 'certamen (de música)' translates to 'contest (music)' in English. It is typically used to refer to a formal competition in the realm of music where individuals or groups display their musical talents and skills. Such contests may involve different music genres and can be found at various levels, such as local, national, and international. These contests provide a platform for musicians to gain recognition and opportunities in their careers.

cine mudo
silent cinema

The term 'cine mudo', in Spanish, refers to 'silent cinema' in English. This is a term that comes from the early years of the film industry when films did not have synchronized recorded sound and the dialogues were presented in the form of intertitles. These films instead used live music and a wide variety of visual storytelling techniques to communicate the plot and emotions to the audience.

Example sentences with  cine mudo
cine sonoro
sound cinema

The term 'cine sonoro' directly translates to 'sound cinema' in English. It is used to refer to the era of cinema that was dominated by sound films after the silence period. It marked a significant transformation in the field of cinema as it introduced audible dialogue and sound effects in films. This technological advancement enhanced the storytelling techniques and had a profound impact on cinematic history and the movie watching experience.

Example sentences with  cine sonoro

The Spanish word 'colar' translates to 'queue' in English. In the context of actions, it means to form a line or wait in a line, much like when people queue in a store or a bus stop. The term 'colar' can also infer the process of filtering, similar to how a queue operates in an orderly fashion. This term is often used in daily Spanish conversations, emphasizing the significance of orderliness in Spanish culture.


In English, 'comedia' translates to 'comedy'. It refers to a genre of dramatic works that are amusing in nature, often focusing on characters who face funny or ridiculous situations. The intent of such works is to bring laughter and entertainment to the audience. This genre can be seen in various forms of media such as film, play, or a book.

Example sentences with  comedia
comprar una entrada (por teléfono
buy a ticket (on the phone

The Spanish phrase 'comprar una entrada (por teléfono)' translates to 'buy a ticket (on the phone)' in English. This is usually used when someone purchases a ticket for an event or travel over a phone call. The verb 'comprar' means 'to buy', 'una entrada' is 'a ticket', and 'por teléfono' translates to 'on the phone'. This phrase is typically used in formal and informal conversations, and it's a common way to buy tickets in many Spanish-speaking regions.

comprar una entrada por Internet
purchase an online ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar una entrada por Internet' translates to 'purchase an internet ticket' in English. It is a common phrase used when talking about purchasing tickets for events, such as concerts or movie screenings, through an online platform or website. It encompasses the act of making a digital transaction to secure a spot or an entry for an event or occasion. The phrase is made up of 'comprar' which means 'to buy', 'una entrada' which means 'a ticket', and 'por Internet' which means 'through the Internet'.


A Concierto or Concert is a performance given by a musician or group of musicians before a live audience.

Example sentences with  concierto
concierto de música clásica
classical music concert

The word 'concierto de música clásica' in Spanish refers to a live performance event where orchestras, choirs, or solo instrumentalists perform pieces of music from the classical genre. This can cover a large time span, from compositions made in the 11th century to modern stylized pieces. The atmosphere of such an event is usually formal and it provides an experience of melody, harmony and rhythm structured in a particular form. 'Clásica' specifies the type of music played at the 'concierto', denoting it's a classic or traditional kind.

concierto de rock
Rock concert

The phrase 'concierto de rock' in Spanish translates to 'rock concert' in English. A rock concert is a musical performance in the genre of rock music, typically involving one or multiple bands or artists performing on a stage to an audience. Rock concerts can vary in size ranging from smaller venues, like clubs and pubs, to large scale arenas and stadiums.

contar (la historia de)
tell (the story of)

The Spanish term 'contar (la historia de)' translates to 'tell (the story of)' in English. This action word, or verb, is typically used in the context of narrating a story or event. In a sentence, it may be used as 'Voy a contar la historia de mi vida' which translates to 'I am going to tell the story of my life' in English.

Example sentences with  contar (la historia de)
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