Spanish Learn Spanish: Christmas Vocabulary

A curated set of words related to 'Christmas' in Spanish context. Helps enhance holiday-related Spanish vocabulary.


In Spanish, 'luces' is the plural form of the noun 'luz' meaning 'light'. It's used to refer to light sources such as light bulbs or natural lights. But it can also symbolize mental clarity or intelligence. For instance, 'Ella tiene muchas luces' means 'She's very bright'.

Example sentences with  luces
luz de vela

The Spanish equivalent for the English word 'candlelight' is 'luz de vela'. This term is used to denote the light that is produced by a candle. Much like in English, it could be used in various contexts in Spanish literature and conversation such as in describing a romantic dinner setting, a peaceful meditation space, or a power outage situation where candles are used for light.

Example sentences with  luz de vela
maravilla invernal
winter wonderland

The phrase 'maravilla invernal' is used in Spanish to describe a place that is extraordinarily beautiful during winter. It can refer to a natural landscape covered in snow, a place decorated for the holiday season, or even a metaphorical state of happiness during the winter months.

Example sentences with  maravilla invernal

The Spanish word 'medias' is used to refer to stockings in English. Just like in English, 'medias' in Spanish can be used in various contexts. For instance, it can refer to a type of hosiery worn by women, which cover the foot and part or all of the leg. It's important to note that in Spanish, 'medias' is always used in plural form even when referring to a single pair.

Example sentences with  medias

The word 'milagro' is used in the Spanish language to refer to an extraordinary event or phenomenon that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. Similar to the English term 'miracle', 'milagro' is often used in religious contexts, or to describe situations where there is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

Example sentences with  milagro

The term 'muérdago' in Spanish refers to 'mistletoe', a type of plant. It is commonly used in Spanish speaking cultures in Christmas traditions, much like its use in English speaking cultures. The word 'muérdago' is used in contexts such as Christmas decorations, festive traditions, or discussions about plants and wildlife.

Example sentences with  muérdago
muñeco de nieve

The Spanish word 'muñeco de nieve' refers to a figure made of snow in the shape of a human. It's usually built by children during winter months when there's sufficient snow. The exact usage of 'muñeco de nieve' in conversation or written text heavily depends on context. It could be used literally to refer to a real snowman, or figuratively to describe something cold or someone emotionless.

Example sentences with  muñeco de nieve

The Spanish word for 'birth' is 'nacimiento.' It is primarily used in phrases to describe someone's birth, such as 'fecha de nacimiento' (date of birth). It can also be used in a broader sense to describe the birth or beginning of something, such as 'nacimiento de una idea' (the birth of an idea).

Example sentences with  nacimiento

The word 'nativity' in Spanish is translated as 'natividad'. It is used in the same context as in English, especially in religious contexts, referring to the birth of Christ. It can also be used to refer to the circumstances surrounding someone's birth, similar to its usage in English.

Example sentences with  natividad

The Spanish word for 'christmas' is 'Navidad'. It is used the same way as 'christmas' in English. It refers to the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. It's a widely celebrated holiday in Spanish-speaking countries, often marked with family gatherings and festive decorations.

Example sentences with  Navidad

In English, 'tidings' is an old-fashioned term for news or information typically related to a specific event or situation. The Spanish equivalent is 'noticias', commonly used in daily conversation and broadcasting. Like 'tidings', 'noticias' could also pertain to any information, usually of public interest, regarding specific situations or events.

Example sentences with  noticias
pan de jengibre

The Spanish term 'pan de jengibre' translates to 'bread of ginger' in English, and is used to refer to the sweet, spicy holiday treat we know as gingerbread. Just like in English, 'pan de jengibre' can refer to both the specific type of biscuit, often cut into shapes and decorated, as well as other baked goods flavored with ginger and spices, like gingerbread cake or gingerbread houses.

Example sentences with  pan de jengibre
papá noel
santa claus

The term 'papá noel' is used in the Spanish language to refer to the mythical figure also known as 'Santa Claus' in English. It literally translates to 'Daddy Christmas'. 'Papá Noel' is associated with Christmas time, where it's believed he brings gifts to children in the night of the 24th to the 25th of December.

Example sentences with  papá noel

The Spanish word 'paz' is used nearly identically to how 'peace' is used in English. It can refer to a state of tranquility or quiet, but is often used in political and social contexts to refer to the absence of war or conflict. Like in English, 'paz' is a common word used in wishes and greetings, especially during holiday seasons and in religious contexts.

Example sentences with  paz

The Spanish word 'pesebre' is comparable to the English term 'manger'. It is often used in a religious context, predominantly in describing the scene of the Nativity, where 'Jesus was lain in a pesebre'. The term can also refer to a feeding trough for animals in a general context, though this usage is less common.

Example sentences with  pesebre

The Spanish word 'redención' is used in the same way as the English word 'redemption'. It can refer to the act of making something better or more acceptable, such as in the context of redeeming one's sins or mistakes. It can also refer to the aspect of salvation in Christian belief. Much like in English, 'redención' is a noun and may require the use of appropriate articles or prepositions based on sentence structure.

Example sentences with  redención

The Spanish word for reflection is 'reflexión'. It is used similarly to how it is used in English; to indicate the mirroring of light or other waves, or to suggest deep thought or consideration about something.

Example sentences with  reflexión

The Spanish word for 'gifts' is 'regalos'. It is often used in similar contexts as 'gifts' in English such as celebrating birthdays, holidays, and special occasions. For instance, 'I bought gifts for my family' translates to 'Compré regalos para mi familia' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  regalos

The 'reno' is a type of deer that inhabits the colder regions of North America, Northern Europe, and Asia. It is commonly associated with Christmas in many western cultures. The word is used in similar contexts as it would be in English, to refer to the animal itself or metaphors and cultural references based on it.

Example sentences with  reno

The Spanish word for 'greetings' is 'saludos'. This term can be used in formal or informal situations when greeting another person or a group of people. It's used both at the beginning of a conversation, similar to 'Hello' or 'Hi', and also in correspondence, such as an introductory phrase in a letter or email.

Example sentences with  saludos

The Spanish word 'salvador' is used much like the English term 'savior'. It refers to a person who saves others from danger or difficulty, and it is often used in a religious context to refer to Jesus Christ. However, it can also be used to describe any person who significantly changes someone’s fortunes or rescues them from a challenging situation.

Example sentences with  salvador

In Spanish, 'siempreverde' is often used to describe trees or plants, which symbolizes their perennial nature, meaning they retain their green leaves throughout the year. Just like English, it can also be used figuratively to describe something that is enduringly fresh, interesting, or successful.

Example sentences with  siempreverde

The Spanish word 'tradiciones' is used similarly to its English equivalent 'traditions'. It refers to customs or beliefs passed down from generation to generation within cultures or societies. The difference in usage is largely dependent on context, as Spanish-speaking cultures may have unique traditions that do not directly translate to English.

Example sentences with  tradiciones

The term 'trineo' is used in Spanish for the English word 'sleigh'. This typically refers to a vehicle, generally used in snowy conditions, that is slipped or skated over the snow or ice. In the Spanish language, 'trineo' could be used when talking about snow related activities, Santa Claus's vehicle, or any historical context involving the use of sleds.

Example sentences with  trineo

The word 'unidad' is Spanish translates to 'unity' in English. It is primarily used to talk about concepts of solidarity, oneness, and cohesion in both social and technical context. For example, it can represent unity in a community or the unity in a system of equations in mathematics.

Example sentences with  unidad

The Spanish word 'villancicos' represents the English word 'carols'. Villancicos are traditional Spanish songs sung during the Christmas season, similar to English carols. Much like English carols, they are typically festive and celebrate the holiday spirit.

Example sentences with  villancicos
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