Spanish Learn Spanish: Christmas Vocabulary

A curated set of words related to 'Christmas' in Spanish context. Helps enhance holiday-related Spanish vocabulary.


The word 'acebo' in Spanish translates to 'holly' in English, a term denoting a plant known for its glossy green leaves and bright red berries. It is commonly associated with Christmas celebrations, as it is often used in decorations during the holiday season. In Spanish, 'acebo' can be used in the same contexts and carries similar cultural connotations.

Example sentences with  acebo

The Spanish equivalent for the English word 'cozy' is 'acogedor.' It is commonly used to describe places or environments that are warm, comfortable, and inviting. For example, 'Esta casa es muy acogedora,' which translates to 'This house is very cozy.' The term 'acogedor' can also be used to describe people who make you feel comfortable and welcome.

Example sentences with  acogedor

The word 'adoración' in Spanish translates to 'worship' in English and is typically used to describe the feeling or expression of religious reverence and adoration. This can be used in a sentence to describe religious practices, such as 'La adoración a los santos es común en la iglesia católica' which translates to 'The worship of saints is common in the Catholic Church'.

Example sentences with  adoración

The Spanish term for 'merry' is 'alegre'. It is often used in similar contexts to English, to describe things that are cheerful, bright or lively. For instance, when wishing someone a 'Merry Christmas' in Spanish, you would say 'Feliz Navidad'. The term can also describe a person's mood, as in being in a merry or happy mood, which would translate to 'estar alegre'.

Example sentences with  alegre

The word 'alegría' in Spanish translates to 'joy' in English. It is used to express a feeling of great pleasure, happiness, or gladness. For example, feeling 'alegría' after receiving some good news. Its usage is similar to the English word 'joy', where it is often used to illustrate extreme happiness or something that brings happiness.

Example sentences with  alegría

The Spanish term for 'kindness' is 'amabilidad'. It is used to express the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. This can refer to the way in which individuals treat one another, character traits, or actions performed. You can find it used in various contexts such as personal exchanges and literature.

Example sentences with  amabilidad

The Spanish word for 'friends' is 'amigos'. It is used commonly in conversational and written Spanish to refer to a group of people with whom one has a personal relationship based on mutual affection and shared interests. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when introducing your friends to someone else ('estos son mis amigos'), asking about someone's friends ('¿Cómo están tus amigos?'), or talking about doing activities with friends ('Voy a la playa con mis amigos').

Example sentences with  amigos

The word 'amor' in Spanish translates directly to 'love' in English. It is used to express great affection towards someone or something and is often used in a romantic context. For example, 'Te amo' means 'I love you'. It can be used between romantic partners, friends, or family members. But it has a broad scope and can also be used to express love for hobbies, activities, or places.

Example sentences with  amor

The Spanish word for 'angels' is 'ángeles'. It is a common noun used in religious contexts to refer to celestial beings that are considered messengers of God. 'Ángeles' can also be used to denote figurative angels - individuals who possess extraordinary kindness and goodness. Like in English, it can also be employed to depict symbolic or metaphorical angels in art, literature, and popular culture. Note that in Spanish, nouns have gender and 'ángeles' is masculine despite the feminine-looking 'a' marker. Therefore it can be used to refer to angels of any gender.

Example sentences with  ángeles

The Spanish word 'Belén' is derived from the English 'Bethlehem', which refers to a city located in the West Bank. Around Christmas time in Spanish-speaking countries, a 'Belén' may also refer to a nativity scene, as 'Belén' is traditionally recognized as the birthplace of Jesus.

Example sentences with  Belén

The Spanish word for 'blessings' is 'bendiciones'. It is used similarly to how it is used in English, to express well wishes, grace, or to refer to something one is grateful for. For example, in the context of a religious ceremony, 'bendiciones' could refer to the words spoken by a priest to invoke divine favor. Equally, it could be used more informally to express gratitude for positive elements in one's life.

Example sentences with  bendiciones
jingle bells

The translation for 'jingle bells' is 'cascabeles'. In Spanish, this is used to refer to small bells that are often used to produce jingling sounds, especially during Christmas or on certain types of instruments. It can also refer to the festive song popular during the holiday season, 'Jingle Bells', which is widely known and loved in Spanish-speaking regions as well.

Example sentences with  cascabeles

The Spanish phrase 'cascanueces' is used to refer to the tool used to crack nuts open, just like 'nutcracker' in English. It can also refer to a person or thing that cracks nuts. Moreover, it is also synonymous to the famous ballet and its leading character. The term is used quite similarly in Spanish as in English.

Example sentences with  cascanueces

The Spanish word 'celebrar' corresponds to the English word 'celebrate' and is used to denote the act of marking a special day, event, or occasion with festivities or ceremonies. You can use 'celebrar' in a sentence the same way you would use 'celebrate' in English.

Example sentences with  celebrar

The Spanish word for 'fireplace' is 'chimenea'. It is a common architectural structure made to contain a fire. 'Chimenea' is used in a similar context as fireplace in English language. It is often used in the context of home settings and is a common feature in many homes for heating purpose, especially during colder weather.

Example sentences with  chimenea
chocolate caliente
hot cocoa

The Spanish term for 'hot cocoa' is 'chocolate caliente'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a warm drink made with milk and chocolate or cocoa powder. It's a popular beverage in Spain, especially during cold months.

Example sentences with  chocolate caliente
comida de Navidad
Christmas food

The Spanish phrase 'comida de Navidad' translates to 'Christmas food' in English. This phrase is often used in Spanish-speaking cultures to refer to traditional meals cooked and enjoyed during the Christmas holiday season. This could encompass a range of dishes, from roasted meats to special pastries and desserts, specific to each country or region's customs and traditions.


The term 'compasión' in Spanish is used to denote a feeling of deep empathy and understanding for the suffering or misfortune of others. It is similar to the English word 'compassion', implying a strong emotion where one wishes to alleviate the pain or distress of another. It can be used in various contexts such as emotional, social, or humanitarian.

Example sentences with  compasión
copos de nieve

The term 'copos de nieve' in Spanish is used similarly to 'snowflakes' in English. It typically refers to the small, soft, white bits of snow that fall from the sky during a snowstorm. It's a neutral term, used in a variety of contexts, from weather reports to literature and poetry. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries that experience snow, 'copos de nieve' might also be used in idiomatic expressions and proverbs.

Example sentences with  copos de nieve

The Spanish word for 'decorations' is 'decoraciones'. It is commonly used to discuss objects used to adorn or embellish something. This could include festive ornaments on a Christmas tree ('decoraciones navideñas') or details added to a room to make it more aesthetically pleasing ('decoraciones de habitación'). Just like in English, 'decoraciones' can be used in many different contexts.

Example sentences with  decoraciones

The term 'elfo' is used in Spanish to refer to a mythical creature known in folklore and fantasy literature. Similar to English, it is typically associated with magical beings that are human-like in appearance with pointy ears, often skilled in magic or mischief. The usage in a sentence could be 'El elfo en el libro era muy sabio', which translates to 'The elf in the book was very wise'.

Example sentences with  elfo

The Spanish word for 'hope' is 'esperanza'. It is a noun used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, such as to express a desire or anticipation for a certain outcome or event. It can also be a common female name in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  esperanza

A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

Example sentences with  familia

The Spanish word 'fe' is used in the same context as the English word 'faith'. It is often used in religious contexts to denote confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. For instance, 'tener fe' means 'to have faith'. It could also be used in non-religious contexts to imply trust or belief.

Example sentences with  fe

The Spanish word 'festivo' stands for festive in English. It is primarily used to denote celebration or something related to a festival. For instance, you can use it to describe a festive mood (estado de ánimo festivo), festive season (temporada festiva), or even festive decorations (decoraciones festivas). Just like in English, it is utilised to contribute to a joyous and celebratory context.

Example sentences with  festivo

The Spanish word 'galletas' translates to 'cookies' in English. It is a noun and it can be used in sentences to refer to the English snack, 'cookies'. Just like in English, 'galletas' can encompass a wide variety of sweet, baked goods. However, it's important to note that in Spain, 'galletas' generally refers to sweet biscuits, while 'cookies' is specifically used for what Americans call cookies.

Example sentences with  galletas

The word 'generosidad' in Spanish is used much like its English counterpart, 'generosity'. It refers to the quality of being kind and generous. It can incorporate sharing time, money, or resources with others. It is often used to praise someone's willingness to give or share unselfishly.

Example sentences with  generosidad

In Spanish, 'gratitud' is used in the same context as the word 'gratitude' is in English. It is an expression of thankfulness and appreciation. It is a noun that represents the feeling or attitude of recognizing the benefit that one has received or will receive.

Example sentences with  gratitud

The Spanish word for 'wreath' is 'guirnalda'. In Spanish, it is generally used to refer to any type of circular band, often adorned with flowers or leaves, similar to the English use. It can be applied to holiday decorations, floral tributes or even crowns in historic or traditional contexts.

Example sentences with  guirnalda

In Spanish, 'hymns' is translated to 'himnos'. 'Himnos' is used in much the same way as 'hymns' in English, to refer to a type of song, often religious in nature, intended to be sung in congregational or communal settings. It is typically used in relation to church services and can also refer to patriotic songs in the context of national celebration or events.

Example sentences with  himnos
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