Spanish Body Parts Vocabulary in Spanish

Learn the Spanish translation for various body parts. Enhance your vocabulary in an interesting and engaging way!


'Rodilla' is a Spanish noun and it is used to refer to the joint that connects the upper and lower parts of the leg in the human body, also known as 'Knee' in English. It doesn't mean 'kneel', it's the actual body part. Kneel, which is a verb referring to the action of resting on the knees, is translated as 'arrodillarse' in Spanish.

sit down

The Spanish verb 'sentarse' translates to 'sit down' in English. It's a reflexive verb and often used in the context of instructing or asking someone to sit. The verb changes its form based on the subject- for example, 'me siento' for 'I sit down', 'te sientas' for 'you sit down', etc. The infinitive 'sentarse' is more like an order or a generic way of saying 'to sit down'.

sistema circulatorio
circulatory system

The term 'sistema circulatorio' in Spanish translates to 'circulatory system' in English. The circulatory system is a vital part of the human body, which is responsible for the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to and from the cells throughout the body. It consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Proper functioning of the circulatory system is crucial for survival.

let go

The Spanish word 'soltar' translates into English as 'let go'. It is used to indicate the action of freeing or releasing something in hands or possession. This could mean physically releasing something you are holding, or metaphorically releasing control, responsibility, or attachment to something or someone. Use 'soltar' when you want to express the action of release or cessation.


The Spanish word 'sudar' translates to 'sweat' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of excreting a salty liquid from the skin's pores, typically as a response to heat, physical exertion, or stress. In a colloquial or figurative sense, 'sudar' also means to work hard or to worry about something.


The Spanish term 'sujetar' translates to 'hold' in English. This verb can imply the act of physically holding an object to avoid it from moving or dropping. In more metaphorical contexts, it could be used to describe the act of restraining, constraining, or controlling something or someone. The verb 'sujetar' might also be used in a figurative sense to denote the maintenance of certain postures, positions, or condition.


The word 'tendón' in Spanish translates to 'tendon' in English. It is a medical term used to describe the tough, fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone in a human or animal body. Tendons help transmit the mechanical force of muscle contraction to the bones, thus enabling movement. Injuries to these structures, such as tendinitis or tendon rupture, can cause notable pain and impairment in physical functioning.


The term 'tímpano' in Spanish refers to the 'eardrum'. The eardrum is a part of your ear that transmits sound vibrations from the outer ear to the middle and inner ear. It is a small, thin, cone-shaped membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear. It plays a crucial role in your ability to hear, as the vibrations it transmits allow your brain to interpret the sounds around you.


The Spanish word 'tiritar' translates to 'shiver' in English. This is a verb used to describe the rapid, involuntary shaking of the body, often as a reaction to cold, fear, or excitement. For instance, one might 'tiritar' from the cold in the winter, or 'tiritar' whilst watching a scary movie.


The Spanish word 'tobillo' translates to 'ankle' in English. It is a key body part that connects the foot to the leg, providing mobility and flexibility. It is vitally important in many physical activities including walking, running, and jumping. In Spanish contexts, 'tobillo' might often be encountered in medical contexts or in day-to-day conversation describing movement or physical descriptions.


The Spanish word 'tocar' translates to 'touch' in English. It can be used in a range of contexts in Spanish language. It can refer to physically touching something with your hands, or it can also signify playing a musical instrument. Furthermore, 'tocar' can also be used in a metaphorical sense to represent touching upon a topic or subject in a conversation.


The Spanish word 'tronco' translates to 'trunk' in English. 'Tronco' can refer to the main stem of a tree, commonly called a trunk in English. However, it can also refer to the main part of a human or animal body separate from the head and limbs, also known as trunk. Thus, depending on the context, 'tronco' in Spanish can mean either a tree trunk or the main body of an organism.


The Spanish word 'uña' translates to 'nail' in English. It is often used in the context of body parts, specifically referring to the hard, translucent part covering the upper surface of a finger or toe. For example, 'Me corté la uña', in English would be 'I cut my nail'.


The Spanish word 'vértebra' translates to 'vertebrae' in English. Vertebrae are the individual, interlocking bones that stack to make up the spine. They play a crucial role in protecting the spinal cord and providing structural support for the body, allowing us to stand upright, bend, and twist. Much like their English counterpart, the Spanish 'vértebra' carries the same anatomical implications and significance.

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