Spanish Body Parts Vocabulary in Spanish

Learn the Spanish translation for various body parts. Enhance your vocabulary in an interesting and engaging way!


The Spanish word 'napia' refers to the 'proboscis' in English. It is a more informal or colloquial term mainly used in Spain. The word specifically refers to a large or prominent nose. In zoology, the term 'proboscis' is often used to describe the long, flexible snout or trunk of certain animals. However, when 'napia' is used in everyday Spanish, it is mostly referring to the human nose, especially when it is noticeable or prominent.


The Spanish word 'nariz' translates to 'nose' in English. It's one of the fundamental body parts vocabulary in Spanish. The word 'nariz' is used in the same way we use 'nose' in English, for example, to identify the body part in the middle of the face that we use to smell and breathe.

nariz aguileña
eagle nose

The Spanish term 'nariz aguileña' translates to 'eagle nose' in English. It is used to describe the physical characteristic of a nose that is curved or hook-like, somewhat similar to the beak of an eagle. This term is often used in literature and descriptive texts to depict a person's appearance in a more visual and striking manner.

nariz chata
snub nose

The Spanish phrase 'nariz chata' translates to 'snub nose' in English. 'Nariz' is the Spanish word for 'nose', and 'chata' translates to 'snub', often used to describe a short or small nose or one that is turned up at the end. This term is commonly used in physical descriptions.

nariz respingona
upturned nose

The Spanish phrase 'nariz respingona' is a descriptive term used in physical contexts, primarily referring to the structure of one's nose. In English, this term translates to an 'upturned nose'. An upturned nose, as the name suggests, is characterized by a slightly lifted or turned-up appearance of the nasal tip, often considered a desired aesthetic in many cultures. The term can be used in both, a flattering admiration or a teasing context, depending on how it is used.


The Spanish word 'nervio' translates to 'nerve' in English. A 'nerve' is a bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord and impulses from these to the muscles and organs. It's also utilized commonly in the English language to mean 'courage' or 'boldness.' For instance, 'He had the nerve to say that.' would translate to 'Tenía el nervio de decir eso.' in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'oído' translates to 'ear' in English. It is a masculine noun ('el oído') and typically refers to the organ of hearing or balance located in the ear, or the sense of hearing itself. For example, you might use it in a sentence like 'Tengo un dolor en el oído' which means 'I have an earache'. In another example, 'Tiene buen oído para la música,' it translates to 'He/she has a good ear for music'.


The word 'oír' is a verb in Spanish that is equivalent to 'hear' in English. It is used to refer to the act of perceiving sounds through the ear. For instance, you might use it in a sentence like 'Puedo oír el sonido de la lluvia', meaning 'I can hear the sound of the rain'.

Example sentences with  oír

The Spanish word 'ojo' translates to 'eye' in English. In a physical context, it represents the organ of sight found in humans and animals, which allows them to perceive their surroundings through light. 'Ojo' can also be used metaphorically, signifying a point of view, awareness or understanding in certain situations. For example, in phrases like 'keep an eye on something', it symbolizes vigilance or careful observation.


The Spanish verb 'oler' translates to 'smell' in English. It is commonly used to talk about the sense or act of smelling. Intriguingly, 'oler' is an irregular verb in Spanish, which means it does not follow the typical conjugation patterns. Its conjugation can change depending on the tense, so careful attention is required when using it. Words derived from 'oler' include 'olor' (smell, scent) and 'oliendo' (smelling).

belly button

The Spanish word 'ombligo' translates to 'belly button' in English. It is a noun used to refer to the small depression in the middle of a person's abdomen that marks the point where the umbilical cord was attached before birth. This term is often used in daily conversations and body-related topics. For instance, when talking about body parts in Spanish, 'ombligo' would be one of the words that may be mentioned. It's also common to see this word in children's books and songs to help young learners familiarize themselves with body parts vocabulary in Spanish.

palma de la mano
palm of the hand

The phrase 'palma de la mano' in Spanish refers to the inner surface of an individual’s hand. This term is often used in a medical context or generally in the description of parts of the body. In English, it is translated as 'palm of the hand'.


The Spanish word 'páncreas' translates to 'pancreas' in English. It is a noun that denotes a large gland behind the stomach which secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. These enzymes help in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. 'Páncreas' is used in the same context in Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'pecho' translates to 'chest' in English. It can refer to the front part of a person's body from the neck to the abdomen. It is also used in different contexts, like 'chest pain' translating to 'dolor de pecho'. It can also refer to the upper front part of a bird's body or other animals. The term 'pecho' is used in various idioms and phrases as well which means learning this word can provide you with a deeper understanding of Spanish language and culture.


The word 'pelo' is used in Spanish to refer to 'hair'. It is a common word used to describe the thin, thread-like structures that grow on people's bodies, especially on their heads. For example, 'Ella tiene el pelo largo' means 'She has long hair'. The word 'pelo' can be used in different contexts and can also change meaning depending on the specific situation.

Example sentences with  pelo

The Spanish word 'pestaña' translates to 'eyelash' in English. This term refers to one of numerous short hairs growing along the eyelids that protect the eye by triggering a reflexive blink if an object comes too close, and also adds to the aesthetic appeal of one's eyes. The word 'pestaña' in Spanish represents an essential part of the body that a person has, similar to the English term 'eyelash'.

to blink

The Spanish word 'pestañear' translates to 'to blink' in English. This is an involuntary action where one briefly closes and then opens their eyes again quickly. It is a normal function that protects the eyes by spreading tears over its surface to keep it moist and removing small particles. The action of blinking in general is universal in its application, irrespective of language or region.


The Spanish word for 'foot' is 'pie'. Just like in English, this can mean the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks, but not the unit of measure. For instance, you could say 'Me duele el pie' which means 'My foot hurts'. However, keep in mind that Spanish nouns have gender and 'pie' is masculine.

Example sentences with  pie

The Spanish word 'pulgar' translates to 'thumb' in English. The thumb is a digit on the human hand that provides an opposable digit that enables gripping. It is the most flexible finger, positioned oppositely from the other four fingers. The equivalent term in Spanish, 'pulgar', is used in a similar context.


The word 'pulmón' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'lung' in English. This term is predominantly used in medical or biological contexts. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is used to refer to one of the two respiratory organs in the chest that supply the blood with oxygen. For example, 'El tabaco puede dañar tus pulmones.' translates to 'Tobacco can damage your lungs.'


The Spanish word 'puño' translates to 'fist' in English. It is a noun used to describe the hand when the fingers are balled up into a tight, compact shape, often in preparation for punching. It is also used in various expressions and phrases to signify power, aggression, or determination.

puntas del pelo
hair tips

The Spanish phrase 'puntas del pelo' directly translates to 'tips of the hair' in English, but it is more commonly referred to as 'hair tips'. This phrase might be used in a variety of contexts, including in personal grooming and beauty, in artistic depictions of people, or in discussions of style and fashion. The understanding and care of one's hair tips can be an important aspect of maintaining hair health and achieving certain hairstyles or looks.

Example sentences with  puntas del pelo
quedarse agachado
stay crouched

The Spanish phrase 'quedarse agachado' translates to 'stay crouched' in English. It is a verb phrase typically used to instruct someone to remain in a low position close to the ground, often for reasons related to safety or stealth. The tone or context of usage may vary based on the situation.

quedarse de espaldas
stay behind

The phrase 'quedarse de espaldas' in Spanish refers to the action of staying behind or being left behind in a situation. It is usually used when someone or something remains in the same place while others move forward. This phrase might be used in various contexts and can express emotional, physical or metaphorical states of being left behind.

quedarse de rodillas
stay on your knees

The Spanish phrase 'quedarse de rodillas' translates to 'stay on your knees' in English. It is often used in contexts pertaining to physical posture, such as during prayer or while performing certain exercises. However, it can also have a metaphorical meaning, suggesting submission, respect or a plea for mercy.

quedarse dormido
falling asleep

The Spanish term 'quedarse dormido' translates to 'falling asleep' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the action of gradually drifting into a sleep state. For instance, after a long day of work or study, someone might 'quedarse dormido' while sitting on their couch or desk. One common mistake language learners make is confusing this with going to bed, which is expressed differently in Spanish. While both refer to sleep, 'quedarse dormido' typically carries the connotation of unintentionally falling asleep.

quedarse quieto
Stay still

The Spanish phrase 'quedarse quieto' translates to 'stay still' in English. It is often used as a command or a request. It's a combination of the reflexive verb 'quedarse' which implies a sense of remaining or staying, and the adjective 'quieto' which means still or quiet. It can be used in various contexts such as asking someone not to move or stop fidgeting, or even metaphorically, asking someone to be calm and not make drastic decisions.

raíz del pelo
hair root

The Spanish phrase 'raíz del pelo' translates to 'hair root' in English. This term is used to refer to the part of the hair that is below the surface of the skin. This is where hair growth occurs and is nourished with nutrients from the bloodstream. Keeping a healthy hair root is essential for maintaining strong, vibrant hair.

Example sentences with  raíz del pelo

The Spanish word 'respirar' translates to 'breathe' in English. It is a verb used to describe the process of taking in oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide. The English equivalent 'breathe' shares the same meaning and is used similarly, to refer to the vital process that living creatures do. 'Respirar' is used in many of the same contexts as 'breathe,' such as in expressions denoting relief, exercise, meditation, and basic life function.


The Spanish word 'riñón' translates to 'kidney' in English. The kidney is a vital organ in the body, commonly known for its role in filtering the body's blood to remove waste and extra fluid, producing urine. The term 'riñón' can be used in various contexts in Spanish, especially in the fields of medicine and health. However, it may also appear in everyday conversation, representing an essential part of the Spanish language vocabulary.

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