Spanish Learn Spanish: Behavior Vocabulary

Master Spanish language by learning words related to behavior. Improve your communication in different scenarios.

sentir confianza
feel confident

The Spanish phrase 'sentir confianza' translates to 'feel confident' in English. It is a verbal phrase used to express a feeling of self-assuredness, certainty, and reliance on oneself. This can refer to one's attitudes in general or in specific situations. For example, one might 'sentir confianza' when they have thoroughly prepared for a test, or when they have developed a new skill.

Example sentences with  sentir confianza
sentir respeto
feel respect

The Spanish term 'sentir respeto' translates to 'feel respect' in English. It is often used to describe the feeling or sensation of admiration and deep regard for someone due to their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It represents an emotion which is significant in promoting positive and respectful interactions among individuals.

Example sentences with  sentir respeto
ser (un) maleducado
be (a) rude

The Spanish phrase 'ser (un) maleducado' translates to 'be (a) rude' in English. It is utilized when referring to someone's impolite or disrespectful behavior. The verb 'ser' means 'to be', and 'maleducado' translates to 'rude or poorly educated'. It is important to bear in mind that Spanish, like English, employs descriptive adjectives to describe the attributes or behavior of individuals, and 'maleducado' is an example of this.

Example sentences with  ser (un) maleducado
ser atento
be vigilant

The Spanish phrase 'ser atento' translates to 'be vigilant' in English. It represents a state of being attentive, watchful, or alert, particularly in situations that require care or vigilance. The phrase is a combination of the verb 'ser', which means 'to be', and 'atento', which means 'attentive' or 'vigilant'. It may be used in various contexts, such as instructing someone to be mindful of their surroundings or to be careful when conducting a task. This phrase emphasizes the importance of awareness, attentiveness, and preparedness. Remember, the usage and interpretation of this phrase can vary based on the cultural and situational context.

Example sentences with  ser atento
ser correcto
to be correct

The Spanish term 'ser correcto' translates to 'to be correct' in English. It pertains to a condition or state of being right in terms of accuracy, truth, or validity. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, but it most commonly refers to factual correctness, such as in answers to questions, or moral correctness, such as in behaviors or actions. The Spanish verb 'ser' is used as it refers to intrinsic or inherent qualities.

Example sentences with  ser correcto
ser educado
to be polite

The phrase 'ser educado' in Spanish translates to 'to be polite' in English. This term refers to demonstrating good manners and respect for others. It entails behaving in a courteous and considerate manner, according to the standards and customs of a particular culture or society. It includes being courteous, respectful, and considerate to everyone you interact with.

Example sentences with  ser educado
ser maleducado
to be rude

The Spanish term 'ser maleducado' translates to 'to be rude' in English. It is a phrase made up of the verb 'ser', which means 'to be', and the adjective 'maleducado', which means 'rude' or 'impolite'. This phrase is commonly used to describe an individual's inappropriate or disrespectful behavior.

Example sentences with  ser maleducado
ser respetuoso
to be respectful

The Spanish phrase 'ser respetuoso' translates into English as 'to be respectful'. This phrase is usually used to encourage individuals to show esteem or consideration towards other individuals or their beliefs, qualities, and rights. The usage encompasses all aspects of conduct in society, including interactions at home, work, school, and in public environments.

Example sentences with  ser respetuoso

The Spanish word 'sobrio' translates to 'sober' in English. It can be used in different contexts. In the physical sense, it refers to the state of not being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In a more figurative sense, it can also describe someone who is restrained or moderate in their behavior or expression, not extravagant or emotional. They are serious, sensible, and level-headed.

Example sentences with  sobrio
tener afecto
having affection

The Spanish phrase 'tener afecto' translates to 'having affection' in English. This phrase is typically used to express fondness or liking for someone or something. It conveys a sense of care, love, or warmth towards a person or an object. The literal translation of 'tener' is 'to have' and 'afecto' is 'affection', so when you say 'tener afecto' in Spanish, you are saying you have affection or you are fond of someone or something in English.

Example sentences with  tener afecto
tener buenos modales
having good manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener buenos modales' translates into English as 'having good manners'. It is an idiom used to describe an individual who behaves in a polite, respectful and considerate manner in social settings. Such a person is aware of the social norms and rules that govern appropriate behavior and adheres to them, thereby treating others with respect and dignity. Typically, this includes actions like saying 'please' and 'thank you', listening attentively when others are speaking, not interrupting, and treating others kindly.

Example sentences with  tener buenos modales
tener cariño
having love

'Tener cariño' is a beautiful Spanish phrase that is translated as 'having love' in English. It implies deep affection or love towards someone. This phrase is often used among close family members, romantic partners, and friends to express strong emotional bond and warmth. In daily conversations, it’s used to demonstrate the context of giving or receiving love, care, or affection.

Example sentences with  tener cariño
tener confianza
to have confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener confianza' translates to 'to have confidence' in English. It's not merely about having confidence within oneself, but it can also signify trusting or having faith in someone else. For instance, you might 'tener confianza' in a relative or friend, which means that you believe in their abilities and trust them. Therefore, it's essential to understand the context to get the precise meaning of the saying 'tener confianza' as it can vary based on the situation.

Example sentences with  tener confianza
tener educación
have education

The Spanish phrase 'tener educación' translates to 'have education' in English. It is used to describe the state of an individual's acquired knowledge or skills through studying and learning either in an academic institution or through other educational experiences. This phrase suggests not only the possession of academic qualifications but also the understanding and knowledge one has about various aspects of life in general.

Example sentences with  tener educación
tener malos modales
having bad manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener malos modales' translates to 'having bad manners' in English. This generally refers to a person's negative behavior, which is usually not considered socially acceptable or polite. It can be used to describe rudeness, lack of etiquette, or impolite actions in both formal and informal contexts.

Example sentences with  tener malos modales
tener mano izquierda
Left hand

'Tener mano izquierda' does not literally translate to 'left hand' in English. It is a Spanish idiom used to describe someone's skill or tact in handling delicate or difficult situations. It could be roughly equivalent to saying someone has a 'soft touch' or a 'gentle hand' while dealing with matters that require finesse and careful handling.

Example sentences with  tener mano izquierda
tener modales
have manners

The Spanish phrase 'tener modales' translates into English as 'have manners'. This phrase refers to the act of showing polite behavior and consideration towards others in social situations. Manners are generally the rules and standards of expected conduct within a culture, helping to facilitate social interaction. So when one is said to 'tener modales', they are behaving in a pleasant and respectful manner according to social customs and norms.

Example sentences with  tener modales
tener un comportamiento adecuado
having proper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento adecuado' is translated to English as 'having proper behavior'. This phrase is commonly used by Spanish speaking individuals wishing to express the importance of behaving appropriately or correctly in a given situation. It may be used in various contexts such as in a school, at home, or in a social gathering.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento adecuado
tener un comportamiento brusco
having a rough behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento brusco' translates to 'having a rough behavior' in English. It's often used to describe someone who is acting harshly or without care, demonstrating a lack of gentleness or consideration in their actions or attitudes.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento brusco
tener un comportamiento ejemplar
having exemplary behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento ejemplar' translates to 'having exemplary behavior' in English. It comprises the verb 'tener' which means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' meaning 'a behavior', and 'ejemplar' translating to 'exemplary'. Therefore, it refers to conducting oneself in a way that serves as a model or example to others due to its highly commendable or praiseworthy nature.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento ejemplar
tener un comportamiento exquisito
having exquisite behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento exquisito' translates to 'having exquisite behavior' in English. This phrase is often used to describe an individual who is well-behaved, courteous and polished in their manners. It could refer to both one's professional demeanor as well as personal traits in everyday social interactions. The literal component translations of the phrase are 'tener' (to have), 'un comportamiento' (a behavior), and 'exquisito' (exquisite).

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento exquisito
tener un comportamiento impropio
having improper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento impropio' translates to 'having improper behavior' in English. It is typically used to describe someone's conduct or actions that are deemed unreasonable or inappropriate. This phrase is composed of three parts: 'tener' which means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' which means 'a behavior', and 'impropio' which means 'improper' or 'unsuitable'. Together, they form a complete sentence that can be used in various contexts where a negative form of behavior is being pointed out.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento impropio
tener un comportamiento injusto
having unjust behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento injusto' translates to 'having unjust behavior' in English. This expression is generally used to describe someone intentionally behaving unfairly or unjustly. In a broader context, it can be applied to actions or activities that don't promote fairness or impartiality. The translation is quite literal where 'tener' means 'to have', 'un comportamiento' translates to 'a behavior', and 'injusto' translates to 'unjust'.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento injusto
tener un comportamiento intachable
to have intachable behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento intachable' translates to 'to have impeccable behavior' in English. It characterizes someone who consistently demonstrates faultless and morally upright behavior. This phrase is often used in formal contexts or in the assessment of someone's character, way of acting and reputation. Being spotless or flawless in one's behavior plays an important role in a multitude of situations, whether it is in work, school, or social settings.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento intachable
tener un comportamiento modélico
to have model behavior

The Spanish phrase 'tener un comportamiento modélico' translates to 'to have model behavior' in English. This refers to someone showing exceptionally good and ideal behavior in different situations. This phrase often points to an individual's conduct that can serve as an example for others to follow. The connotations of this phrase are generally positive as it indicates a level of responsibility and adherence to social norms and standards that goes above and beyond the ordinary.

Example sentences with  tener un comportamiento modélico
tener una actitud adecuado
having an appropriate attitude

The Spanish phrase 'tener una actitud adecuado' translates to 'having an appropriate attitude' in English. You would use this phrase when speaking about ones disposition or demeanor in a given situation. It suggests the kind of behavior, approach, or response that is considered suitable or proper in that context. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as social, professional, or personal situations where an individual's attitude plays a crucial role.

Example sentences with  tener una actitud adecuado
tener una actitud injusto
to have an unfair attitude

The Spanish phrase 'tener una actitud injusto' translates to 'to have an unfair attitude' in English. This phrase is generally used when referring to someone whose disposition or behavior seems unreasonable or biased. It's important to note that the word 'injusto' changes according to the gender and quantity of the persons involved. For example, if you're speaking about an unfair attitude of a woman it would be 'injusta'. Likewise, 'injustos' or 'injustas' will be used for plural subjects.

Example sentences with  tener una actitud injusto
tener una buena actitud
having a good attitude

The Spanish phrase 'tener una buena actitud' translates to 'having a good attitude' in English. It is used to express the importance of positivity and optimism. One often uses this phrase to motivate or encourage others in situations that require perseverance or a tough mindset. The word by word translation is 'tener' meaning 'have', 'una' meaning 'a', 'buena' meaning 'good', and 'actitud' meaning 'attitude'

Example sentences with  tener una buena actitud
tener una confianza absoluta
having absolute confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener una confianza absoluta' can be translated into English as 'having absolute confidence'. This phrase is often used to express full trust or belief in the abilities of oneself or another person. It's an idiomatic expression, meaning that it can't be directly translated word-for-word but needs to be understood as a whole. When someone says this phrase, it indicates that they have no doubt in the situation or capabilities at hand.

Example sentences with  tener una confianza absoluta
tener una confianza ciega
having blind confidence

The Spanish phrase 'tener una confianza ciega' translates to 'having blind confidence' in English. It implies having such a strong trust in someone or something that you don't even feel the need question or doubt. This phrase is usually used to describe the undeniable faith or trust in someone or something. It's important to note that, while this might sound positive at first, the 'blind' part of 'blind confidence' often carries a risky or negative connotation because it suggests the absence of critical thinking or judgement.

Example sentences with  tener una confianza ciega
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