Spanish Learn Spanish: Behavior Vocabulary

Master Spanish language by learning words related to behavior. Improve your communication in different scenarios.

inspirar afecto
inspire affection

The Spanish term 'inspirar afecto' translates into English as 'inspire affection'. Essentially, it is used to describe the act of evoking or inciting positive feelings or deep fondness in others. It could refer to a variety of actions, behaviors, attitudes, or qualities that make someone feel loved or deeply cared for. The term holds a strong emotional significance and fully embraces the concept of inspiring profound emotional admiration or fondness.

Example sentences with  inspirar afecto
inspirar cariño
Inspire love

The Spanish phrase 'inspirar cariño' refers to the act of invoking or causing feelings of affection, love, or deep fondness in others. It might be used in contexts where someone's actions, behaviour, or general aura inspires love or warmth in people around them.

Example sentences with  inspirar cariño
inspirar confianza
inspire confidence

The Spanish phrase 'inspirar confianza' translates to 'inspire confidence' in English. This phrase is used when someone encourages trust or faith in another person. Typically, it's applied in situations where someone's behavior, actions, or reputation inspire a feeling of certainty or belief in their abilities, honesty, or reliability. It is frequently used in the personal, professional, and motivational contexts.

Example sentences with  inspirar confianza
manifestar una actitud abierta
manifest an open attitude

The Spanish phrase 'manifestar una actitud abierta' translates to 'manifest an open attitude' in English. It implies expressing or exhibiting an open or accepting attitude towards different ideas, perspectives, or changes. This can be by demonstrating respect for others' viewpoints, showing flexibility in decision-making processes, and excelling in communication and collaboration. This phrase can be used in both personal and professional contexts to denote a positive and closer attitude.

Example sentences with  manifestar una actitud abierta
manifestar una actitud tolerante
manifesting a tolerant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'manifestar una actitud tolerante' translates to 'manifesting a tolerant attitude' in English. This phrase describes the act of showing or expressing a tolerant attitude towards certain situations or people. Essentially, it means letting others have their own opinions and accepting their differences, rather than forcing your own beliefs or behavior on them.

Example sentences with  manifestar una actitud tolerante
mantener (las) distancias
maintain (the) distances

The Spanish term 'mantener (las) distancias' translates to 'maintain (the) distances' in English. It is often used in contexts where it is necessary to preserve a certain space or separation from others. It can also refer to keeping an emotional or social distance from a person or a situation. Similarly, in the context of driving, 'mantener las distancias' urges drivers to keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead to prevent accidents. Hence, the interpretation of the term may vary slightly based on the situation it is used in.

Example sentences with  mantener (las) distancias
mantener una actitud abierta
keep an open attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una actitud abierta' is translated into English as 'keep an open attitude'. It is commonly used to encourage someone to be receptive and understanding of new or different ideas, perspectives, or experiences. It promotes the values of flexibility, tolerance, and adaptability. It is more than simply listening, but actively seeking to understand and appreciate where others are coming from. Keeping an open attitude not only benefits personal growth, but also strengthens communication, relationships, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams.

Example sentences with  mantener una actitud abierta
mantener una actitud tolerante
to maintain a tolerant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mantener una actitud tolerante' translates to 'to maintain a tolerant attitude' in English. It implies the ongoing action of keeping a mindset of tolerance. This can relate to various circumstances, whether it be in the cultural, social, or personal context. It suggests the idea of accepting and understanding the differences of others without expressing negative judgment or impact.

Example sentences with  mantener una actitud tolerante
merecer la confianza de alguien
deserve the trust of someone

The Spanish phrase 'merecer la confianza de alguien' translates to 'deserve the trust of someone' in English. It is used when someone has done something to earn the trust of another individual. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal, professional, or romantic relationships. In usage, it implies that trust is not given out freely, but must be earned through one's actions and behavior.

Example sentences with  merecer la confianza de alguien
mostrar apoyo
show support

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar apoyo' directly translates to 'show support' in English. This can be used in various situations where one person is displaying emotional, financial, or moral backing to another. It is a common phrase used to exhibit solidarity or encouragement towards someone's ideas, actions, or in times of difficulties. Displaying posters, liking or sharing someone's post on social media, or simply standing by someone in their time of need are some instances where 'mostrar apoyo' could be used.

Example sentences with  mostrar apoyo
mostrar comprensión
show understanding

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar comprensión' translates to 'show understanding' in English. It is typically used to suggest that someone should demonstrate that they understand something, or it can be used to express or acknowledge understanding of a particular situation or concept.

Example sentences with  mostrar comprensión
mostrar confianza
show confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar confianza' translates to 'show confidence' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, but the underlying idea is the same: to demonstrate a level of certainty and assurance. For example, it can be used to describe the attitude of a person who is not intimidated by challenges or difficulty, or to encourage others to express their confidence in their abilities or in a specific situation.

Example sentences with  mostrar confianza
mostrar respeto
show respect

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar respeto' translates to 'show respect' in English. It is a common phrase used in interactions to signify giving due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. It can be used in various contexts such as in a family setting, work environment, formal occasions, or in everyday communication to signify the importance of respecting others.

Example sentences with  mostrar respeto
mostrar un comportamiento adecuado
show proper behavior

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un comportamiento adecuado' is translated in English as 'show proper behavior'. This is often used in many social situations implying the expected, appropriate, or acceptable actions or reactions in certain settings or contexts. It can be used in a general sense or directed to a specific individual. Displaying proper behavior can include actions like respecting others, maintaining professionalism, being polite, and other actions that are socially acceptable or required.

Example sentences with  mostrar un comportamiento adecuado
mostrar un comportamiento injusto
showing unfair behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar un comportamiento injusto' translates to 'showing unfair behaviour' in English. It is used to describe a situation or an act that is not justified or not done in a fair and decent manner. This can involve actions that are perceived as not right or not conforming to the fundamental standards of fairness or justice in a given context. It is often used in the analysis of behaviours in social, personal, or professional situations.

Example sentences with  mostrar un comportamiento injusto
mostrar una actitud adecuado
show an appropriate attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una actitud adecuado' translates to 'show an appropriate attitude' in English. It is an instruction or advice, often used in a context where there is a need for caution, respect, or professionalism. For example, in a work setting or in formal situations. 'Mostrar' means 'show', 'una' means 'an', 'actitud' stands for 'attitude', and 'adecuado' means 'appropriate'. The phrase is indicative of the importance of demonstrating proper behavior or mindset in certain situations.

Example sentences with  mostrar una actitud adecuado
mostrar una actitud injusto
show an unfair attitude

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una actitud injusto' translates to 'show an unfair attitude' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts where someone is perceived to be demonstrating an attitude or behavior that is considered to be unjust, discriminatory, or biased. The phrase expresses a kind of condemnation or disapproval of such behavior or attitude.

Example sentences with  mostrar una actitud injusto
mostrar una confianza absoluta
show absolute confidence

The given Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza absoluta' translates to 'show absolute confidence' in English. The phrase is used to convey the idea of demonstrating complete certainty or belief either in oneself or in a given situation or entity. The usage is fairly common in both written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza absoluta
mostrar una confianza ciega
show a blind trust

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza ciega' translates into English as 'show a blind trust'. It is used to describe the action of trusting someone or something without question or doubt. Despite potentially not having substantial evidence or reasons to justify this trust, the individual chooses to believe unconditionally. This phrase is often used to critique or describe situations where unquestioning trust may not be justified or could potentially lead to negative outcomes.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza ciega
mostrar una confianza plena
show full confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza plena' translates to 'show full confidence' in English. This phrase is often used to express one's complete trust or belief in someone or something. It is a common phrase used in both formal and informal settings. 'Mostrar' means to show, 'una' means a or one, 'confianza' translates to confidence, and 'plena' means full or complete, together they create a powerful expression of trust and certainty.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza plena
mostrar una confianza total
show total confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza total' translates to 'show total confidence' in English. This phrase is typically used to convey the act of demonstrating complete trust or faith in a person or situation. For example, one might use it under contexts reflecting unwavering belief in someone's abilities or a scenario's ultimate outcome.

Example sentences with  mostrar una confianza total

The Spanish word 'negligencia' in English translates to 'negligence'. The term refers to the failure to take proper care in doing something. It generally implies a person's careless or indifferent attitude towards their responsibilities which can result in unintended harm or errors. This can be applicable in various sectors such as law, healthcare, and general personal behaviour, where one is expected to adhere to a certain standard of care.

Example sentences with  negligencia

'Paciencia' means the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. In learning, patience plays a key role as not all subjects or skills can be mastered instantly and require consistent practice.

Example sentences with  patience
perder la confianza de alguien
lose someone's trust

The Spanish phrase 'perder la confianza de alguien' translates into English as 'lose someone's trust'. This concept implies that a person's credibility or dependability has been compromised or diminished in the eyes of another. The loss of trust can happen for various reasons such as betrayal, dishonesty, or unreliability, and can significantly impact interpersonal relationships.

Example sentences with  perder la confianza de alguien
portarse bien
Be good

The Spanish phrase 'portarse bien' translates to 'be good' in English. This phrase is used as an instruction or guidance, usually told by parents to their children implying that they should behave properly, follow the rules, and stay out of trouble. It can be utilized in various contexts to express the same meaning of acting appropriately or behaving in a correct or desired manner.

Example sentences with  portarse bien
portarse mal
Been bad.

The phrase 'portarse mal' in Spanish essentially corresponds to 'behaving badly' or 'being naughty' in English. It's used in a variety of contexts to refer to someone who is not acting according to expectations or rules. Notably, it does not inherently label someone as 'bad', but rather refers to their conduct or actions at a particular time.

Example sentences with  portarse mal
preguntar insistentemente
to ask insistently

The Spanish phrase 'preguntar insistentemente' translates to 'to ask insistently' in English. It involves asking a question or series of questions persistently, or in a continual manner. It usually implies a sense of urging or earnestness in seeking an answer or response. This phrase may be used in various contexts where persistence in queries is notable, such as in discussions, interviews, investigations, etc.


The Spanish word 'previsión' translates to 'forecast' in English. It is commonly used in the context of predicting the weather, as in weather forecast, but can also be used in the sense of planning or preparing for the future. The term signifies an estimation or prediction based on current data and trends to help anticipate future events or scenarios.

Example sentences with  previsión

The Spanish word 'respetar' translates to 'respect' in English. It is a verb and it expresses the concept of admiration for someone because of their qualities, accomplishments, or abilities. It can also denote consideration or regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights. In a broader sense, 'respetar' can be used in various contexts to imply deference or courtesy.

Example sentences with  respetar
romper el hielo
break the ice

The phrase 'romper el hielo' directly translates to 'break the ice' in English. It is used in a social context where a person attempts to mitigate tension, start a conversation, or create a more friendly environment. The English and Spanish uses of 'break the ice' are similar. This phrase is often used when meeting someone for the first time, starting a new topic of conversation, or attempting to create ease in a tense situation.

Example sentences with  romper el hielo
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