Spanish Learn Spanish: Behavior Vocabulary

Master Spanish language by learning words related to behavior. Improve your communication in different scenarios.

actitud agradable
pleasant attitude

The Spanish phrase 'actitud agradable' translates into English as 'pleasant attitude'. It describes a positive and friendly manner or disposition that a person may have. This can be used to appreciate someone's positivity or to describe a good-natured disposition in a situation. It implies a feeling of joy, satisfaction, or happiness.

Example sentences with  actitud agradable
actitud extraña
strange attitude

The Spanish phrase 'actitud extraña' translates to 'strange attitude' in English. This phrase can be used to describe someone's unusual or peculiar behavior or demeanor. It can depict a person who is acting unusually or whose behavior is not normal or expected in a specific context or situation.

Example sentences with  actitud extraña
actitud positiva
positive attitude

The Spanish term 'actitud positiva' directly translates to 'positive attitude' in English. It is a phrase used to describe a mental disposition or mindset that shapes a person's view towards life and all of the things around them in a positive, optimistic and constructive way. It is an important concept in personal development and psychology related contexts and can be applied to various aspects of life such as in work, relationships, facing challenges and more.

Example sentences with  actitud positiva
actuar correctamente
act properly

The Spanish phrase 'actuar correctamente' translates to 'act properly' in English. The phrase is actually composed of two words 'actuar' meaning 'to act', and 'correctamente' meaning 'properly'. When these two words are used together they retain their individual meanings, thereby serving as a direct instruction or command, guiding someone to behave or handle things in the right or acceptable manner.

Example sentences with  actuar correctamente
adoptar una actitud abierta
adopt an open attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud abierta' translates to 'adopt an open attitude' in English. This phrase signifies the acceptance of various perspectives and open-mindedness. In use, it encourages individuals to be receptive, unbiased, and welcoming towards new ideas and different viewpoints rather than limiting themselves to a single, narrow mindset. By adopting an open attitude, one exhibits flexibility and adaptability in different circumstances or toward different people and cultures.

Example sentences with  adoptar una actitud abierta
adoptar una actitud tolerante
adopt a tolerant attitude

The phrase 'adoptar una actitud tolerante' in Spanish translates to 'adopt a tolerant attitude' in English. This means to take on a manner or mindset of acceptance and openness. It implies showing respect for the opinions, practices, or behavior of others even if one doesn't agree with them, showcasing patience and flexibility. It's often used in contexts where encouragement towards understanding and intervening differences peacefully is required.

Example sentences with  adoptar una actitud tolerante
comportamiento discriminatorio
discriminatory behaviour

The Spanish phrase 'comportamiento discriminatorio' translates to 'discriminatory behaviour' in English. It involves treating or considering a person or group of people differently based on certain characteristics or conditions, such as race, sex, religion, age, or any other attribute. This form of behavior is deemed unjust and unethical in most societies worldwide, as it goes against the principles of fairness and equality.

Example sentences with  comportamiento discriminatorio
comportamiento prudente
prudent behavior

The Spanish term 'comportamiento prudente' translates to 'prudent behavior' in English. It refers to the way an individual behaves that manifests wisdom, caution, or discretion often for the purpose of avoiding harm or risks. It might be used to describe someone's actions in critical or uncertain situations that require practicality and foresight.

Example sentences with  comportamiento prudente
comportarse bien

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse bien' translates to 'behave well' in English. It is an instructional phrase often used to tell someone to act appropriately. It may be used in various contexts such as at home, in school, or in public places where certain kinds of behavior are expected. In Spanish, 'comportarse' is a reflexive verb that means 'to behave' and 'bien' is an adverb meaning 'well' or 'good'.

Example sentences with  comportarse bien
comportarse civilizadamente
behave civilly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse civilizadamente' translates to 'behave civilly' in English. It is an instruction needing one to act in a civil, polite, or courteous manner. This phrase could be used in formal situations or when someone wants to advice another person to conduct themselves in a respectful or polite way. It encompasses the idea that appropriate and considerate behavior aligns with accepted social norms or etiquette.

Example sentences with  comportarse civilizadamente
comportarse correctamente
behave properly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse correctamente' translated in English is 'behave properly'. It implies to act in accordance with established standards of manners or decorum or to conduct oneself in a way that is typically considered proper or polite.

Example sentences with  comportarse correctamente
comportarse diplomáticamente
conduct diplomatically

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse diplomáticamente' translates to 'conduct diplomatically' in English. This phrase is a verb that indicates the action of behaving or acting in a diplomatic manner. Diplomatic conduct is about managing relations in a tactful and effective manner, especially in dealing with sensitive issues or people to avoid causing offence. This phrase is commonly used in context where diplomatic skills - such as negotiation, conflict resolution, and public speaking - are required.

Example sentences with  comportarse diplomáticamente
comportarse fatal
behave fatally

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse fatal' does not exactly translate to 'behave fatally' in English. It rather signifies behaving very badly or having a terrible behavior. This phrase is often used informally to express dissatisfaction with someone's behavior.

Example sentences with  comportarse fatal
comportarse mal
behave badly

The Spanish phrase 'comportarse mal' translates to 'behave badly' in English. It is commonly used to describe someone who is not acting according to societal or established norms. This phrase can be applicable in a variety of contexts, such as in a classroom setting, in social gatherings, or when referring to the conduct of an individual. It could also be used to imply that someone is misbehaving or not following rules.

Example sentences with  comportarse mal

'Comprensión' refers to the ability to understand something. In education, it suggests getting the sense of something, interpreting it accurately, and responding to it appropriately.

Example sentences with  comprensión
conducta discriminatorio
discriminatory conduct

The Spanish phrase 'conducta discriminatorio' translates to 'discriminatory conduct' in English. This concerns behaviours or actions that treat people unfairly based on their belonging to a particular group. Such actions may be based on race, age, sex, religion, disability, etc., which unfairly disadvantage people from certain groups while advantaging others. This terminology commonly appears in legal, societal or organisational settings where equality and fairness are of utmost importance.

Example sentences with  conducta discriminatorio
conducta prudente
prudent conduct

The Spanish term 'conducta prudente' translates to 'prudent conduct' in English. It refers to the manner of conducting oneself in a sensible way by not taking unnecessary risks and making careful decisions. Its usage is often in the context of outlining the behavior expected from an individual, particularly in professional or legal scenarios. The behavior or conduct is considered 'prudent' when it demonstrates careful and sensible management of resources or handling of situations.

Example sentences with  conducta prudente
dar amistad
give friendship

The Spanish phrase 'dar amistad' directly translates to 'give friendship' in English. This phrase is typically used in social contexts to describe the act of extending goodwill, friendly feelings, or companionship to someone else. It is similar to saying 'offer friendship' in English, implying an openness to developing a close bond with another person.

Example sentences with  dar amistad

'Dedicación' refers to the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. In the context of learning, it refers to committing time and effort to studying.

Example sentences with  dedicación
due diligence

The Spanish term 'diligencia' translates to 'due diligence' in English. It is often used in legal, business, and finance contexts to denote the thoroughness, care, or effort expected from a reasonable person while performing a task. It often refers to a comprehensive assessment of a business undertaking. For instance, when buying a business or investing in a project, conducting 'diligencia' means carrying out a full scope investigation to validate the entity's claim before entering into the agreement.

Example sentences with  diligencia
estar bien educado
being well educated

The Spanish phrase 'estar bien educado' translates to 'being well educated' in English. This not only refers to an individual who has received a good level of education, but also to someone who is well-mannered and raised with good values. It is used to indicate both academic achievements and a person's character and behavior.

Example sentences with  estar bien educado
estar decaído
being decayed (down)

The Spanish phrase 'estar decaído' translates to 'being down' or 'feeling down' in English. It is used to express a state of feeling low or being mentally or emotionally depressed. The phrase is often used in the context of conversation to convey one's emotional dynamics. Note that it does not mean 'being decayed', which would correspond to a different Spanish verb 'estar en descomposición'. Understanding these nuances is crucial in learning Spanish language.

Example sentences with  estar decaído
estar deprimido
being depressed

The Spanish phrase 'estar deprimido' translates to 'being depressed' in English. This is a state of feeling sad, lost, or empty over a prolonged period. It can refer to a clinical condition that requires treatment, or it can refer to temporary feelings of sadness or emotional exhaustion. As with many emotional concepts, the exact meaning can vary somewhat depending on context.

estar distraído
being distracted

The Spanish phrase 'estar distraído' translates to 'being distracted' in English. It is generally used to describe a state of not paying attention to what one should be or usually is attentive to. This could be caused by a lack of interest in the present activity or preoccupation with other thoughts or happenings.

Example sentences with  estar distraído
estar loco
being crazy

'Estar loco' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'being crazy' in English. It is typically used to describe someone's erratic, unconventional, or unpredictable behavior that deviates from societal norms. In a less formal context, it's also employed in a friendly or playful manner, to depict someone as fun-loving or quirky. However, the meaning may change based on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  estar loco
estar mal educado
being poorly educated

The Spanish phrase 'estar mal educado' translates to 'being poorly educated' in English. This phrase is used to describe a person who lacks proper manners, courtesy, and respect. It can also refer to an individual who did not receive adequate or high-quality education. The phrase contains the verb 'estar', which means 'to be' and is typically used to describe transient or changing states, 'mal' translates to 'badly or poorly' and 'educado' means 'educated' or 'brought up'. Together, they construct a phrase critical of someone's education or rearing.

Example sentences with  estar mal educado
hablar bien de alguien
speaking well of someone

The Spanish phrase 'hablar bien de alguien' translates to 'speaking well of someone' in English. This phrase is often used when complimenting an individual or praising their actions or characteristics. It conveys the action of expressing positive sentiments or opinions about another individual. This could include their professional abilities, personal qualities, or any other aspect that the speaker appreciates or admires about someone else.

Example sentences with  hablar bien de alguien
hablar mal de alguien
talk bad about someone

The Spanish phrase 'hablar mal de alguien' translates to 'talk bad about someone' in English. This typically implies making negative comments or spreading harmful gossip about an individual. This phrase is generally frowned upon as it can cause social harm and damage a person's reputation.

Example sentences with  hablar mal de alguien

The Spanish word 'imprudencia' translates to 'imprudence' in English. This term refers to a lack of caution or care, often leading to hasty decisions or rash actions that might result in undesirable consequences. It is commonly used in situations where someone acts without thinking or considering the potential outcomes, demonstrating a disregard for potential risks or negative effects. It might be utilized in various contexts, such as personal behavior, financial decisions, or safety measures.

Example sentences with  imprudencia

The Spanish word 'ineptitud' translates to 'ineptitude' in English. This is a noun that refers to a lack of skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment. It's often used to critique a person's ability to accomplish a task or do a job effectively. It can also be used more broadly to describe a general lack of ability or knowledge in something. This word comes from the Latin 'ineptus' which combines 'in-' (not) and 'aptus' (fit, suitable).

Example sentences with  ineptitud
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