Spanish Art & Architecture: Sculpture & Painting

Improve your Spanish vocabulary by learning words related to architecture, sculpture & painting. Learn Spanish art terms & phrases.

pintar un paisaje
painting a landscape

The phrase 'pintar un paisaje' in Spanish refers to the action or the art of creating a depiction of an outdoor natural scenery like mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests in visual art, particularly painting. This could be the artist's own interpretation, or a representation of an existing location translated onto a canvas, paper or any other medium with the use of different painting techniques and tools.

Example sentences with  pintar un paisaje
pintar un retrato
painting a portrait

The phrase 'pintar un retrato' in Spanish translates to 'painting a portrait' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the act of creating a portrait by painting. A portrait is typically a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression are predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. Hence, 'pintar un retrato' is an activity that requires artistic skills employed in the representation or portrayal of a person using paints.

Example sentences with  pintar un retrato

'Pintor' refers to a person who paints, especially as a job. Although it's often used to refer to a male painter, it can be used gender-neutrally.

Example sentences with  pintor

The Spanish word 'pirámide' translates to 'pyramid' in English. Pyramids are monumental structures with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. These were especially common as burial sites for pharaohs in Ancient Egypt, but can be found in various forms around the world. The term 'pirámide' in Spanish can also refer to structures, strategies or diagrams that have a pyramid-like shape or organization.

Example sentences with  pirámide
reformar un edificio
reform a building

The phrase 'reformar un edificio' in Spanish translates to 'reform a building' in English. It implies modifying or refurbishing a building to improve its condition or adapt it to new uses or standards. This term can be used in both professional settings such as in construction and architecture, and in casual conversations to describe making improvements or changes to a residential or commercial property.

Example sentences with  reformar un edificio

The Spanish word 'subastar' translates to 'auction' in English. This is typically used in the context of selling or buying items where the price is negotiated by way of bidding. The item in question is sold to the highest bidder. This term can be used in various contexts, for example, in arts, antiques, and property markets, and even online platforms like eBay also perform 'subasta' which means 'auction' in English.

subastar una obra de arte
auction an art work

The phrase 'subastar una obra de arte' in Spanish translates to 'auction an art work' in English. This typically refers to the process of selling art by offering it up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder in an auction. It is a common method of selling high value items such as unique art pieces.

Example sentences with  subastar una obra de arte

The Spanish word 'tapiz' translates to 'tapestry' in English. A tapestry is a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, often used as a wall decoration or as a form of historical or cultural storytelling. 'Tapiz' can be found in many Spanish conversations and literature referring to arts, decorations and historical narratives.

Example sentences with  tapiz
tasar una obra de arte
rate a work of art

'Tasar una obra de arte' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'rate a work of art' in English. It is used when someone wants to ascertain or determine the value of a piece of art. This is often used in contexts like auctions, sales, or when dealing with art pieces in general. It would be used by someone like an art appraiser or dealer who sets or determines the values of the pieces of art.

Example sentences with  tasar una obra de arte

The Spanish word 'valoración' translates to 'valuation' in English. It is a term often used in economic and financial contexts, pertaining to the procedure of calculating or estimating the worth of something, such as a company, property, or an asset. Furthermore, 'valoración' can also be utilized in non-financial contexts indicating the importance or significance given to something.

Example sentences with  valoración
valorar una obra de arte
value a work of art

The Spanish phrase 'valorar una obra de art' translates to 'value a work of art' in English. This can mean assessing the worth of an artwork based on its visual, historical, or cultural significance. It might also involve appreciating the craftsmanship and creative effort that went into producing the artwork.

Example sentences with  valorar una obra de arte
zona monumental
monumental area

The Spanish term 'zona monumental' translates to 'monumental area' in English. This term is most frequently used in relation to the tourism and heritage sector and can be used to refer to a specific area or region that is known for its significant historical, cultural, or architectural monuments. For example, a city center might be referred to as a 'zona monumental' if it contains many important buildings or sites that hold historical or cultural importance.

Example sentences with  zona monumental
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