Spanish Art & Architecture: Sculpture & Painting

Improve your Spanish vocabulary by learning words related to architecture, sculpture & painting. Learn Spanish art terms & phrases.

estilo realista
realistic style

The Spanish term 'estilo realista' can be translated into English as 'realistic style'. This phrase is often used in the context of art and literature, referring to work that aims to reflect reality in a non-abstract and detailed manner. Realistic style is characterized by the accurate and detailed depiction of scenery, objects, and characters as they appear in the real world, rather than stylized or abstract representations.

Example sentences with  estilo realista
estilo románico
Romanesque style

The 'estilo románico' translates to 'Romanesque style' in English. It refers to an architectural style of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches, a massive quality, thick walls, and symmetrical plan. Its features include round arches, robust appearance, stout pillars, barrel vaults, large towers and decorative arcading. This style was prevalent from the late 10th to the early 13th centuries.

Example sentences with  estilo románico

The Spanish word 'exposición' translates to 'exhibition' in English. The term 'exposición' can refer to a presentation or display of a selection of items. Typically, these items can be works of art, historical objects, scientific or artistic installations, among others. 'Exposición' is commonly used in academic, cultural, and commercial environments and it represents an important aspect of learning, knowledge sharing, and business promotion in Spanish-speaking cultures.


The Spanish word 'fachada' translates to 'facade' in English. It is often used to describe the front part or exterior of a building. Facades are typically the most decorative and visually appealing aspect of a building, as they are true representation of its architectural design. 'Fachada' can also metaphorically represent a deceptive outward appearance in Spanish just as 'facade' does in English.

Example sentences with  fachada

The word 'falsificación' in Spanish translates to 'forgery' in English. Forgery is a process that refers to the act of falsely making or altering a document with the intent to defraud or deceive. It can be associated with signing someone else's name to a document without their consent or authorization, making a fake ID card, creating fake certifications, or even producing counterfeit money. Therefore, 'falsificación' can be used in various contexts in Spanish language where the concept of forgery or unlawful copying is involved.

Example sentences with  falsificación
falsificar una obra de arte
forge a work of art

The Spanish phrase 'falsificar una obra de arte' translates to 'forge a work of art' in English. This refers to the act of creating a copy or imitation of a valuable item, particularly artwork, intending to deceive others into believing it is the original. Forging art involves reproducing the artist's original style and technique so convincingly that even art critics can find it difficult to distinguish from the original. It is considered a serious crime in many countries.

Example sentences with  falsificar una obra de arte
feria de arte
art fair

The Spanish phrase 'feria de arte' translates to 'art fair' in English. An art fair is a specific type of trade event where art collectors, galleries, and artists come together to showcase and sell artworks. It serves as a platform to introduce new and existing artists and their works to the public, providing exposure and fostering connections between artists, collectors, and interested audiences.

Example sentences with  feria de arte

The Spanish word 'fresco' translates to 'fresh' in English. It is an adjective that can be used in various contexts just like its English counterpart. It is commonly used to describe food that is recently prepared or not preserved, such as 'pescado fresco' meaning 'fresh fish'. It can also describe something cool or refreshing, as in 'aire fresco', translating to 'fresh air'. Remembering the English cognate 'fresh', as well as noting its usage in various phrases, will help learners understand and use 'fresco' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  fresco
hacer un croquis
make a sketch

'Hacer un croquis' in Spanish translates to 'make a sketch' in English. It's a phrase often used in contexts where someone is asked to draw a quick, informal diagram or map. Pronounced as 'a-ser un croh-kees', it encompasses the act of drafting a brief and basic illustration, often to visualize an idea or concept.

Example sentences with  hacer un croquis
hacer un esbozo
make a sketch

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un esbozo' translates to 'make a sketch' in English. This can be used in a variety of contexts such as drawing, planning, or brainstorming where a preliminary or rough version is created. Just like in English, this phrase in Spanish can be used both in literal and figurative senses. For instance in art (making a sketch of a portrait) or in an idea for a project(drafting an initial plan or outline).

Example sentences with  hacer un esbozo
hacer un esquema
make a scheme

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un esquema' is generally translated into English as 'make a scheme'. It can be utilized in many contexts where one is preparing or drafting a plan or strategy, often related to abstract or concrete actions. The phrase denotes the process of formulating an arrangement or system; it implies creating a detailed proposal of action. Care should be taken with the word 'scheme', as in informal English it may suggest a dishonest plan. Therefore, it might sometimes be better translated as 'make a diagram' or 'draft a plan' according to context.

hacer un plano
make a plan

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un plano' translates to 'make a plan' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as planning a schedule for the day, a trip, or even a project. It is a common phrase used by Spanish-speaking people when they refer to creating a strategy or outlining something they intend to implement. This phrase includes the verb 'hacer', which means 'to do' or 'to make', and 'un plano', which translates to 'a plan'.

Example sentences with  hacer un plano
hacer un proyecto
make a project

'Hacer un proyecto' in Spanish translates to 'make a project' in English. It's an phrase that you can use when referring to the creation or development of a project or assignment in various contexts such as work, school, or personal endeavors. Whether it's a science project, a construction project, or a creative project, this phrase is versatile and broadly used.


The Spanish word for church is 'iglesia'. Just like in English, 'iglesia' is used to refer to a physical place of worship for Christians. It is a common noun that can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Vamos a la iglesia' which means 'We are going to the church'. It can also be used symbolically to refer to the organization or institution of a religious group.

Example sentences with  iglesia

The term 'ilustrador' in Spanish translates to 'illustrator' in English. An illustrator is an artist who specializes in enhancing writing or elucidating concepts by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text or idea. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually, which is the reason illustrations are often used in books, magazines, and business reports.

Example sentences with  ilustrador
imitar un estilo
imitate a style

The Spanish phrase 'imitar un estilo' translates to 'imitate a style' in English. It is used to describe the act of copying or replicating a specific style or pattern in conduct, fashion, art or any other form of expression. The usage extends to various contexts and can relate to copying the style of a famous personality, an art form, a trend and so on.

Example sentences with  imitar un estilo

The Spanish word 'monumento' translates to 'monument' in English. Monuments are structures which are erected to commemorate a historical event or a person. They help in preserving the culture and history of a place. Monuments are usually symbolic and unique like the Statue of Liberty in New York or the Eiffel Tower in Paris which represent their respective countries. Similar to English, 'monumento' in Spanish is also a masculine noun and used to refer to a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest.

Example sentences with  monumento
muestra de arte
art exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'muestra de arte' is translated as 'art exhibition' in English. An art exhibition is a space or a venue where any form of art is displayed for the public to see. This can include works of fine arts like paintings, sculptures, installations, or graphics. It can be a one-time event or a long-term display. Similarly, 'muestra de arte' in Spanish signifies the same - an event or location where works of art are exhibited.

Example sentences with  muestra de arte

The word 'mural' in Spanish refers to an impactful piece of artwork typically painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. The great scale and integration with the architectural elements, often bringing context to the surrounding space, distinguishes murals from other forms of paintings. Spanish murals can be found in churches, government buildings, and even on city walls, often telling a story or carrying a message. They express the culture, history, and perspective of the artist or the society they represent.

Example sentences with  mural

A 'Museo' is a building or institution where objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited.

Example sentences with  museo
obra arquitectónico
architectural work

The term 'obra arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural work' in English. It refers to the planning, designing, and constructing of buildings or other physical structures by architects. Architectural works are perceived as cultural and political symbols and works of art. The term can be used to describe anything from a single room to an entire complex of buildings. Architectural works can come in a variety of forms indicative of the era, culture and location in which they were created.

Example sentences with  obra arquitectónico
obra de arte
work of art

The Spanish term 'obra de arte' translates to 'work of art' in English. This term is primarily used to refer to creations by artists, usually visual creations such as paintings, sculptures, installations, and the like. However, it can also be broadly applied to refer to any exceptional creation or achievement in other fields, such as a beautifully designed building, a well-written piece of literature, a graceful ballet performance, or an innovative piece of technology. The specific connotation can vary based on context. Note, this term is a phrase of three words in Spanish, whereas in English, it's compounded into one phrase.

Example sentences with  obra de arte
obra escultórico
sculptural work

The Spanish phrase 'obra escultórico' translates to 'sculptural work' in English. This term is typically used to refer to a piece of artwork, often in a three-dimensional form, created by shaping or combining hard or plastic material, sound, text, light, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, or wood. It represents any forms of art that are tangible or physically constructed by the artists. This may include statues, figurines, installations, and structures, among others.

Example sentences with  obra escultórico
obra pictórico
pictorial work

The term 'obra pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial work' in English. It refers to any creation that is made by using techniques of painting either on a surface, like canvas, or creating digital imagery. It could include various forms of art ranging from traditional painting to modern digital and pixel art. The term 'obra pictórico' can encompass a wide variety of artistic expressions, techniques, and styles, all related to the field of visual art.

Example sentences with  obra pictórico

The Spanish word 'paisajista' translates to 'landscape' in English. This term is usually used to refer to the visible features of an area of land, including physical elements such as landforms, bodies of water, plants, structures, and other similar features. 'Paisajista' could also refer to a person who is a landscape artist or a landscape architect, one who designs, plans, and manages the landscape.

Example sentences with  paisajista

The term 'palacete' in Spanish refers to a small palace or a very luxurious house, often in reference to a large, impressive, grandeur residential home that can be quite ornate and aesthetically pleasing. While it literally translates to 'little palace' in English, it doesn't necessarily denote a royal or imperial residence but rather a very opulent house often associated with wealth and extravagance.


The Spanish word 'paintar' corresponds to the English word 'paint'. In a broader context, it can mean to apply color to a surface with a brush or to depict something or someone with words, color or music. This can refer to both the physical action of painting, for instance, painting a house or a picture, and the creation of an illustrative depiction of any thing or idea.

Example sentences with  pintar
pintar a la acuarela
paint in watercolor

The Spanish phrase 'pintar a la acuarela' translates to 'paint in watercolor' in English. This phrase refers to the act of creating art by mixing water-soluble pigments with a binder, and then applying them to paper, canvas, or other mediums. This technique allows for great flexibility and subtlety of color, as the artist can vary the amount of water used, often leading to a highly luminous effect. Watercolor painting is especially appreciated for its spontaneity, light effects, and delicate, airy touch.

Example sentences with  pintar a la acuarela
pintar al óleo
paint in oil

The term 'pintar al óleo' in Spanish refers to the act of creating artwork using oil-based pigments. Oil painting is a revered form of artwork with a long historical tradition, particularly in Western art. The vibrant, rich colors of oil paint offer great versatility and longevity, allowing an artist to create a variety of effects and textures. The term encompasses not just the act of painting, but also the artistic intent, technique, and tradition implicated in the utilization of oil-based pigments.

Example sentences with  pintar al óleo
pintar un cuadro
painting a painting

The Spanish phrase 'pintar un cuadro' translates to 'painting a painting' in English. It's often used to refer to the act of creating an artistic work on a canvas or similar surface using paint. An individual who 'pinta un cuadro' is someone who is creating, or has created, a painting.

Example sentences with  pintar un cuadro
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