Spanish Art & Architecture: Sculpture & Painting

Improve your Spanish vocabulary by learning words related to architecture, sculpture & painting. Learn Spanish art terms & phrases.


'Dibujar' translates as 'draw' in English. It represents the act of creating an image with pencil, pen, or any other tools on a surface.

Example sentences with  dibujar
dibujar un esquema
drawing a scheme

The Spanish phrase 'dibujar un esquema' translates to 'drawing a scheme' in English. This phrase can be broken down into 'dibujar' which means 'to draw', 'un' meaning 'a', and 'esquema' translating to 'scheme'. Therefore, the phrase 'dibujar un esquema' is generally used to express the idea of creating a plan or a diagram, particularly in a creative, academic or professional context.

Example sentences with  dibujar un esquema
dibujar un plano
drawing a plane

The phrase 'dibujar un plano' in Spanish literally translates to 'draw a plane' in English. However, contextually it could mean drawing a flat, two-dimensional diagram, or a draft of a structure or model. For instance, in architecture or engineering contexts, 'dibujar un plano' will imply drafting a blueprint or plan. The phrase encompasses the action of creating a visual or diagrammatic representation of a structure or object in a planar or two-dimensional approach.

Example sentences with  dibujar un plano
dibujar un proyecto
draw a project

The Spanish phrase 'dibujar un proyecto' translates directly into English as 'draw a project'. This can refer to the literal action of creating a sketch or design for a particular project. For instance, an architect might 'dibujar un proyecto' when they create a blueprint for a new building. However, it can also have a metaphorical meaning, referring to the process of planning out the steps and details of a project. For instance, a teacher might 'dibujar un proyecto' when they outline the curriculum for a new class they are teaching.

Example sentences with  dibujar un proyecto

The Spanish word 'dibujo' translates to 'drawing' in English. This term is widely used in artistic contexts to refer to either an activity involving creating visual art, usually with the use of pencils, pens, crayons, etc., or the piece of art produced by this activity. Additionally, 'dibujo' can be used metaphorically or in a broader sense to refer to the layout or design of something, much like how 'drawing' is utilized in English.

Example sentences with  dibujo

A 'diseñador' in Spanish is equivalent to 'designer' in English. This term refers to a person specialized in conceiving and creating design, which may be applicable to diverse fields depending on the context. Some prevalent examples include, but are not limited to, fashion designer, graphic designer, interior designer, etc. Rooted in creativity and practicality, a diseñador's job generally requires a high aesthetic sense and problem-solving capacity.

Example sentences with  diseñador

In Spanish, 'diseño' is used similarly to how 'design' is used in English. It can refer to the process of creating or planning something (like a piece of art or a building), or the way something has been planned and made. Additionally, it can be used more broadly to talk about someone's plans or intentions. For example, 'El diseño de la casa es hermoso' means 'The design of the house is beautiful'.

Example sentences with  diseño

The Spanish word 'edificio' is used to describe a large structure or a building. This could be anything from a skyscraper to a school. It's used in the same context as the English 'building', as in the sentence: 'El edificio es muy alto', which translates to 'The building is very tall'.

Example sentences with  edificio
edificio adosado
townhouse building

The term 'edificio adosado' in Spanish refers to a specific style of housing known as a townhouse building in English. Essentially, this is a type of building that shares one or more walls with adjacent buildings. Typically, townhouses are designed as multi-floor homes, housing one family per unit. The design of these types of homes make them practical for urban environments where space is limited and property values tend to be high.

Example sentences with  edificio adosado
edificio de nueva planta
new building

The Spanish phrase 'edificio de nueva planta' translates to 'new building' in English. It refers to a newly constructed or recently completed structure or building. This phrase is typically used in contexts related to real estate, construction, architecture, or urban planning. It implies that the building was recently constructed from the ground up, rather than being a renovation or remodel of an existing structure.

Example sentences with  edificio de nueva planta
edificio en ruinas
ruined building

The Spanish phrase 'edificio en ruinas' translates to 'ruined building' in English. This can refer to a structure or building that has been severely damaged or decayed over time. Ruins typically convey a sense of antiquity, neglect, or disaster that has lead to its current state. Examples of it's usage can include historic sites, abandoned buildings, or properties damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods.

Example sentences with  edificio en ruinas
esculpir en escayola
sculpt in plaster

The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en escayola' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This verb phrase refers to the artistic process of molding materials, specifically plaster, into desired shapes or forms. This is a technique often employed by artists and craftsmen like sculptors and architects. The action requires specialized tools and skills to manipulate the said material. In a sentence, it can be used as: 'El artista está esculpiendo una figura en escayola', which translates to 'The artist is sculpting a figure in plaster'.

Example sentences with  esculpir en escayola
esculpir en yeso
sculpt in plaster

The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en yeso' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This refers to the process of creating a three-dimensional artwork by carving or shaping a plaster material. The plaster is first prepared and then shaped using various tools. Once the sculpture has been properly formed, it is left to dry and harden. This art form is utilized in various fields, including architecture, art and decorative designs, among others.

Example sentences with  esculpir en yeso

The Spanish word 'escultor' translates to 'sculptor' in English. A sculptor is an artist who shapes materials such as wood, stone, or metal into a particular form. They use various methods including carving, chiselling, moulding, casting, and welding to create their artworks. Similarly, an 'escultor' in Spanish-speaking cultures would perform these same tasks, creating intricate works of art from raw materials.

Example sentences with  escultor
escultura de barro
sculpture of clay

The Spanish phrase 'escultura de barro' translates to 'sculpture of clay' in English. This term refers to a piece of artwork that is created using clay as the main element. This type of sculpture can take on an array of shapes and sizes, depending on the artist's intentions. The clay, once molded and shaped, is often fired in a kiln to harden and preserve the artwork. These clay sculptures can be found in a variety of settings, including art galleries, museums, and private collections.

Example sentences with  escultura de barro
escultura de bronce
bronze sculpture

The Spanish term 'escultura de bronce' translates to 'bronze sculpture' in English. Bronze sculptures are a type of statuette, figurine, or three-dimensional representation that are made from the metal alloy known as bronze. This art form traces its roots back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for religious, political, and aesthetic purposes. Today, bronze sculptures are widely recognized for their durability and detailing, which allows artists to create intricate designs that are difficult to achieve with other materials. They can be found in various settings, including museums, parks, and private collections.

Example sentences with  escultura de bronce
escultura de mármol
marble sculpture

The Spanish phrase 'escultura de mármol' translates to 'marble sculpture' in English. A marble sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork made from marble, a type of durable stone often used in artistic carving. Marble sculptures have been created and admired for thousands of years due to marble's lasting nature and its natural beauty. Some of the world's most famous sculptures like Michelangelo's 'David' are made from marble.

Example sentences with  escultura de mármol

The word 'estatua' in Spanish translates to 'statue' in English. A statue is a free-standing sculpture in which real or imaginary people or animals, or, less commonly, things are represented. Usually found in public places, statues are an integral part of architecture and history, symbolizing important events or people from the past.

Example sentences with  estatua
estatua de barro
statue of clay

The Spanish phrase 'estatua de barro' translates directly into English as 'statue of clay'. In a broader context, this can refer to any sculpture or physical representation created from clay, a type of earthen material that has been used since prehistoric times to create art. The phrase may be used in various fields, such as art, history, and archaeology.

Example sentences with  estatua de barro
estatua de bronce
bronze statue

The phrase 'estatua de bronce' in Spanish translates to 'bronze statue' in English. This phrase is composed of two words - 'estatua' meaning 'statue' and 'de bronce' meaning 'of bronze'. It can be used in various contexts where the presence of a statue made out of bronze is being referred to. In art and architecture, bronze statues have been a significant form of statuary since ancient times due to the durability and strength of bronze. In this case, it could be referring to a piece of art, historical monument, or any figurative representation made of bronze.

Example sentences with  estatua de bronce
estatua de mármol
marble statue

The Spanish phrase 'estatua de mármol' translates to 'marble statue' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'estatua' means 'statue' and 'de mármol' means 'of marble'. So, put together, 'estatua de mármol' refers to a statue that has been made from marble, which is a type of hard, typically white stone that is often used for sculptures and buildings.

Example sentences with  estatua de mármol
estilo abstracto
abstract style

The Spanish term 'estilo abstracto' translates to 'abstract style' in English. This term is often used in the context of art, where it denotes a style that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, abstract style uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. In essence, 'estilo abstracto' embodies a departure from traditional representational artwork, in favor of artwork that experiments with non-traditional modes of visual expression.

Example sentences with  estilo abstracto
estilo arquitectónico
architectural style

The phrase 'estilo arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural style' in English. An architectural style is a way of classifying architecture primarily by its visual appearance, exclusive of the underlying means of construction. It signifies specific methods that are popular during specific historical periods or at certain geographical locations, and it often reflects cultural and societal trends or values at that time. The term 'estilo arquitectónico' is used in Spanish-speaking cultures to define and categorize these various styles throughout architectural history, such as 'baroque', 'Gothic', or 'modern' architectural style.

Example sentences with  estilo arquitectónico
estilo barroco
Baroque style

The term 'estilo barroco' in Spanish translates to 'baroque style' in English. It represents an artistic style that was prevalent from the late 16th century to the mid 18th century in Europe. This style is characterized by extravagant and highly detailed art, architecture, and music. The baroque style often portrays dramatic themes and is noted for evoking emotional responses from the audience.

Example sentences with  estilo barroco
estilo cubista
Cubist style

The term 'estilo cubista' translates to 'cubist style' in English. This term is from the field of art and specifically relates to Cubism, an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage. Popularized by artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, the cubist style breaks the subject into shapes and reconstructs them to create a very abstract and multi-dimensional perspective.

Example sentences with  estilo cubista
estilo escultórico
sculptural style

The term 'estilo escultórico' directly translates from Spanish to English as 'sculptural style'. It refers to the distinct techniques, methods, and aesthetic principles that a sculptor uses in the creation of their work. Much like a writer might have a unique writing style, a sculptor has a unique sculptural style. This can include decisions about form, material, texture, scale, and more. Recognizing and understanding different sculptural styles can deepen the appreciation and analysis of sculptures.

Example sentences with  estilo escultórico
estilo expresionista
Expressionist style

The phrase 'estilo expresionista' in Spanish translates to 'expressionist style' in English. This phrase is widely used in the elegance of visual, literary, and performing art forms where the expression of strong emotional resonance or response preoccupies the artist. Emphasis is placed on representing the subjective experience over objective reality, hence it's widely used to describe works of art that communicate intense emotion or a distorted perception of reality.

Example sentences with  estilo expresionista
estilo gótico
Gothic style

The term 'estilo gótico' translates to 'gothic style' in English. Generally, this phrase is used to denote a style of art or architecture that flourished in Europe from the 12th through the 16th centuries. With typical features including pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, gothic style represents a significant period in the historical timeline of European culture. 'Estilo gótico' might also refer to gothic style in other aspects such as fashion or literature, which emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries marked by a fascination with the mysterious, the supernatural, and the grotesque.

Example sentences with  estilo gótico
estilo impresionista
Impressionist style

The term 'estilo impresionista' is Spanish and translates to 'impressionist style' in English. Primarily associated with the field of visual arts, the impressionism style focuses on capturing the sensory effect of a moment or scene, putting emphasis on perception and immediate observation instead of a meticulous, detail-orientated rendition. This term is also used in literature and music to describe similar stylistic approaches. It flourished primarily in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Example sentences with  estilo impresionista
estilo pictórico
pictorial style

The term 'estilo pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial style' in English. This is a term often used in the art world to refer to the unique and distinct manner in which an artist paints, or the characteristics and techniques used in their artwork. It can be used to categorize art into various types or periods based on these stylistic features. The specific 'estilo pictórico' of a work can often give us insight into the artist's intentions and influences.

Example sentences with  estilo pictórico
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