Spanish Art & Architecture: Sculpture & Painting

Improve your Spanish vocabulary by learning words related to architecture, sculpture & painting. Learn Spanish art terms & phrases.

adoptar un estilo
adopt a style

The Spanish phrase 'adoptar un estilo' translates to 'adopt a style' in English. It is composed of the verb 'adoptar' meaning 'to adopt', the article 'un' meaning 'a', and the noun 'estilo' meaning 'style'. This phrase is often used in the context of selecting or embracing a particular manner of doing something, such as dressing, writing, designing, etc. Just like in English, it could refer to both physical styles (like clothing or design) and abstract styles (like a writing style, style of management etc.).

Example sentences with  adoptar un estilo
amoldarse a un estilo
bend to a style

The Spanish phrase 'amoldarse a un estilo' translates to 'bend to a style' in English. This is often used to refer to the process of adapting or conforming oneself to a certain style, approach, or conduct. This phrase can be applied in various contexts, like fashion, art, behavior, but can also be metaphorically used to talk about adjustments or changes in life, practices, or beliefs.

Example sentences with  amoldarse a un estilo

The Spanish word 'arquitecto' translates to 'architect' in English. An architect is a person who designs buildings and prepares plans to construct them. The same duties apply to an 'arquitecto' in Spanish-speaking contexts. The profession involves practical, technological, and aesthetic knowledge to create spaces that meet various needs and impacts both the users and the environment positively.

Example sentences with  arquitecto

The Spanish word 'arquitectura' translates to 'architecture' in English. It pertains to the design of buildings and structures. It consists of artistic design and methodical engineering to create a functional, aesthetic, and enduring environment. As in English, 'arquitectura' in Spanish can also imply the style or approach used in a design or project, not only restricted to buildings, it could also refer to system, software, and structural design in other various fields.

Example sentences with  arquitectura
arte abstracto
abstract art

The Spanish term 'arte abstracto' translates to 'abstract art' in English. Abstract art is a style of art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, it uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Works of abstract art, like those referred to by 'arte abstracto,' can evoke emotions and ideas, and invite interpretation from the viewer.

Example sentences with  arte abstracto
arte barroco
Baroque art

Baroque Art, known as 'arte barroco' in Spanish, is an artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music. It originated in Italy at the end of the 16th century and its influence was felt throughout Europe. The Baroque is distinguished by complex shapes, ornamental decorations and a spectacular use of light and shadow. The term 'Baroque' also describes anything that is detailed and intricate in design.

Example sentences with  arte barroco
arte conceptual
conceptual art

The term 'arte conceptual' translates to 'conceptual art' in English. Conceptual Art is an art style where the idea or concept behind the work is more important than the actual physical or visible aspect of the work. It emerged as an art movement in the 1960s and often the artist will use a variety of materials and forms to convey their message, meaning, or idea, leading to works that can look very different from traditional forms such as painting and sculpture. Thus, 'arte conceptual' refers to this intellectual and varied approach to creating art.

Example sentences with  arte conceptual
arte cubista
Cubist art

Cubist Art, known as 'Arte Cubista' in Spanish, is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. The style is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and a departure from the traditional portrayal of physical appearances. Cubist artists include Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Example sentences with  arte cubista
arte expresionista
Expressionist art

The term 'arte expresionista' in Spanish refers to 'expressionist art' in English. Expressionist art is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The style tends to depict raw, emotional and subjective moods, often distorting reality for emotional effect. Expressionist artists sought to express the meaning of emotional experience rather than physical reality. Expressionist art typically was created during times of social upheaval, reflecting the angst and anxieties of society.

Example sentences with  arte expresionista
arte figurativo
figurative art

The term 'arte figurativo' in Spanish translates to 'figurative art' in English. Figurative art, in broad sense, encompasses all forms of modern art that retain strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure. It is a form of art in which the artist uses recognizable images to express an idea or to illustrate a story, as opposed to abstract art, which does not aim to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. 'Arte figurativo' is noted for its reliance on the visual representation of real objects or figures to convey its message or story.

Example sentences with  arte figurativo
arte gótico
Gothic art

Gothic art, also known as 'arte gótico' in Spanish, originated in the Ile-de-France area around the middle of the 12th century, extending into the late 16th century. It is a style of art that evolved from Romanesque art and was followed by Renaissance art. As part of Medieval art in Europe, Gothic art encompasses architecture, sculpture, painting, stained glass, mosaics, manuscripts, and metalwork. It is notable for its use of pointed arches, rib vaults, and flying buttresses, among other characteristics, making its buildings seem to reach skyward.

Example sentences with  arte gótico
arte impresionista
Impressionist art

Impressionist art, or 'arte impresionista' in Spanish, refers to a style of painting which originated in France in the 19th century. Impressionist artists sought to capture the immediate impression of a scene, often depicting its changing qualities of light and color. This marked a break from the realism and exactitude prevalent in the art of the time. The style is characterized by loose brushwork, vibrant colors, and ordinary subject matters such as landscapes, scenes of contemporary life, and the play of light on various surfaces.

Example sentences with  arte impresionista
arte minimalista
minimalist art

The term 'arte minimalista' refers to minimalist art in English. It is a visual art style that emerged in the late 1950s as a reaction against abstract expressionism. It is characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a deliberate lack of expressive content. Minimalist art typically makes use of pure, geometric forms and straightforward presentation, eschewing elaborate artwork techniques. It intends to allow the viewer to experience the artwork more directly by eliminating non-essential forms, features or concepts.

Example sentences with  arte minimalista
arte realista
realistic art

The Spanish term 'arte realista' translates to 'realistic art' in English. Realistic art refers to the type of art that attempts to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements. It is a form of art that depicts and mirrors reality. The term is often applied in discussions about art in various media to different degrees of precision and verisimilitude.

Example sentences with  arte realista
arte románico
Romanesque art

The term 'arte románico' translates to 'romanesque art' in English. Romanesque art is a style of architecture and decorative arts characterized by semi-circular arches. It originated in the 11th century, in Medieval Europe, and was followed by the Gothic style. The term 'romanesque' was first used to describe this style in the early 19th century, when historians noticed the similarity to Roman architecture.

Example sentences with  arte románico
arte vanguardista
avant-garde art

The term 'arte vanguardista' in Spanish translates to 'avant-garde art' in English. It often describes innovative or experimental concepts, techniques, or works in the realm of art, generally characterized by its departure from traditional, mainstream art forms. Generally, 'avant-garde art' may incorporate or express challenging, provocative or rebellious ideas and ideals, pushing the viewer to question conventions, norms or status quo within society, culture or art itself.

Example sentences with  arte vanguardista

The Spanish word 'castillo' translates to 'castle' in English. A castle is a large building or group of buildings fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and in many cases a moat. Castles were primarily built during the Middle Ages and were used to protect the inhabitants from potential enemy attacks. In the context of Spanish culture, many castles can be found across the country, displaying a variety of architectural styles influenced by different historical periods and geographical locations.

Example sentences with  castillo

The Spanish word 'catedral' translates to 'cathedral' in English. A cathedral is a large, important church, often the principal church of a diocese, with which a bishop is officially associated. Cathedrals are typical symbols of the Catholic faith but are also present in other Christian denominations. Similarly, 'catedral' in Spanish also bear religious importance and often represent the center of religious activities in a city or region.

Example sentences with  catedral
ciudad monumental
monumental city

The Spanish term 'ciudad monumental' directly translates to 'monumental city' in English. In a broader sense, this term is used to describe cities that are famous for their historical, architectural or cultural significance. These are cities filled with monuments, indicative of a rich historical past, and are often popular tourist destinations due to their monumental assets.

Example sentences with  ciudad monumental
conjunto arquitectónico
architectural complex

The term 'conjunto arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural complex' in English. An architectural complex is a group of interconnected or related structures or buildings. This can include an ensemble of buildings that together make up a single project, compound, or campus. The term 'conjunto arquitectónico' is used in fields like architecture, urban planning, and archeology to describe a collection of buildings or structures that share a common function or style, or that have been designed or constructed as a single entity.

Example sentences with  conjunto arquitectónico
conjunto escultórico
sculptural set

The Spanish term 'conjunto escultórico' translates to 'sculptural set' in English. It usually refers to a group of sculptures that are part of a single piece of art or exhibit. These sculptures often share a common theme or style and are typically displayed together to create a unified aesthetic or narrative. The sculptures within a 'conjunto escultórico' can vary significantly in size, shape, and materials used, depending on the artist's vision

Example sentences with  conjunto escultórico
conjunto monumental
monumental complex

The term 'conjunto monumental' in Spanish translates to 'monumental complex' in English. A monumental complex is a large, important structure or group of structures that are preserved due to their significant historical, architectural, or cultural value. It could refer to buildings, parks, or other types of structures that are often tourist attractions and are usually protected by laws for their conservation and maintenance. The phrase 'conjunto monumental' acknowledges not just the physical presence of these structures, but also their significant role in human history and society.

Example sentences with  conjunto monumental
conjunto pictórico
pictorial group

The term 'conjunto pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial group' in English. This phrase can refer to a group of artists who share a similar style or body of work. It can also describe a collection or series of paintings or other graphical arts that are connected by a common theme, subject, or style. This term is often used in the world of art and art history.

Example sentences with  conjunto pictórico
construir un acueducto
build an aqueduct

The Spanish phrase 'construir un acueducto' translates to 'build an aqueduct' in English. An aqueduct is a bridge-like system built to move water from one location to another. In this context, 'construir' means 'to build', 'un' means 'an', and 'acueducto' means 'aqueduct'. This phrase could be used in the context of construction or history, describing the action of creating such a structure.

Example sentences with  construir un acueducto
construir una mezquita
build a mosque

The Spanish phrase 'construir una mezquita' translates to 'build a mosque' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a context where the conversation pertains to architecture, religion, or city planning. 'Construir' is a verb that means 'to build' and 'una mezquita' is a feminine noun that translates to 'a mosque'. The word 'mezquita' is used frequently in Spanish-speaking countries with Islamic historical influences or presents Islamic communities.

Example sentences with  construir una mezquita
construir una muralla
build a wall

The Spanish phrase 'construir una muralla' translates to 'build a wall' in English. This phrase incorporates the verb 'construir', which means 'to build', followed by the indefinite article 'una', equivalent to 'a' in English, and finally the noun 'muralla', which translates to 'wall'. Therefore, when put together, 'construir una muralla' illustrates the action of building a wall.

Example sentences with  construir una muralla
construir una sinagoga
build a synagogue

The Spanish phrase 'construir una sinagoga' translates to 'build a synagogue' in English. It is an action phrase commonly used in the context of architecture or religious discussions. 'Construir' is a verb which means 'to build' and 'una sinagoga' is a noun that translates to 'a synagogue'. Synagogue is a building where Jewish people meet to worship or pray. Therefore, when someone says 'construir una sinagoga', they are talking about the act of constructing or establishing a place for Jewish worship.

Example sentences with  construir una sinagoga

The word 'copia' in Spanish translates to 'copy' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as referring to duplicating a document or an imitation of something, similar to how 'copy' is used in English. For example, in the sentence 'Haz una copia de este documento' it translates to 'Make a copy of this document' in English. Conversely, if used in a context like 'Esta pintura es una copia de la original', it would translate to 'This painting is a copy of the original' in English.

Example sentences with  copia
cultivar un estilo
cultivate a style

The phrase 'cultivar un estilo' in Spanish translates to 'cultivate a style' in English. The verb 'cultivar' refers to the action of developing or improving something over time with direct and intended effort. This phrase is generally used in context to refer to the concept of constructing, improving, or maturing a certain fashion or way of doing things, be it personal style, an approach towards work, or a particular professional or life philosophy. In essence, it underscores the significance of personal growth and continual self-improvement.

Example sentences with  cultivar un estilo
desarrollar un estilo
develop a style

The Spanish phrase 'desarrollar un estilo' translates to 'develop a style' in English. This can refer to various contexts such as fashion, writing, art, music or any other creative process. Here the word 'desarrollar' means 'to develop', 'un' is an article meaning 'a' and 'estilo' stands for 'style'. So, when these words are put together, it suggests the process of creating or improving a unique way or method of doing something.

Example sentences with  desarrollar un estilo
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