Spanish Appearance Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish words that describe physical appearances. Ideal for English students learning Spanish.

ojo rasgado
slanted eye

The Spanish phrase 'ojo rasgado' translates to 'slanted eye' in English. This phrase can be used to describe eyes that have a slanted, tilted shape, as opposed to round or almond-shaped. It's often used to describe a characteristic feature of certain ethnicities, particularly with East Asian individuals. However, please note the usage of this term could potentially be seen as offensive or stereotyping and should be used with caution.

parecerse a su hermano
to look like his brother

The Spanish phase 'parecerse a su hermano' translates to 'to look like his brother' in English. It refers to the similarity in physical appearance between two individuals, specifically, between siblings. It can be used in contexts where there is a need to describe or express resemblances in families. This phrase is usually reflective of hereditary features passed down which leads to members of the same family looking alike.

parecerse a su padre
to look like his father

The Spanish phrase 'parecerse a su padre' translates to 'to look like his father' in English. It is typically used when someone shares physical characteristics or behaviors with their father, indicating a strong resemblance between them. For example, someone might say 'Juan se parece a su padre en su manera de hablar,' which means 'Juan looks like his father in his way of talking.' This phrase indicates kinship, similarity, and often invokes a sense of continuity between generations.

parecerse entre ellos
to look among them

The Spanish term 'parecerse entre ellos' is more accurately translated to English as 'to resemble each other'. This phrase is often used to highlight similarities or shared characteristics among a group of individuals or objects. This idiomatic expression is commonly applied in both descriptive and analytic contexts.


The Spanish word 'peinado' translates to 'hairstyle' in English. It refers to the way in which a person's hair is cut, arranged, or styled. It is a commonly used term in both languages, particularly in contexts relating to beauty, personal grooming, and fashion. In a broader sense, it could also suggest a certain type of personal expression or identity, as hairstyles can often be a reflection of an individual's personal style or cultural background.

Example sentences with  peinado
pelo brillante
bright hair

The Spanish term 'pelo brillante' translates to 'bright hair' in English. This phrase may be used to describe hair that shines or catches the light in a significant way, often implying that the hair is healthy, clean, or styled in a certain manner. The adjective 'brillante' can be used with other nouns as well, always indicating some kind of brightness or shine.

Example sentences with  pelo brillante
pelo fino
fine hair

The Spanish term 'pelo fino' translates to 'fine hair' in English. It is used to describe the texture and thickness of someone's hair. 'Fino' means fine or thin, and it is used in many other contexts as well, not just to describe hair. 'Pelo', on the other hand, simply means 'hair' in English. Therefore, 'pelo fino' specifically refers to thin or fine-textured hair.

Example sentences with  pelo fino
pelo ondulado
wavy hair

The term 'pelo ondulado' in Spanish translates to 'wavy hair' in English. This term is used to describe a type of hair that is not completely straight but falls in soft, loose waves. Usually, this terminology is used in contexts related to beauty, hair care, and personal style. It's a very common term in Spanish-speaking countries to describe the hair texture.

Example sentences with  pelo ondulado
pelo sedoso
silky hair

The term 'pelo sedoso' in Spanish translates to 'silky hair' in English. This phrase is used to describe hair that is smooth, shiny, and soft to the touch, much like silk. It's often associated with healthy, well-cared for hair. Notably, achieving 'pelo sedoso' is often a goal in hair care routines.

Example sentences with  pelo sedoso

The Spanish word 'peludo' translates directly to 'hairy' in English. It is used to describe a surface, often the skin or the exterior of certain fruits, that is covered with a lot of hair or something that resembles hair. This term can be used to describe people, animals, or objects that have a lot of hair, just like its equivalent in English.

piel arrugada
wrinkled skin

The Spanish term 'piel arrugada' interprets directly into English as 'wrinkled skin'. This phrase describes skin that has lost its youthful elasticity and smoothness, usually due to ageing, but can also be due to factors like sun exposure or dehydration. It is often visually characterized by creases or furrows in the skin. Overall, 'piel arrugada' is a reflection of a natural biological process and the passage of time.

piel tersa
smooth skin

The Spanish phrase 'piel tersa' translates to 'smooth skin' in English. It is used to describe skin that is free from blemishes, roughness, or wrinkles, giving it a soft, even texture. The phrase is made up of two words: 'piel', which means 'skin', and 'tersa', which means 'smooth' or 'sleek'. This phrase is commonly used in descriptions and compliments, especially in contexts related to beauty and skincare.

pintarse los labios
paint your lips

'Pintarse los labios' is a Spanish phrase essentially meaning 'to paint your lips'. This term is typically used to describe the act of applying lipstick or any other sort of lip color. While the literal translation is 'to paint one's lips', in common usage it refers more broadly to the application of cosmetic products to the lips for the purpose of enhancing or changing their appearance.

Example sentences with  pintarse los labios
pintarse los ojos
paint your eyes

The Spanish phrase 'pintarse los ojos' translates to 'paint your eyes' in English. However, it doesn't mean literally painting your eyes. Instead, it is a common colloquial phrase used to refer to the act of applying makeup to one's eyes, especially using eye shadow, eyeliner, or mascara. This kind of expression can be frequently found in contexts related to beauty and personal care.

Example sentences with  pintarse los ojos
ponerse guapo
to look handsome

'Ponerse guapo' in Spanish refers to making an effort to look attractive or handsome. It generally infers dressing nicely, grooming oneself, or doing anything else to improve one's physical appearance. This phrase isn't limited to a particular gender and can be used to describe someone 'dressing up' or 'sprucing up'. The literal translation is 'to make oneself handsome', but it's often used in a broader context than physical attractiveness alone, encompassing the overall effort put into one's appearance.

Example sentences with  ponerse guapo
productos cosméticos
cosmetic products

The phrase 'productos cosméticos' is Spanish for 'cosmetic products'. Cosmetic products are substances used to enhance the appearance or fragrance of the body. They include, but are not limited to, products used in skincare routines, makeup applications, hair care procedures and for personal hygiene. Some of these cosmetic products may include lipstick, mascara, foundation, lotions, deodorants, shampoos, hair conditioners, and perfumes.

Example sentences with  productos cosméticos
puntas del pelo
hair tips

The Spanish phrase 'puntas del pelo' directly translates to 'tips of the hair' in English, but it is more commonly referred to as 'hair tips'. This phrase might be used in a variety of contexts, including in personal grooming and beauty, in artistic depictions of people, or in discussions of style and fashion. The understanding and care of one's hair tips can be an important aspect of maintaining hair health and achieving certain hairstyles or looks.

Example sentences with  puntas del pelo
raíz del pelo
hair root

The Spanish phrase 'raíz del pelo' translates to 'hair root' in English. This term is used to refer to the part of the hair that is below the surface of the skin. This is where hair growth occurs and is nourished with nutrients from the bloodstream. Keeping a healthy hair root is essential for maintaining strong, vibrant hair.

Example sentences with  raíz del pelo
to shave

The Spanish word 'raparse' translates to 'to shave' in English. In a sentence, you may use it to describe the act of cutting off hair close to the skin with a razor or any other bladed implement. This could be for any body part like the face, legs, or head. The verb 'raparse' is commonly used in the context of shaving one's own hair, particularly the head.

Example sentences with  raparse

The Spanish word 'rechoncho' translates to 'chubby' in English. In Spanish, it is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is plump, fat or overweight. It is not a very formal term and it's often used in an affectionate or playful manner. It can be used both for humans and animals. Please note, as with all adjectives in Spanish, it may need to agree in gender and number with the noun it is modifying.

recortarse el bigote
cut the mustache

The phrase 'recortarse el bigote' in Spanish translates to 'cut the mustache' in English. It is an action phrase that refers to the act of trimming or cutting one's mustache. This phrase can be used in various contexts but is primarily used in grooming and personal hygiene discussions. Furthermore, it can be expanded to include other grooming activities by replacing 'el bigote' with other body parts as per the context.

Example sentences with  recortarse el bigote
recortarse la barba
cut the beard

'Recortarse la barba' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'cut the beard' in English. It is often used in personal grooming context where men do regular maintenance of their facial hair. It is a common phrase and is used in everyday language in Spanish speaking societies.

Example sentences with  recortarse la barba

The Spanish word 'regordete' translates to 'chubby' in English. It is often used to describe someone who is slightly overweight, typically in a way that is endearing or cute. This term is not generally considered to be offensive or derogatory, but rather a gentle way of noting someone's weight or size.


The Spanish word 'rellenito' is an adjective used to describe someone, often in an endearing way, who is slightly overweight or plump in English. It can be used for both males and females and also for objects that are plump or filled out. Though it may carry a connotation of excess weight, it is typically used in a positive or neutral sense, not as an insult.


The Spanish word 'rizo' translates to 'curly' in English. In most contexts, it is used to describe the texture or shape of things, like hair, and signifies when something is shaped or grows in a spiral pattern or coiling. For instance, if a person has 'rizos', it means they have curly hair. It can also be used metaphorically in some contexts. However, its most common usage is in describing physical attributes.


The Spanish word 'robusto' translates to 'robust' in English. In both languages, this word is used to describe something as strong, healthy, or hardy. It can apply to various contexts, from describing physical qualities, such as a robust person or animals, to more abstract use, like a robust system or plan. In essence, when something is referred to as 'robusto', it's meant to convey that it's well-constructed or capable of withstanding pressure.

salón de belleza
beauty salon

The Spanish phrase 'salón de belleza' directly translates to 'beauty salon' in English. A 'salón de belleza' is a place where individuals go to receive services that improve their appearance, such as haircuts, hair color, makeup application, and nail treatments, among other services. It is an establishment where people go for professional beauty treatments. It's a widespread industry and exists in almost every culture worldwide.

Example sentences with  salón de belleza
ser alto
to be tall

The Spanish phrase 'ser alto' translates to 'to be tall' in English. This is typically used to describe oneself or another person as having a great vertical extent, height or stature. This phrase is a permanent condition or characteristic feature of a person or object in a state of being. 'Ser' is a verb that means 'to be' which is known as 'linking verb' in English grammar, and 'alto' is an adjective that describes a noun to mean 'tall'.

ser bajo
to be short

The Spanish term 'ser bajo' translates to 'to be short' in English. In Spanish, 'ser' is a verb that denotes existence or identity, and 'bajo' is an adjective that means 'short'. This term can be used to describe someone's height being below average. Note that in Spanish adjectives typically follow the noun they modify, unlike in English where adjectives generally precede the noun.

ser blanco (de piel)
be white (skin)

The Spanish phase 'ser blanco (de piel)' translates to 'be white (skin)' in English. This is commonly used to refer to the complexion or skin color of a person. The verb 'ser' means 'to be' and 'blanco' specifies the color, in this case, white. As a descriptive phrase, 'ser blanco (de piel)' can be used to convey information about a person's physical appearance.

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