Spanish Animals Vocabulary in Spanish

A comprehensive collection of animal vocabulary in Spanish to improve your language skills. Find names for a wide variety of animals in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'cuervo' is translated into English as 'raven'. Ravens are large, all-black birds known for their intelligence and adaptability. They are members of the crow family, which also includes crows, jackdaws, and rooks. Ravens are found in many different climates and habitats around the world and are also a common subject of folklore and mythology in many cultures.

Example sentences with  cuervo

The Spanish word 'dócil' translates into English as 'docile'. Describing someone as 'dócil' implies that they are easily managed or handled, comply readily to commands or guidance, and are generally calm and not aggressive. It can be used to describe both people and animals. As with other adjectives in Spanish, 'dócil' changes to 'dóciles' for plural usage.

Example sentences with  dócil

Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. They are herbivorous and can be found in different habitats including savannahs, forests, deserts, and marshes.

Example sentences with  elefante

The given word is not correct. 'Embestir' in Spanish does not mean 'embryo'. Actually, 'embestir' is a verb in Spanish and generally translates to 'to charge at' in English. It is often used to describe the action of an animal, like a bull, charging. 'Embryo' in Spanish is 'embrión'.

Example sentences with  embestir
especie autóctona
native species

In English, 'especie autóctona' translates to 'native species'. A native species is a type of animal, plant, or other organism that is indigenous to a particular area or region. It's naturally found and grown in that specific place, meaning that it hasn't been introduced or brought in from other locations. This term is frequently used in fields of study like ecology and biology, where the origin and natural habitat of species is significant.

Example sentences with  especie autóctona
especie en (peligro de) extinción
species in (danger)

The Spanish phrase 'especie en (peligro de) extinción' translates as 'species in (danger of) extinction' in English. A species in danger of extinction is one that is at risk of vanishing forever from our planet. This term is widely used in ecology to designate wildlife species that are threatened and on the verge of disappearing, often due to human activities such as deforestation, climate change, or hunting. Preserving species in danger of extinction is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

Example sentences with  especie en (peligro de) extinción
especie protegida
protected species

The phrase 'especie protegida' from Spanish translates to 'protected species' in English. A protected species is a group of organisms, either plant, animal or both, which are safeguarded by law or other regulatory mechanisms due to their cultural, scientific, or ecological value. They are protected against certain human activities like hunting, habitat destruction, etc., to prevent their extinction or to help them recover if they are in danger.

Example sentences with  especie protegida

The Spanish word 'establo' translates to 'stable' in English. In context, it refers to the building where domesticated animals, especially horses, are kept. It is often used in the context of farming and equestrian activities. It's essential to observe that the Spanish term 'establo' has a similar usage and meaning as the English term 'stable'. Therefore, one can understand and use it effortlessly in conversations related to farming, horse-riding, or country life in general.

Example sentences with  establo

The word 'fauna' in Spanish translates directly to 'fauna' in English. It represents all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. It pertains to the animal kingdom and includes all the species of animals that live in a certain ecosystem or in a specific time period. It covers all types of animals - terrestrial, marine and aerial - in that region or period.

Example sentences with  fauna

The Spanish word 'feroz' translates to 'ferocious' in English. It is often used to describe something or someone that is very fierce, violent, or intense. It can reflect physical appearances, as in a ferocious animal, but can also describe non-physical attributes, such as ferocious determination or a ferocious storm.

Example sentences with  feroz

The Spanish word 'gallinero' translates to 'henhouse' in English. A 'henhouse' is a house or enclosure for female chickens or hens to live and lay their eggs. This term is often used in rural or farming contexts to refer to the specific area where chickens are kept. Henhouses provide safety and shelter for the chickens, protecting them from various weather elements and predators.

Example sentences with  gallinero

The Spanish word 'gallo' translates to 'rooster' in English. It is a gender-specific term used to refer to a male chicken, particularly one that is mature. Roosters, or 'gallos', are well-known for their distinctive crowing in the morning, making them symbols of the dawn or start of a new day in many cultures. This term can also metaphorically refer to an individual who is overly confident or acts like a show-off, similar to the ways a rooster might strut around a barnyard.

Example sentences with  gallo
to gallop

The Spanish word 'galopar' translates to 'gallop' in English. This term is commonly used to describe the fastest pace of a horse or other four-legged animals. In this form of running, all four legs are off the ground at the same time during two phases of the stride. It's a very specific term and tends to be used mainly for this purpose of describing the fast, bounding motion of certain animals. Like many verbs, it can be conjugated differently based on tense, subject, and other factors.

Example sentences with  galopar

The Spanish word 'ganadería' refers to 'cattle farming' or 'ranching' in English. It denotes a form of animal husbandry where domestic cattle are raised to produce commodities such as meat, dairy products, and leather. This term can also be expanded to include the overall business of raising livestock, which may additionally include species such as sheep, pigs, horses, and various types of poultry.

Example sentences with  ganadería

The Spanish term 'ganado' translates to 'livestock' in English. It generally refers to cattle or domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as meat, milk, fur, wool and others. The term covers a wide range of animals including cows, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and sometimes even bees and buffalo.

Example sentences with  ganado

The Spanish word 'ganso' translates to 'goose' in English. This is a type of bird, commonly found in the wild in many parts of the world as well as in domestic settings. Geese are often recognized for their distinctive 'honking' call, their ability to fly in a 'V' formation, and their aggressive behavior when confronted by potential intruders or threats.

Example sentences with  ganso

The noun 'gato' in Spanish refers to the domestic animal known for its agility and independence. They are often kept as pets and are valued for their ability to hunt mice.

Example sentences with  gato
gato callejero
Street cat

The given Spanish term 'gato callejero' is translated to 'street cat' in English. This term is often used to refer to cats that live on the streets rather than in a home or other organized living situation. Generally, these cats are not taken care of by any particular person but instead survive by hunting and scavenging for food. 'Gato' means cat and 'callejero' refers to the street, collectively representing the rough, independent lifestyle of these animals.

Example sentences with  gato callejero

The word 'gaviota' in Spanish translates to 'seagull' in English. Seagulls are a large group of birds that are usually found near the sea. 'Gaviota' is generally used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to these species of birds. As seagulls are common sightings in coastal areas, knowing this term might be particularly useful if you are visiting a Spanish-speaking country near the ocean.

Example sentences with  gaviota

A 'Granja' is a place where animals or crops are raised. It is typically rural and may include areas for livestock and planting.

Example sentences with  granja

The word 'hocico' is a Spanish word that refers to the part of an animal's head that is projecting forward and includes the jaws, mouth, and nose. It is typically associated with mammals, especially those that have a relatively long and pointed shape such as dogs, pigs, or horses. In English, the term used to describe this is 'snout'. The use of this word can extend to describe human noses in a pejorative or playful way. Just like its English counterpart, 'hocico' can also be used metaphorically to indicate the protruding part of anything.

Example sentences with  hocico

The Spanish word 'insecto' translates to 'insect' in English. Insects are a group of small animals with six legs and a body divided into three parts. They often have one or two pairs of wings and live nearly everywhere in the world. Examples of insects are bees, ants, butterflies, and beetles. 'Insecto' can be used in various contexts in Spanish, just like 'insect' can be used in English.

Example sentences with  insecto
to bark

The Spanish word 'ladrar' translates to 'to bark' in English. This is commonly used to describe the sound that dogs make. In use, it can refer to the action of a dog or any animal that makes a similar sound. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to describe the loud, annoying noise or talk from someone.

Example sentences with  ladrar

The Spanish word 'langosta' translates to 'lobster' in English. It is a term used to identify a variety of marine crustaceans with a hard shell, large claws and are generally considered a delicacy in many cuisines around the world. The term 'langosta' can also be used colloquially in Spanish to refer to a shade of the color red, resembling the color of a cooked lobster.


The lion is a species in the family Felidae and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognisable for its muscular, deep-chested body, short, rounded head, round ears, and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail.

Example sentences with  león

The term 'mamífero' is Spanish for 'mammal'. Mammals are a group of vertebrate animals which form the class Mammalia. They distinguish themselves from other animal classes through the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a trait evolutionary tied to the subclass Theria. Other key characteristics of mammals include their hair or fur, which helps to regulate their body temperature, and their highly advanced and specialized teeth.

Example sentences with  mamífero

The word 'manada' in Spanish does not exactly translate to 'packed' in English. Instead, it typically refers to a 'herd', 'pack' or 'group' especially of wild animals or in a broader context, it can also refer to a group of people. It's commonly used to describe a large number of animals of the same species moving together.

Example sentences with  manada

The word 'manso' in Spanish translates to 'meek' or 'gentle' in English. It can be used to describe a person who is soft-spoken, mild and submissive, or to describe an animal that is not wild and is easily controlled or handled. This word emanates a sense of peace or calmness.

Example sentences with  manso

The word 'mascota' in Spanish translates to 'pet' in English. It is generally used to refer to animals that are kept for companionship and enjoyment, or a domesticated animal. The term is often associated with household animals that have been tamed and are kept as a constant companion, such as dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, etc. However, it can also occasionally refer to exotic pets depending on the context.

Example sentences with  mascota

Monkeys are primate of the family Cercopithecidae. Monkeys can often be very intelligent and cunning creatures, and some are able to use tools and engage in complex social behavior.

Example sentences with  mono
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