Spanish Animals Vocabulary in Spanish

A comprehensive collection of animal vocabulary in Spanish to improve your language skills. Find names for a wide variety of animals in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'águila' translates to 'eagle' in English. An eagle is a large bird of prey with a massive hook-shaped beak and long broad wings, renowned for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight. The word 'águila' is a feminine noun in Spanish, so when using it in a sentence, ensure you use the correct article 'la' before it. It is a common word and can often be found in literature and everyday conversations illustrating strength or vision.

Example sentences with  águila

The word 'animal' in Spanish is also 'animal', pronounced slightly differently. In Spanish, the word is used to refer to any member of the animal kingdom, including humans. The word can be used in various contexts, just like in English, and can refer to both wild and domesticated creatures.

Example sentences with  animal
animal de carga
beast of burden

The Spanish term 'animal de carga' translates into English as 'beast of burden'. It is used to refer to an animal, usually a large, strong one such as a horse or an ox, that is used for carrying or pulling heavy loads. The term 'beast of burden' demonstrates the role these animals have traditionally been used for in terms of manual labour and transport.

Example sentences with  animal de carga
animal de compañía
companion animal

The Spanish phrase 'animal de compañía' translates to 'companion animal' in English. This can refer to any domesticated or tamed animal kept mainly for a person's company, safety or entertainment rather than as a working animal, livestock, or laboratory animal. Popular companion animals are often noted for their attractive appearances, intelligence, and relatable personalities, and they can include species from various groups such as dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and even some reptiles and fish.

Example sentences with  animal de compañía
animal doméstico
pet animal

The Spanish phrase 'animal doméstico' translates to 'pet animal' in English. It refers to animals that are tamed and kept at home for companionship or pleasure, rather than for work or food. 'Animal doméstico' covers a wide range of animals, including the traditional cats and dogs, but also birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, and more exotic pets like reptiles and insects. It is important to note that these animals are not wild but have been bred or raised by humans for many generations.

Example sentences with  animal doméstico
animal herbívoro
herbivorous animal

The Spanish phrase 'animal herbívoro' translates to 'herbivorous animal' in English. This term is used to describe any animal that primarily eats plant materials. Herbivorous animals can range from small insects and birds to large mammals like elephants. They play a crucial role in the food chain, helping to control plant populations and serving as a food source for carnivorous animals.

Example sentences with  animal herbívoro
animal invertebrado
invertebrate animal

The term 'animal invertebrado' in Spanish refers to what is known as an 'invertebrate animal' in English. Invertebrates are animals that neither possess nor develop a vertebral column, derived from the notochord. This includes all animals apart from the subphylum Vertebrata. Common examples of invertebrates include insects, crabs, lobsters and their kin, snails, clams, octopuses and their kin, starfish, sea-urchins and their kin, and worms.

Example sentences with  animal invertebrado
animal marino
marine animal

The Spanish term 'animal marino' translates to 'marine animal' in English. It refers to animals that live in the ocean, and includes a wide range of creatures, from tiny plankton to the largest whale. These animals have adapted in different ways to survive in the marine environment, and they form an important part of the ocean ecosystem. Marine animals can be found in all parts of the ocean, from the cold depths to the warm, shallow tropical seas.

Example sentences with  animal marino
animal omnívoro
omnivore animal

The word 'animal omnívoro' is Spanish for 'omnivore animal'. An omnivore is an animal or person that eats both plants and meat. This term is often used in biology and ecology to classify species according to their diet. The ability to consume both plant and animal matter is considered a survival advantage in many ecosystems, as it provides a wider range of food choices and adaptation possibilities.

Example sentences with  animal omnívoro
animal salvaje
Wild animal

The Spanish term 'animal salvaje' corresponds to the English term 'wild animal'. This refers to all fauna that have not been domesticated by humans, and they typically live in natural, non-urbanized areas. These could include a vast variety of species, like lions, wolves, elephants or sharks, among others.

Example sentences with  animal salvaje
animal terrestre
land animal

The Spanish term 'animal terrestre' is translated into English as 'land animal'. This term is commonly used in scientific and environmental contexts and refers to animals that live predominantly or entirely on land in contrast to marine animals that live predominantly in water. 'Animal terrestre' could include a vast range of creatures from different species such as mammals, birds, reptiles and insects among others.

Example sentences with  animal terrestre
animal vertebrado
vertebrate animal

The term 'animal vertebrado' in Spanish translates to 'vertebrate animal' in English. These are animals that possess a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. This classification is a fundamental division within the animal kingdom. Understanding and using this term can aid in discussions about biological and zoological concepts.

Example sentences with  animal vertebrado
animal volador
Flying animal

The term 'animal volador' in Spanish translates to 'flying animal' in English. This could refer to any animal that is capable of flight, such as birds, bats, or insects. The species of the creature isn't specified, only that it has the ability to fly.

Example sentences with  animal volador

The Spanish word 'antena' translates to 'antenna' in English. An antenna is a device with a particular shape, used to send and receive television or radio signals. It converts electromagnetic waves into electrical power and vice versa. In a broader context, the term is used in biology to refer to the sensory appendages on the heads of insects. Therefore, when one comes across the word 'antena' in Spanish, its meaning can be inferred based on the context in which it is used.

Stand up.

The translation of 'aparearse' from Spanish to English is incorrect. The word 'aparearse' in Spanish actually means 'to mate' or 'to pair up' in English. It is often used in a nature or biological context, when talking about animals, but can also be used for humans in a metaphorical sense. The word you might be looking for Spanish to English translation for 'stand up' is 'levantarse'

Example sentences with  aparearse

The Spanish word 'bestia' is translated as 'beast' in English. It is often used in reference to an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one. The term can also metaphorically denote a cruel, brutish, or filthy person. In certain contexts, 'bestia' can be used colloquially to emphasize the remarkable characteristics of a person, an event, or a thing, just like 'beast' in English. Despite its direct correlation with animals, it's not limited to zoological discussion; it permeates various aspects of language use.

Example sentences with  bestia

The Spanish word 'bicho' translates to 'bug' in English. It is primarily used to describe small creeping or crawling invertebrate animals, such as insects, spiders, and worms. However, the word 'bicho' can also be used generically in different Spanish-speaking regions to refer to any small creature or living thing, its application can vary, with usage extending to benign or less known creatures.

Example sentences with  bicho

The Spanish word 'bozal' translates to 'muzzle' in English. It is often used to refer to a restraining device fitted over an animal's snout, often used to prevent biting or eating.

Example sentences with  bozal

The Spanish word 'buitre' translates to 'vulture' in English. A vulture is a type of bird of prey, typically recognized for its bald head and its feeding habits, which mostly involve scavenging for dead animals. Vultures are found throughout many parts of the world and are an important part of the ecosystem because they help to remove carcasses and prevent the spread of disease. The term 'vulture' is often associated with individuals who prey on others' misfortunes, due to the bird's scavenging nature.

Example sentences with  buitre

A horse is a large domesticated ungulate mammal. They are often used for recreational activities such as riding and they have also been used for work purposes like agriculture, police work, and therapy.

Example sentences with  caballo

'Cachorro' is a Spanish word which generally refers to a young, juvenile animal, especially a mammal like a dog or a cat. However, it is most commonly used to mean 'puppy' in English, which is a young, not fully grown dog. It may also be used less commonly to refer to young of other animals. 'Cachorro' encompasses the meaning of cuteness, youthfulness and learning which are associated with the english word 'puppy'. Like 'puppy', it's often used with both affection and indulgence.

Example sentences with  cachorro

A pig is a domesticated large and stout-bodied animal with a thick bristly skin, a long flexible snout, and a tail. Pigs are kept as livestock mainly for their meat (pork).

Example sentences with  cerdo

The given Spanish word 'cigüeña' does not translate to 'storm' in English. Instead, it translates to 'stork', which is a large, long-legged, long-necked wading bird with a long, stout bill. They are known for their size and for the legend that they deliver babies.

Example sentences with  cigüeña

The word 'cinturón' is a masculine noun in Spanish language. Originating from Latin term 'cinctūra', it translates to 'belt' in English. It is commonly used to denote a band or strap, often made of leather or cloth, and is worn around the waist. The term can be used both in a literal context referring to clothing accessories, as well as figuratively in expressions like 'cinturón de seguridad', meaning safety belt.

Example sentences with  cinturón
clínica veterinaria
veterinary clinic

The Spanish term 'clínica veterinaria' translates to 'veterinary clinic' in English. A veterinary clinic refers to a health care facility that is designed to provide preventative and curative treatments for animals. Often run by qualified veterinarians and veterinary nurses, these clinics may offer a variety of services, from regular check-ups and vaccinations, to emergency care and surgical procedures.

Example sentences with  clínica veterinaria

The Spanish word 'cocodrilo' translates to 'crocodile' in English. A 'cocodrilo' is a large aquatic reptile that lives throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Characterized by its long, broad snout and strong jaws, this creature is one of the most recognized and famous reptiles. In English, as in Spanish, the term 'crocodile' can also be metaphorically used to represent danger or a deceptive person.

Example sentences with  cocodrilo

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika). Rabbits habitat includes meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.

Example sentences with  conejo

The Spanish word 'cordero' translates to 'lamb' in English. It is a commonly used noun in the Spanish language which refers to a young sheep. This term is extensively used in culinary contexts, especially when we refer to the meat of a young sheep which is tender and mild in flavor.

Example sentences with  cordero

The Spanish word 'corral' translates to 'corral' in English. In both languages, it refers to an enclosure or pen for livestock, particularly cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch. It's an outdoor space surrounded by fencing where animals are kept. It can also be used metaphorically in English to suggest a situation where someone is being tightly controlled or confined.

Example sentences with  corral

The Spanish word 'cría' refers to the action of breeding or the result of the process of reproduction in animals. It can also refer to a young or baby animal. In a broader sense, it can present the idea of nurturing or raising. This word emphasizes the responsibility and care required for the process of bringing new life and can be used in various contexts within the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  cría
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