Spanish Learning Spanish: Understanding Adverbs

This page offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and using adverbs in Spanish, helpful for beginner English speakers.


The Spanish word 'suficiente' is the direct translation for the English term 'enough'. It is used in a similar context as in English, being used to describe when there is as much of something as is needed or wanted. It can be used both in the context of quantity ('I have enough money') and quality ('He is good enough').

Example sentences with  suficiente

The Spanish term 'sujeto' is most commonly used to refer to the host or main focus of a sentence in grammar. It is viewed as the one performing an action. However, just like in English, it can also imply subject matters in areas of study, or as a term to address a person.

Example sentences with  sujeto

The Spanish word 'tal' translates to 'such' in English. It can be used to express a quality or degree with a pronoun, adjective, or adverb. For instance, 'tal vez' means 'maybe' or 'perhaps'. It's important to note that context may affect the translation of 'tal' as it can be used in various phrases and idioms.

Example sentences with  tal

The Spanish word 'también' is an adverb, equivalent to 'also' in English. It is used to indicate that something you say is also applicable to another person or thing. It's commonly used in both written and spoken Spanish, and its position can vary within a sentence.

Example sentences with  también

The word refers to the specific time point competing with a popular one when an activity is universally concluded, connoting extra hours setting out from scheduled time.

Example sentences with  tarde

The Spanish word 'temprano' translates to 'early' in English. It is typically used to refer to something happening in the early part of the day or before the expected time. Like in English, 'temprano' can also be used in various contexts, not just time, but also to indicate something happening before anticipated in a wider sense.

Example sentences with  temprano

The term 'turista' translates in English to 'tourist'. It is a person who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually when they are on vacation.

Example sentences with  turista

The Spanish word 'último' translates to 'last' in English. It is used similarly to how we use 'last' in English - to refer to something that comes at the end or after all others in a series, list, or sequence. For example, you might use 'último' to describe the last person in line ('la última persona en la fila') or the last day of the week ('el último día de la semana').

Example sentences with  último

It's used to describe common or expected routines or servicerea.

Example sentences with  umsualmente
una vez

The Spanish word 'una vez' translates to 'once' in English. It is used to refer to a single occasion or instance. It can also be used to indicate a particular point in time where something occurred or an event happened.

Example sentences with  una vez

In Spanish, 'ya' is used much like 'already' in English. It indicates that something has happened or a condition is met. Its usage could signify a transition or change of state in the past. For example, 'Ya he comido' means 'I have already eaten'. It can also be used to express immediacy, as in 'ya viene' which means 'he/she is coming right now'.

Example sentences with  ya
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