Spanish Learning Spanish: Understanding Adverbs

This page offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and using adverbs in Spanish, helpful for beginner English speakers.


The Spanish word 'mucho' is used in exactly the same context as the English word 'much'. It is used to denote a large quantity or degree of something. For example, just like you say 'I have much work to do' in English, in Spanish it is 'Tengo mucho trabajo que hacer'.

Example sentences with  mucho

In Spanish, 'muy' is an adverb that is used to intensify the meaning of an adjective or another adverb. It is equivalent to the English word 'very'. Just like in English, the adverb 'muy' is typically positioned before the word it modifies.

Example sentences with  muy

The Spanish word 'natural' aligns perfectly with its English counterpart and is used quite similarly. It can be applied to denote something of nature, not artificial or synthetic; not markedly strange or abnormal; spontaneous, easy, instinctive; and also like a natural object viewed as the impact of factors not covered by physical sciences. It can be used across various contexts just as it is in English. The usage is 'Es un comportamiento muy natural', which translates to 'It is very natural behavior'.

Example sentences with  natural

It describes negative situations when the action, state or occurrence doesn't happen or exist.

Example sentences with  nunca
otra vez

The Spanish word 'otra vez' translates to 'again' in English. It is used in similar contexts as the English word 'again'. This includes instances when an action or activity repeats or needs to be repeated. It can also mean 'another time' or 'once more'.

Example sentences with  otra vez

The Spanish word for 'part' is 'parte'. You can use it in sentences to refer to a piece, section, or portion of something, or a role played by someone in a particular situation. Like in English, it's a very versatile word in Spanish, too.

Example sentences with  parte

In Spanish, 'pequeño' means small and can be used for both tangible and intangible items. For instance; 'Un pequeño problema' means 'A small problem'.

Example sentences with  pequeño
por favor

The Spanish term for 'please' is 'por favor'. It is used in the same context as in English when making a polite request. The words can be inserted at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. An example usage: 'Puedes darme agua, por favor?' which translates to 'Can you give me water, please?'

Example sentences with  por favor

The Spanish word 'probable' is used to express the possibility or likelihood of an occurrence. Like 'likely' in English, it can be used both in spoken and written Spanish to express probability, and it aligns towards the speaker's conception of the likelihood of future events.

Example sentences with  probable

The Spanish word 'probablemente' is used similarly to its English translation 'probably'. It's often used when speaking about things that are likely, but not certain, to happen. It can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence without changing its meaning.

Example sentences with  probablemente

The word 'pronto' in Spanish translates to 'soon' in English. It is usually used to indicate that something is about to happen after a very short time. For example, 'Estaremos allí pronto' translates to 'We will be there soon'. It's a common word, and is used in everyday Spanish conversation.

Example sentences with  pronto

The Spanish word 'que' is used as 'what' in English during interrogative sentences to ask questions or as a relative pronoun in statements. It can be used at the beginning of a sentence or even in between, similar to how 'what' is used in English. For example, ¿Qué quieres decir? meaning 'What do you want to say?'

Example sentences with  que
quedar ancho

The Spanish expression 'quedar ancho' doesn't directly translate to 'wide' in English. However, it is often used in situations where an item is too large or doesn't fit properly, as in the case of clothing. So in the context of 'The shirt is wide on me', you would say 'La camiseta me queda ancha'. It can also be used figuratively in the sense of feeling satisfied or fulfilled.


It states uncertainty by presenting information as a possibility neither confirming nor denying.

Example sentences with  quizás

This is an adverb frequently used with verbs denoting action to explain how quickly they are performed.

Example sentences with  rápidamente

In Spanish, 'rápido' represents the concept of quick or fast. It could be used in different contexts e.g., running quickly, fast car, etc.

Example sentences with  rápido

It communicates actions, occurrences that are not occurring frequently, it talks about unusual or scarcely happening subjects.

Example sentences with  raramente

The Spanish word 'real' can be used in the same contexts as the English word 'real'. It refers to something that is not imagined or supposed, but actually exists. However, take note that depending on the context, 'real' can also mean 'royal' in Spanish. For instance, 'Real Madrid' means 'Royal Madrid'.

Example sentences with  real

The word 'realmente' is an adverb in Spanish, equivalent to 'really' in English. It is used to emphasize the word that it modifies. For example, you can use 'realmente' to express surprise, disbelief or agreement to what someone is saying, such as 'Estoy realmente sorprendido' translated as 'I am really surprised.' Also, it can be used in negative sentences to intensify the meaning of the sentence.

Example sentences with  realmente

The Spanish word 'recientemente' is an adverb used to express an action or state that occurred in the very recent past. It's equivalent to the English word 'recently'. Keep in mind that, like in English, you generally place this adverb after the main verb. For example, 'He visitado España recientemente' (I have recently visited Spain).

Example sentences with  recientemente

The Spanish word 'rezar' refers to the act of speaking to a deity or higher power, often in the form of a fervent request or expression of thanks. This action, known in English as 'pray', is often a central part of religious or spiritual practices. 'Rezar' can imply both the formal act of prayer, such as in a religious service, or a personal, informal pray, such as praying for good weather or for a loved one's health.

Example sentences with  rezar

The word 'seguro' can mean 'sure', 'secure', or 'safe' in Spanish. It is used in much the same way as it is in English, to express certainty or affirmation. However, the context can slightly change the meaning. For example, if used in the context of safety (Estoy seguro), it means 'I am safe'. However, if used to affirm or agree (Estoy seguro que...), it means 'I am sure that...'

Example sentences with  seguro

The Spanish equivalent for English word 'yeah' is 'sí'. It is used in a similar context where an agreement or acknowledgment is necessary. However, it may vary in some colloquial settings and different dialects of Spanish.

Example sentences with  

This adverb is used to express native continuity meaning the action/performance/quality always exists or happens.

Example sentences with  siempre

The Spanish word 'siguiente' translates to 'next' in English. It is used in similar contexts as in English, like to represent the one following the current item, action or time. For example, in a sequence it would be used to refer to the item after the current one. It is also used to reference something in the near future, such as 'el día siguiente' meaning the 'next day'.

Example sentences with  siguiente

The Spanish word 'silvestre' translates to 'wild' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that grows, lives, or exists in the wild, not tamed, or domesticated. It can refer to animals, plants, landscapes, or can be used metaphorically to describe a person with a free, unrestrained spirit.

Example sentences with  silvestre

The Spanish word 'simplemente' is used in the same way as 'simply' in English. It is typically used to emphasize a fact, statement, or explanation. It can be used at the start of a sentence, in the middle, or at the end, depending on the context and the emphasis intended, much like the English usage.

Example sentences with  simplemente

The Spanish word 'sin' is used in exactly the same way as the English word 'without'. It's a preposition used to express the absence or lack of something. For instance, 'Estoy sin dinero' means 'I'm without money'.

Example sentences with  sin
sin embargo

The Spanish word 'sin embargo' translates to 'however' in English. It is used in Spanish in the same way 'however' is used in English - to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously.

Example sentences with  sin embargo

In Spanish, 'just' is translated as 'solo'. It is used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, often referring to an action that has recently occured or is about to happen. For example, 'I just arrived' would translate to 'Acabo de llegar'. 'Solo' is a common word and is widely used in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  solo
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