Spanish Adjectives in Spanish Language

Explore the group of words known as adjectives in Spanish, describing attributes or features of nouns.


The Spanish word for 'down' is 'abajo'. It is used in similar contexts in Spanish as in English. For instance, you could use it to specify the direction of movement, like 'to go down the stairs' would be 'bajar las escaleras'. However, it's important to know that 'abajo' is not used to express feeling down or sad in Spanish.

Example sentences with  abajo
acerca de

The Spanish phrase 'acerca de' is used much like the English word 'about.' In a sentence, it links the main subject with additional information - whether that is a secondary subject matter, a theme or a place. For example, in the phrase 'Quiero hablar acerca de esto' translates to 'I want to talk about this.'

Example sentences with  acerca de

The given definition is incorrect. The Spanish verb 'acertar' does not mean 'near' in English. Instead, 'acertar' translates to 'to guess' or 'to get something right'. It is often used to communicate the act of guessing correctly or succeeding in an attempt or prediction.


The Spanish word 'actual' translates to 'current' in English. It can be used to describe something happening right now, or applying to the present situation. It is typically used in the context of time, equivalent to terms like 'present time', 'current affairs', 'current situation', etc. Usage can vary based on regions, with certain nuances.

Example sentences with  actual

In Spanish, the word 'afuera' is used similarly as the word 'outside' in English. It is an adverb that indicates place and can mean on or to the outside. The word 'afuera' is mostly used to specify a direction or location that is external or outside of something. Like in the sentence, 'El perro está afuera', meaning 'The dog is outside'. It should be noted that 'Afuera' is often used in Latin American Spanish, while 'Fuera' is more commonly used in Spain for the same meaning.

Example sentences with  afuera

The Spanish word 'agradable' equates to 'nice' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is pleasant, satisfactory, or attractive. Like its English equivalent, 'agradable' can be used in various contexts, enhancing its versatility. For example, it may refer to a 'nice' person, place, or activity, effectively conveying a sense of appeal or enjoyment.

Example sentences with  agradable

The Spanish word 'ahorro' translates to 'savings' in English. It is often used in the context of finance, where it refers to money that an individual or organization has saved, typically through a bank or official scheme. 'Ahorro' could also refer to the act of saving in terms of reducing expenses or the act of preserving something from loss or depletion.


In Spanish, 'alguno' is used similarly to 'some' in English. It is used to refer to an indefinite quantity or number of things. The word can change form depending on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. For example, 'alguno' (singular, masculine), 'algunos' (plural, masculine), 'alguna' (singular, feminine), 'algunas' (plural, feminine).

Example sentences with  alguno

The Spanish word 'amable' translates to 'kind' in English. It's used to describe someone who is friendly and considerate. For example, when referring to a person who behaves nicely you might say 'Él es muy amable', which translates to 'He is very kind'.

Example sentences with  amable

In Spanish, we perceive 'amargo' esentially relating to a bitter taste or experience.

Example sentences with  amargo

The Spanish word for 'both' is 'ambos'. This word is used to refer to two people or things, viewed and identified together. It can also imply that actions or states involve both the people or things that you are talking about.

Example sentences with  ambos

This is the Spanish word for 'friendly'. It describes someone or something that is kind and pleasant.

Example sentences with  Amigable

Animado translates to 'lively'. It is used to describe someone who is full of energy and life. For example, 'El niño es animado' means 'The child is lively'.

Example sentences with  animado

In Spanish, 'anterior' is used to refer to something that was before or earlier, similar to 'former' in English. It can also refer to a position in space meaning 'in front of' or 'before'. However, when referring to a former job or position, 'ex-' is typically used.

Example sentences with  anterior

'Anticipo' is a Spanish word that translates to 'advance' in English. It is often used in the contexts of finance and planning, where it can refer to a payment made ahead of its due date, or an action taken earlier than planned. This word exhibits the kind of forward-thinking that is common in both Spanish and English cultures. Thus, 'anticipo' provides an interesting glimpse into the shared values and priorities across languages.


The Spanish word 'arrastrar' translates to 'drag' in English. This verb can be used in several contexts. For instance, one might 'arrastrar' a heavy box across the floor, which means they are dragging it. Similarly, it can denote the action of moving something slowly or with difficulty across a surface, or causing someone to move in such a manner. In computing, we often 'arrastrar' files from one folder to another, meaning we drag and drop them.

Example sentences with  arrastrar

The Spanish word 'aún' is used similarly to 'still' in English. It connotes an action or state continuing up to the present or a particular time. It is used to accentuate the fact that something that has started has not finished yet. Please note translation can vary based on context, as 'still' can also be translated as 'todavía' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  aún

In Spanish, 'azul' means the color blue and could be used with any item or concept connected with the color blue.

Example sentences with  azul

The Spanish term 'base' is used in the same way as its English counterpart. It can signify the bottom of something, a starting point or foundation, or a main ingredient or component, among other things. The context can determine how it's specifically understood.

Example sentences with  base

The Spanish word 'beato' translates to 'blessed' in English. This term is commonly used in religious contexts, signifying someone with divine favor or protection. It could also be used to describe somebody that is revered or sanctified. Moreover, 'beato' in the clerical realm is also used to indicate a person who has been beatified by the Catholic church, which is the step before canonization (or sainthood). Regardless of the context, 'beato' generally carries a positive connotation.

Example sentences with  beato

The Spanish word 'beneficioso' translates to 'beneficial' in English. It is often used to describe something that has a positive or helpful effect or advantage. For example, in a sentence like 'El ejercicio es beneficioso para la salud', it means 'Exercise is beneficial for health'. It is an adjective and it consistently remains 'beneficioso' regardless of the gender or number of the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  beneficioso

The color observable 'white' signifies 'blanco' when ironical comments refer to Spanish commentary, abandoning complexities on 'La nieve es blanca' favor in substitutions for saying 'The snow is white'.

Example sentences with  blanco

The Spanish word 'blando' translates to 'soft' in English. It is an adjective used to describe something that is not hard or firm. It can refer to physical objects, like a soft pillow or a soft texture, as well as abstract concepts, like a soft voice or a soft color. Being an adjective, 'blando' can change its form depending on the gender and number of the noun it is modifying. Hence, it can be 'blando', 'blanda', 'blandos' or 'blandas'.


'Bonito' denotes appearance, suggesting something is pleasing or attractive to the eye.

Example sentences with  bonito

The Spanish word 'borrador' translates to 'draft' in English. In various contexts, it can refer to an early version of a written work (like a book or an essay) that is not yet finished and will likely be edited more. It is often used in academic or professional settings. Sometimes 'borrador' can also mean eraser, as in an object used to wipe away pencil markings. The proper use of the word always depend on its surrounding context.


The provided interpretation is incorrect. 'Borrasca' in Spanish does not mean 'drunk' in English. In fact, it primarily refers to a 'storm' or 'tempest'. It is often used to represent rough tumultuous weather and is typically associated with strong winds, heavy rain, or other harsh meteorological conditions.

Example sentences with  borrasca

The Spanish word 'brillante' is translated to 'brilliant' in English. It can be used in various contexts. For example, it could refer to something that shines or sparkles such as a brilliant diamond. Furthermore, it could also suggest that someone is exceptionally clever or talented, as in the phrase 'brilliant scientist' or 'brillante científico' in Spanish. Lastly, it is often used to connote something extraordinarily good or impressive, similarly to how we might use 'brilliant' in English to describe an idea or plan.


The Spanish word 'cada' is used to indicate an occurrence of an event or action, repeatedly or typically. It is quite synonymous with the English translation 'every'. It can be used to indicate every item in a series or every occurrence of an action, similar to how 'every' is used in English sentences.

Example sentences with  cada
caja fuerte

The Spanish phrase 'caja fuerte' translates into English as 'safe.' It literally means 'strong box.' This term is used predominantly for safes in businesses or for personal use at home. These are typically sturdy, lockable boxes used to store valuable items such as money, documents, or jewelry. The concept of a 'safe' signifies security and protection, being designed to protect such valuable items from theft, damage, or fire.


The word 'capaz' is used in Spanish to express the ability or capability to do something, similar to the English word 'able'. It is mostly used to denote physical or mental ability. It can be used in a variety of contexts including both formal and informal situations.

Example sentences with  capaz
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