C2 - Spanish Mastery
Students at the C2 level have mastered Spanish with great fluency and precision.
Reconstructing information in both spoken and written forms, and identifying and using subtle nuances of meanings are to be expected.
sacar un córner
Get a córner out.
sacar una tarjeta (roja
get a card (red)
sacar una tarjeta amarilla)
remove a yellow card)
saciar la sed
satiate the thirst
salir de cachondeo
out of horny
salir de farra
get out of lighthouse
salir de jarana
leave the jarana
salir de parranda
get out of parranda
saltarse el programa
skip the program
saltarse el sílabo
jump the syllable
saltarse un cordón policial
jumping a police cord
saludar cortésmente
politely salute
saludar fríamente
salute coldly