Students at the C2 level have mastered Spanish with great fluency and precision.
Reconstructing information in both spoken and written forms, and identifying and using subtle nuances of meanings are to be expected.
estar impecable
be impeccable
estar impoluto
to be impolute
estar inmaculado
to be immaculate
estar mano sobre mano
being hand on hand
estar mugriento
to be grin
estar pegado al teléfono
be stuck on the phone
estar pez
Being fish
estar que muerde
to be bit
estar que trina
to be trina
estar rebosante de alegría
to be overflowing with joy
estar rebosante de felicidad
to be overflowing with happiness
estar rebosante de satisfacción
to be overflowing with satisfaction
estar reluciente
Being glowing
estar reventado
to be busted
estar tieso de frío
to be cold
estar unido por un grado de parentesco
being united by a degree of kinship
estar unido por un lazo de parentesco
being united by a bond of kinship
estar unido por un lazo familiar
being united by a family bond
estar unido por un lazo fraternal
to be united by a fraternal bond
estar uno para el arrastre
to be one for the drag
estar uno que se muere
being one that dies
estar vinculado por un lazo familiar
being linked by a family bond
estar vinculado por un lazo fraternal
being linked by a fraternal bond