Spanish C1 - Advanced Spanish

At the C1 Advanced level, students are able to communicate widely in different environments such as social, professional, and cultural settings.

Any written text is now expected to be clear, structured, and detailed.


You use this greeting when welcoming someone to a place or situation.

Example sentences with  ¡bienvenido!
aborto espontáneo

The term 'aborto espontáneo' in Spanish translates to 'miscarriage' in English. This refers to the naturally occurring expulsion of a fetus from the womb before it is able to survive independently, typically between the 12th and 24th weeks of pregnancy. The occurrence of a miscarriage can be a traumatic experience emotionally and physically. The term is widely used in medical contexts.

aborto involuntario

The Spanish term 'aborto involuntario' translates to 'miscarriage' in English. This term refers to a pregnancy that ends on its own within the first 20 weeks of gestation. The medical language is sometimes confusing, but essentially, it is an unintentional, natural end to a pregnancy before the fetus has reached a viable gestational age, which is often devastating for those who experience it.

aborto voluntario
voluntary abortion

The term 'aborto voluntario' in Spanish translates to 'voluntary abortion' in English. This refers to a procedure that is voluntarily decided by the woman to end a pregnancy within legal limits. It's often performed during the first trimester of pregnancy (first 12 weeks) but can be performed under certain circumstances in later stages as well. The term does not specify the method of abortion used, as a number of different medical and surgical techniques could be used, depending on the stage of pregnancy and the woman's health condition.

abrir fuego
open fire

The Spanish phrase 'abrir fuego' translates directly to 'open fire' in English. This phrase is often used in a military or action context to indicate the start of shooting or combat. However, it does not refer to the act of starting a literal fire. Instead, it's a metaphor for launching an aggressive action or attack, similar to the way one might 'ignite' or 'launch' an initiative or discussion.

Example sentences with  abrir fuego

The Spanish word 'abundancia' translates to 'abundance' in English. It refers to a large quantity of something or the state of having a lot of something. It can be used to describe anything that exists in large amounts or numbers, whether physically (such as abundance of food, resources, etc.) or figuratively (such as abundance of love, happiness, etc.). This term is often associated with prosperity, wealth and affluence, but can also refer to ample amount of not-so-positive things such as an abundance of problems or troubles.

acabar con una relación
ending a relationship

The Spanish phrase 'acabar con una relación' translates to 'ending a relationship' in English. This phrase is often used in social contexts and can apply to various types of relationships such as romantic, familial, or professional relationships. The verb 'acabar' generally signifies an ending or conclusion of some sort. In this context, combined with 'con una relación', it refers specifically to the termination or ending of a relationship.


The word 'accidentado' in Spanish refers to a state or event that is uneven, rugged, or, in some contexts, it can also refer to an unfortunate occurrence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury, which in English is generally referred to as an 'accident'. However, it is more frequently used to describe terrain, roads, or landscapes that are irregular or difficult due to natural formations.

Example sentences with  accidentado
accidente en cadena
chain accident

The Spanish phrase 'accidente en cadena' translates to 'chain accident' in English. In a traffic context, a 'chain accident' indicates a series of road accidents caused by the effect of the first accident. Often, this happens when the first car abruptly stops, making following cars collide one after another. This term emphasizes the way every subsequent collision is causally linked to the first incident through a chain-like sequence.

Example sentences with  accidente en cadena
accidente geográfico
geographical accident

The term 'accidente geográfico' refers to the various natural formations or features seen on the surface of the earth. These are physical features that are part of the landscape and can include mountains, rivers, valleys, canyons, and peninsulas among others. They are naturally existing and are not created by human beings. This term is the equivalent of 'geographical accident' in English, although the more common English translation would be 'geographical feature' or 'landform'.

Example sentences with  accidente geográfico
accidente involuntario
involuntary accident

The Spanish term 'accidente involuntario' directly translates to 'involuntary accident' in English. It is typically used to describe an incident that occurs without the intention or control of the involved parties. This term is often applied in contexts such as legal discussions, insurance policies, and general conversations where someone might talk about an accident they did not mean to cause or could not avoid.

Example sentences with  accidente involuntario
accidente leve
minor accident

The Spanish phrase 'accidente leve' translates to 'minor accident' in English. It refers to an incident or mishap that is less severe or serious, often implying little to no injury and minimal damage. It is typically used in contexts related to traffic accidents, workplace accidents, or other unfortunate events, where the consequences are not life-threatening or catastrophic. The term is relative and can vary based on the severity and perspective. Remember, 'accidente' means 'accident' and 'leve' translates to 'light' or 'minor' in English.

Example sentences with  accidente leve
accidente mortal
fatal accident

The Spanish term 'accidente mortal' translates to 'fatal accident' in English. This phrase is used to describe an accident that resulted in one or more fatalities. An accident is an unplanned event that can cause harm or damage, and the word 'mortal' denotes that the harm caused is severe enough to cause loss of life. This phrase can be used in various contexts, but it is common to see it used in news reports and legal proceedings.

Example sentences with  accidente mortal
accidente múltiple
multiple accident

The Spanish term 'accidente múltiple' translates directly to 'multiple accident' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of road safety or traffic reports and corresponds to incidents where more than one separate accident has occurred concurrently or in quick succession. This could be due to a chain reaction from an initial accident or because of severe road conditions causing multiple independent accidents. The term is a reminder of the potential dangers of road travel and the importance of safe driving practices.

Example sentences with  accidente múltiple

The Spanish word 'acelerador' translates to 'throttle' in English. In the context of a vehicle, a throttle is a device controlling the flow of fuel or power to an engine. When you press the accelerator pedal with your foot, it opens the throttle, allowing more air into the engine. The engine control unit (ECU) then increases the amount of fuel injected into the engine, which increases power output. Hence, 'acelerador' is used in Spanish in the context of an engine's acceleration mechanism.

Example sentences with  acelerador

The Spanish word 'acelgas' translates to 'chard' in English. Chard is a type of leafy green vegetable that is commonly used in various types of dishes. It is known for its bright green leaves and often colorful stems. The word 'acelgas' is a noun in Spanish, and it is typically feminine and plural in usage. Similar to other types of vegetables and plants, the word 'acelgas' does not require a direct article when used in general conversation. However, when referring to a specific bunch or variety of chard, the appropriate article may be used.

aceptar la derrota
accept defeat

The Spanish phrase 'aceptar la derrota' translates to 'accept defeat' in English. This phrase is commonly used in both casual and formal context. It is often used to indicate the acceptance of loss or failure in a contest, game, or other form of competition. It can also be utilized metaphorically in everyday life to signify acknowledging an unsuccessful attempt at achieving a desired outcome.


In Spanish, 'acercarse' is used in a similar context as 'approach' in English. It can refer to moving closer to a specific physical location or getting closer to achieving a particular objective. However, it's important to note that 'acercarse' is a reflexive verb, so it needs to be used with appropriate reflexive pronouns to convey the meaning accurately. It can also mean to reach out to someone for conversation or to attempt to get to know them better.

Example sentences with  acercarse

The Spanish word 'acidez' translates into English as 'acidity'. It is a noun that derives from the Latin word 'aciditas'. The word 'acidez' is used in various contexts, not only in chemistry to denote a particular property of certain substances, but also in gastronomy to describe the sour taste derived from acidic foods or beverages. Furthermore, it can be used metaphorically to refer to the sharpness or harshness of comments or situations.

acidez de estómago
stomach acidity

The Spanish phrase 'acidez de estómago' translates to 'stomach acidity' in English. This term refers to a medical condition where stomach acid frequently flows back up into the esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of the esophagus and might cause heartburn, a burning sensation felt in the chest just behind the breastbone that typically occurs after eating and spreads to the neck, throat, and jaw.

Example sentences with  acidez de estómago

The Spanish word 'ácidos' translates to 'acids' in English. It is a noun that can be used in scientific contexts, such as in chemistry to talk about substances with pH values below 7, or in everyday language to describe something as having a sour or sharp taste. 'Ácidos' can also refer to acid substances in an artistic context when talking about colors, especially intensely bright or fluorescent colors often termed as 'acid' colors.

Example sentences with  ácidos
to clarify

The Spanish verb 'aclarar' translates to 'to clarify' in English. It is largely used when you want to make something clear or easy to understand, particularly when explaining or providing more information about a certain topic. It can also mean 'to lighten' in the context of colors.


The Spanish equivalent for the English word 'cozy' is 'acogedor.' It is commonly used to describe places or environments that are warm, comfortable, and inviting. For example, 'Esta casa es muy acogedora,' which translates to 'This house is very cozy.' The term 'acogedor' can also be used to describe people who make you feel comfortable and welcome.

Example sentences with  acogedor
acoger a trabajadores
host workers

The Spanish phrase 'acoger a trabajadores' translates to 'host workers' in English. It usually implies providing accommodations or support for workers. The word 'acoger' translates to 'host' or 'welcome,' and 'trabajadores' translates to 'workers.' It’s often used in a business or professional context.

acoso laboral(es)
harassment of workers

The Spanish term 'acoso laboral' refers to the phenomenon of persistent and repeated negative behaviour towards employees in the workplace. This may include situations such as undue pressure, intimidation, bullying, or any form of psychological abuse. Typically, it is an action or series of actions that distress, embarrass or threaten the employee, often leading to negative psychological, emotional and physical impacts. The English equivalent for 'acoso laboral' is 'workplace harassment'.

actor mediocre
mediocre actor

The term 'actor mediocre' in Spanish translates to 'mediocre actor' in English. This is used to describe an actor whose performance or acting skills are considered average or below average. It is not necessarily a definitive judgement, as acting skills can improve over time and subjective interpretations can differ.

Example sentences with  actor mediocre
actor reconocido
recognized actor

The Spanish term 'actor reconocido' translates to 'recognized actor' in English. This generally refers to an actor who has gained recognition or fame due to their acting skills or performances in film, television, or stage productions. They are recognized by either their audience, critics, or their peers within the acting community. This could be because of their talent, their body of work, or specific notable performances.

Example sentences with  actor reconocido
actuación brillante
brilliant performance

The Spanish term 'actuación brillante' translates to 'brilliant performance' in English. It is often used to describe someone's impressive display in a particular task or role. This could relate to a range of contexts - from a stunning acting role in a film or play to a standout performance in a sporting event or business presentation. This expression acknowledges the skill, preparation and sheer talent of the individual or group contributing to the acted or performed role.

Example sentences with  actuación brillante
actuación convincente
compelling performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación convincente' translates to 'compelling performance' in English. This phrase is commonly used in arts and entertainment, particularly related to theater, films, and musical performances. A 'compelling performance' refers to the strong and convincing depiction or representation of a character or role by an actor or artist. This usually implies the expression of emotions and actions in a manner that appears real, engaging, and capable of influencing or persuading the viewer's or listener's emotions and perceptions.

Example sentences with  actuación convincente
actuación pésima
lousy performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación pésima' translates to 'lousy performance' in English. In a sentence, it can refer to a notably bad or subpar display of skill or talent, often in fields such as theater, music, sports, or any other performance-based activities or tasks. This phrase is used to express critical disappointment or dissatisfaction with the level of performance.

Example sentences with  actuación pésima
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