At the B1 Intermediate level, students can understand and express themselves in higher level discussions.
Example situations might include expressing your opinion, asking for clarification, and understanding longer texts about familiar topics.
The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo' means 'communicate with someone by mail' in English. This phrase is often used in formal or business settings to denote correspondence via traditional mail or electronic mail (email). A derivative of this phrase is 'comunicarse por correo electrónico' which specifically refers to communication via email.
The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por correo (electrónico)' translates to 'communicate with someone by mail (electronic)' in English. This implies getting in touch with someone through either traditional mail or electronic means such as email. It's a common Spanish phrase used in both professional and casual contexts to describe the act of sending and receiving information or messages.
The Spanish phrase 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono' translates to 'contact someone on the phone' in English. It is a common phrase used when someone wants to initiate a phone call or is suggesting to call another person. The verb 'comunicarse' can be taken to mean 'to communicate', 'con alguien' means 'with someone', and 'por teléfono' means 'on the phone'. Hence, when you put together 'comunicarse con alguien por teléfono', it can be literally translated as 'to communicate with someone on the phone'.
The word 'comunidad' in Spanish is used to refer to a group of people who live in the same place or have a common interest or purpose. It is similar to the English term 'community'. 'Comunidad' can also refer to a geographical or political entity.
Example sentences with comunidad →The Spanish phrase 'comunidad autónoma' translates to 'autonomous community' in English. It is an administrative division in Spain, similar to a state in the United States, with its own regional government. Each 'comunidad autónoma' has its own constitution, known as a 'Statute of Autonomy', and has powers over certain areas such as education, health, and culture. There are 17 'comunidades autónomas' in Spain, each with its own distinct history, culture, and sometimes, its own official language in addition to Spanish.
Example sentences with comunidad autónoma →The Spanish word 'comunista' translates to 'communist' in English. A communist is a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism. Communism is a socioeconomic system where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. The term 'comunista' is used in many of the same contexts in Spanish that 'communist' would be used in English.
Example sentences with comunista →The Spanish word 'concurso' translates to 'contest' in English. It is often used to refer to a competition where an individual or a team competes against others to win something. This can apply to many contexts, including sports, academics, arts, and more. An example of this in a sentence might be, 'El concurso de cocina será la próxima semana', which translates as, 'The cooking contest will be next week'.
The Spanish word 'condimentar' translates to 'seasoning' in English. This means to add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to food to enhance its flavor. The term can be applied to every type of food preparation, ranging from meats to vegetables, and everything in-between.
The Spanish word for 'drive' is 'conducir'. It is used in similar ways to the English verb 'drive'. It can refer to operating a vehicle, like 'conducir un coche' means 'drive a car'. However, it does not have the metaphorical meanings that 'drive' does in English, like determination or motivation.
Example sentences with conducir →The Spanish phrase 'conectar un electrodoméstico' translates to 'connect an appliance' in English. This could involve plugging in an electrical item such as a fridge, stove, or other household appliance to a power source. It is often used in the setting of managing domestic chores or electrical installations. Hence, if you are asking someone to 'conectar un electrodoméstico', you are asking them to connect an appliance.
The Spanish term 'conectarse a Internet' translates in English to 'connect to the Internet'. This phrase often used in the context of connecting a digital device, like a computer or a smartphone, to the Internet so that one can access online services. This online connection is typically facilitated through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and can be either wired or wireless. The phrase can be used in different tenses based on the context, such as 'conectándose a Internet' (connecting to the Internet) or 'conectado a Internet' (connected to the Internet).
Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika). Rabbits habitat includes meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.
Example sentences with conejo →The word 'conferencia' in Spanish translates to 'conference' in English. It is a noun used to describe a formal meeting where people gather to discuss or exchange ideas or information, often involving experts in a specific field. 'Conferencia' can be used in various contexts such as academic, business, or other professional environments.
The word 'congelador' in Spanish translates to 'freezer' in English. A freezer is a cold storage unit, typically a compartment of a refrigerator, in which food can be frozen and stored for long periods. The act of freezing slows down the reproduction of microorganisms, thus, preserving the food. In Spanish, both the verb 'congelar' and the noun 'congelador' originate from the Latin word 'congelare' which means to freeze. Therefore, 'congelador' is the Spanish equivalent of the English word 'freezer'.
The Spanish verb 'congelar(se)' translates to 'freeze' in English. This verb can be used in different contexts such as when the water freezes ('el agua se congela'), where it represents a physical change from liquid to solid due to low temperatures. It may also be used to describe a sudden stop in movement or activity, similar to the English phrase 'freeze in place'. The term 'congela' is the third person singular present of 'congelar'. Additionally, the addition of 'se' to create 'congelarse' changes the meaning to be reflexive, indicating that the subject is doing the action to itself, for instance, 'me congelo' means 'I freeze'.
Example sentences with congelar(se) →The Spanish word 'congreso' is used in a very similar way to the English word 'congress'. It primarily refers to the official meeting of the delegates or representatives of an organization, business, community or political party. It can also refer to the national legislative body of a country, much like it does in the United States. For example, the phrase 'El congreso está en sesión' means 'The congress is in session'.
Example sentences with congreso →The Spanish word 'conocer' translates to 'get to know' in English. It is often used when referring to meeting someone for the first time or learning about something. For example, 'quiero conocer a tus amigos' means 'I want to get to know your friends'. It can also be used in terms of gaining knowledge or familiarity with a subject, place, or thing, such as 'conocer la ciudad' - 'get to know the city'.
Example sentences with conocer →The Spanish word 'conserje' translates to 'janitor' in English. A janitor is a person who is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of a building. They may perform a variety of tasks such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, repairing fixtures, and maintaining cleanliness. In some contexts, a 'conserje' might also be involved in security duties or overseeing the operation of a building, similar to a building superintendent in English.
The Spanish word 'conservador' translates to 'conservative' in English. In a political context, a 'conservador' could refer to someone who holds traditional attitudes and values and is cautious about change or innovation. However, the term can also be used more broadly to describe a person or entity that is resistant to change and prefers to maintain existing conditions, practices, or institutions.
The Spanish phrase 'conservar el medio ambiente' translates to 'conserve the environment' in English. This phrase is used in the context of advocating for protection and preservation of the natural world. Conservation includes activities and practices that aim to reduce waste and excessive consumption, restore and maintain the natural habitat of different species, and enhance the overall health and quality of our environment. In a time of global environmental crisis, understanding and implementing this concept is essential.
Example sentences with conservar el medio ambiente →The Spanish phrase 'conservar la naturaleza' translates to 'preserve nature' in English. It is used to emphasize the importance of protecting and maintaining the natural environment against harmful human activities. This phrase is often used in context where sustainability, environmental conservation and biodiversity are areas of discussion.
Example sentences with conservar la naturaleza →The Spanish word 'consola' translates to 'console' in English. This term is widely used in various contexts. In the realm of technology, a console is a terminal or monitor that allows users to interact with a computer system. This could also mean a control panel in a vehicle or a piece of equipment. Moreover, in the field of furniture, a console refers to a table-like piece typically fixed to a wall. Hence, the exact interpretation of 'console' usually depends on its contextual usage.
The Spanish word 'constitución' translates to 'constitution' in English. A constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents that determine the governance of a state, organization, or any such institution. In essence, it is a set of laws that outlines the system of government and defines the rights and duties of the citizens. It is considered supreme and all other laws are measured against the constitution's standards, making it a vital part of any democratic society.
Example sentences with constitución →The Spanish phrase 'construir un acueducto' translates to 'build an aqueduct' in English. An aqueduct is a bridge-like system built to move water from one location to another. In this context, 'construir' means 'to build', 'un' means 'an', and 'acueducto' means 'aqueduct'. This phrase could be used in the context of construction or history, describing the action of creating such a structure.
Example sentences with construir un acueducto →The Spanish phrase 'construir una mezquita' translates to 'build a mosque' in English. This phrase would typically be used in a context where the conversation pertains to architecture, religion, or city planning. 'Construir' is a verb that means 'to build' and 'una mezquita' is a feminine noun that translates to 'a mosque'. The word 'mezquita' is used frequently in Spanish-speaking countries with Islamic historical influences or presents Islamic communities.
Example sentences with construir una mezquita →The Spanish phrase 'construir una muralla' translates to 'build a wall' in English. This phrase incorporates the verb 'construir', which means 'to build', followed by the indefinite article 'una', equivalent to 'a' in English, and finally the noun 'muralla', which translates to 'wall'. Therefore, when put together, 'construir una muralla' illustrates the action of building a wall.
Example sentences with construir una muralla →The Spanish phrase 'construir una sinagoga' translates to 'build a synagogue' in English. It is an action phrase commonly used in the context of architecture or religious discussions. 'Construir' is a verb which means 'to build' and 'una sinagoga' is a noun that translates to 'a synagogue'. Synagogue is a building where Jewish people meet to worship or pray. Therefore, when someone says 'construir una sinagoga', they are talking about the act of constructing or establishing a place for Jewish worship.
Example sentences with construir una sinagoga →The word 'cónsul' in Spanish translates to 'consul' in English. A consul is a government official living in a foreign city. Consuls represent their home country's interests by aiding and protecting its citizens living or traveling abroad, and they play a key role in promoting the commercial and economic relations between the countries.
Example sentences with cónsul →The word 'consulado' in Spanish translates to 'consulate' in English. A consulate is a place where a consul, an official representative of the government of one state in the territory of another, normally acting to assist and protect the citizens of the consul's own country, and to facilitate trade and friendship between the people of the two countries. Therefore, 'consulado' is a term used in diplomacy and international relations.
Example sentences with consulado →The Spanish phrase 'consultar la programación' translates to 'consult the programming' in English. This phrase might be used in a context where one needs to check or review the programming, which could refer to a number of things such as a TV schedule, a computer program's code, or even the planning of an event or activity. It encompasses a sense of seeking information on the structure, plan, or arrangement of the thing being programmed.