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Spanish Sample Spanish Vocab

corto (metraje)
short (measure)

The term 'corto (metraje)' in Spanish translates to 'short (measure)' in English. It is commonly used in the domain of film and cinema. In this specific context, it refers to a short film or a movie that is significantly shorter than the average length of a feature film. This term can also be used in other contexts to denote something of short length or duration.

Example sentences with  corto (metraje) →

The Spanish word 'artículo' means 'article' in English. It can refer to a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. It can also refer to a particular item or object. 'Artículo' is used similarly to how 'article' is used in English, either to refer to a written piece or a specific object within a collection or a list of things.

Example sentences with  artículo →

The word 'adivinar' in Spanish is analogous to the English 'guess'. It's commonly used to describe the act of predicting without sufficient information. This term often appears in casual and formal conversations. Additionally, 'adivinar' can find usage in various contexts ranging from playful guessing games to serious conjectures on significant matters.

Example sentences with  adivinar →

A small timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person, typically a wristwatch.

Example sentences with  reloj →
mercado de dinero
money market

The phrase 'mercado de dinero' in Spanish translates to 'money market' in English. A money market is a section of the financial market in which financial instruments with high liquidity and short-term maturities are traded. The money market is used by participants as a means for borrowing and lending in the short term, with maturities that usually range from overnight to just under a year.

Example sentences with  mercado de dinero →

The Spanish word 'seguir' translates to 'follow' in English. This verb can be used in a variety of contexts similar to how 'follow' is used in English. For instance, in guiding or pursuing someone (e.g., 'Sigue a la líder' or 'Follow the leader'), continuing a course or sequence (e.g., 'Sigue el plan' or 'Follow the plan'), or following someone on social media (e.g., 'Sigue a esta persona' or 'Follow this person').

Example sentences with  seguir →
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