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English translation of voce


The Italian word for voice is 'voce'. It is used in the same way as in English, to denote sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song. For example, 'La tua voce è bella' means 'Your voice is beautiful'.

Example sentences using: voce

Non ho ancora sentito la tua voce oggi.

English translation of Non ho ancora sentito la tua voce oggi.

I have not yet heard your voice today.

The verb 'ho sentito' means 'I have heard'. The expression 'ancora' is translated into 'yet'. 'La tua voce' means 'your voice'. 'Oggi' translates to 'today'. This phrase means that the speaker has not heard the person they are talking to today.

English translation of La voce popolare non sempre ha ragione.

The popular voice is not always right.

In this sentence, 'La voce popolare' translates to 'The popular voice', referring to popular opinion or the majority. 'Non sempre' means 'not always'. 'Ha ragione' translates to 'is right'. So this phrase means that popular opinion is not always correct.

La tua voce è come la musica per le mie orecchie.

English translation of La tua voce è come la musica per le mie orecchie.

Your voice is like music to my ears.

In this sentence, 'La tua voce' translates to 'Your voice'. 'È come' means 'is like'. 'La musica per le mie orecchie' is a direct translation of the English metaphor 'music to my ears', meaning something very pleasant or agreeable.

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