The Italian word 'vivere' is a verb that translates to 'live' in English. It is used to express the act of living or experiencing life. For example, 'vivere una vita felice' means 'to live a happy life'. 'Vivere' is a regular verb in Italian, with its conjugations following the pattern of 'are' verbs.
I want to live in Rome one day.
In this sentence, the speaker is expressing a future desire or goal to live in Rome. 'Voglio' is the first person singular present tense of 'volere', which means 'to want'.
I love living in this city.
This sentence is used to express a fondness for the city where the speaker is currently living. 'Amo' is the first person singular present tense of 'amare', which means 'to love'.
It's important to live in the moment.
This sentence is usually given as a piece of advice, urging someone to focus on the present rather than worrying about the future. 'È importante' translates as 'it's important'.