The Italian word 'verde' is used to describe or denote the color green in a variety of contexts. Just as in English, 'verde' can be used refer to characteristics of objects, landscapes, and symbols, among other things. For example, 'Il prato è verde' translates as 'The lawn is green'.
My favourite dress is green
In this sentence, 'verde' is used as an adjective to describe the colour of my favourite dress. In Italian, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify, unlike English where they usually come before.
Eat the green apple
Here, 'verde' is used to describe the apple. Notice that in Italian, the adjective (verde, or green) typically follows the noun it's describing (mela, or apple), unlike the English language rule where the adjective (green) usually precedes the noun (apple).
The traffic light is green
In this context, 'verde' is used to portray the status of the traffic light. It is describing the color of the traffic light, similar to English. Note, in Italian the adjective follows the noun, unlike English where the adjective usually comes before the noun.