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va bene

English translation of va bene


The phrase "va bene" is a common way to say "okay" in Italian. It is often used to express agreement or acknowledgment in a conversation. For example, if someone asks you if you want coffee, you can respond with "va bene" to indicate that coffee is fine with you.

Example sentences using: va bene

Va bene, lo comprerò.

English translation of Va bene, lo comprerò.

Okay, I will buy it.

In the given Italian sentence, 'va bene' is used to express agreement or acceptance. It is equivalent to saying 'okay' or 'alright' in English. The speaker has agreed to buy an item in this context.

Se va bene per te, andiamo al cinema.

English translation of Se va bene per te, andiamo al cinema.

If it's okay with you, we'll go to the movies.

In this context, 'va bene' is used to seek confirmation or approval. The speaker is asking if the listener is alright with going to the movies. It is a polite way of making plans or decisions.

Va bene così, non c'è bisogno di cambiarlo.

English translation of Va bene così, non c'è bisogno di cambiarlo.

It's fine as it is, there's no need to change it.

In this example, 'va bene' is used to express satisfaction or acceptance with the current state of something. The speaker is communicating that something (an object, a plan, or a situation) is fine and doesn't need to be changed.

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