In Italian, the word 'unità' is used to express the concept of a single, individual entity or element, similar to the English word 'unit'. It can refer to a unit of measurement, a unit of time, or a unit in a larger system or structure. It is a feminine noun and is pronounced as 'oo-nee-tah'.
The unit of measurement is the meter.
In this sentence, the term 'unità' is used to refer to metrics, or unit of measurement, which in this case is the 'meter'.
We must maintain the unity of the family.
In this context, 'unità' is used to refer to unity or cohesion. The phrase communicates the importance of keeping a family united or together.
The unit is the basis of a number system.
Here, 'unità' refers to a single unit or the numeral one (1), which forms the foundation of any number system.