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English translation of ufficio


The Italian word 'ufficio' is used to refer to a room or a set of rooms where people work, usually seated, on tasks that involve organization, documentation, or trade. It can also refer to a position of authority within an organization. The usage in a sentence could be 'Lavoro in un ufficio' which translates to 'I work in an office'.

Example sentences using: ufficio

Il mio ufficio si trova in città

English translation of Il mio ufficio si trova in città

My office is located in the city

This is a straightforward expression relating the position of 'my office' as being located 'in the city'. In Italian, the possessive 'my' ('il mio') precedes the noun 'office' ('ufficio').

Sto cercando un ufficio postale

English translation of Sto cercando un ufficio postale

I am looking for a post office

In this sentence, the speaker is 'searching' ('sto cercando') for a 'post office' ('ufficio postale'). 'Ufficio' is used here to denote a particular type of office - a post office.

L'ufficio turistico è aperto oggi

English translation of L'ufficio turistico è aperto oggi

The tourist office is open today

This phrase informs us that 'the tourist office' ('l'ufficio turistico') is 'open today' ('è aperto oggi'). 'Open' in this context is 'aperto'.

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