Viaggio is an Italian word that is used to describe travelling or a journey. In most contexts, it refers to an act of going from one place to another. It can be used in various scenarios, for example when talking about a holiday (viaggio di vacanza), a business trip (viaggio d'affari), and so on.
I have planned a trip to Rome.
This is a statement where the speaker is declaring that they have planned a trip to a location, in this case, Rome. It is a simple sentence structure that starts with the subject (in this case 'I'), followed by the verb (in this case 'have planned') and then the object (in this case 'a trip to Rome').
My trip to Italy was wonderful.
This is a declarative statement expressing a sentiment about a past trip to Italy. Note that in Italian, adjectives such as 'wonderful' typically come after the noun, hence 'viaggio in Italia è stato meraviglioso' rather than 'meraviglioso viaggio in Italia'.
During the trip, we saw many amazing places.
This sentence describes an action that occurred during a trip. The word 'durante' (during) establishes when the action took place. It also introduces the fact that the experience was shared by more than one person, indicated by the use of 'we' ('abbiamo' in Italian).