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English translation of tofu


The word 'tofu' in Italian is also 'tofu'. It's a food made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the resulting curds into soft, white blocks. It's a common ingredient in many Italian vegan and vegetarian dishes, the same way it's used in English-speaking countries.

Example sentences using: tofu

Il tofu è un ingrediente molto comune nella cucina vegana.

English translation of Il tofu è un ingrediente molto comune nella cucina vegana.

Tofu is a very common ingredient in vegan cuisine.

This sentence explains how tofu, a foodstuff made from soybeans, is frequently used in vegan dishes as a substitute for meat or dairy products.

Non tutti amano il sapore del tofu.

English translation of Non tutti amano il sapore del tofu.

Not everyone likes the taste of tofu.

This sentence is expressing that tofu, though a popular ingredient in many diets, has a unique flavor that may not appeal to everyone's taste.

Puoi sostituire il formaggio con il tofu in questa ricetta.

English translation of Puoi sostituire il formaggio con il tofu in questa ricetta.

You can replace cheese with tofu in this recipe.

It suggests that tofu can be used as a substitute for other ingredients, such as cheese, in certain recipes. This is often employed in vegan or lactose-free diets.

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