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English translation of straniero


The Italian word 'straniero' is used to describe something or someone that is foreign or from a foreign country. It can be used as an adjective or a noun, and it is a masculine noun. For example, 'un turista straniero' means 'a foreign tourist'.

Example sentences using: straniero

Lui è uno straniero qui.

English translation of Lui è uno straniero qui.

He is a foreigner here.

This sentence is a straight forward way to identify someone as a foreigner in the location referred to by 'here'. 'Lui' means 'he', 'è' is the third singular person of the verb 'to be' and 'qui' means 'here'.

Straniero, sei il benvenuto nella nostra città.

English translation of Straniero, sei il benvenuto nella nostra città.

Foreigner, you are welcome in our city.

This sentence is used to welcome someone from another place to one's city. 'Straniero' is used as a directed address and 'sei il benvenuto' means 'you are welcome'. 'Nella nostra città' translates as 'in our city'.

Il cibo straniero è delizioso.

English translation of Il cibo straniero è delizioso.

Foreign food is delicious.

This sentence expresses someone's opinion referring to the taste of foreign food. In this context, 'straniero' is used as an adjective to the noun 'cibo' meaning 'food'. While 'è delizioso' translates to 'is delicious'.

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