The italian word 'spendere' is used in a similar context as 'spend' in English. It mainly refers to using money to buy something or the use of time on some activity. For instance, you can say 'Ho speso 50 euro per quella camicia' which means 'I spent 50 euros on that shirt'.
I need to spend less money.
In this sentence, 'spendere' is used to express the act of using or giving out money in exchange for something. 'Menos' means less and 'soldi' is the Italian word for money.
I want to spend more time with you.
In this usage, 'spendere' refers to the use of time rather than money. Italian speakers commonly use this phrase to indicate their desire to devote more time interacting with the person addressed.
I don't want to spend my savings on vacation.
Here, 'spendere' is used to talk about the act of using money saved for a specific purpose. 'Risparmi' refers to savings, and 'vacanza' is the Italian term for vacation.