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English translation of specialista


In Italian, the word 'specialista' is used to refer to a person who has specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field. It is often used in the same context as the English word 'specialist', for example, to refer to a medical specialist or a legal specialist. The word is derived from the Latin 'specialis', meaning 'belonging to a particular kind'. It is a noun and is used in the same way as the English word 'specialist'.

Example sentences using: specialista

Io sono uno specialista in medicina interna.

English translation of Io sono uno specialista in medicina interna.

I am a specialist in internal medicine.

This phrase showcases how 'specialista' can be used to specify a professional who specializes in a certain field, in this case, internal medicine.

Il specialista ha risolto il problema in pochi minuti.

English translation of Il specialista ha risolto il problema in pochi minuti.

The specialist solved the problem in a few minutes.

In this sentence, 'specialista' is used to demonstrate a role or position. The specialist is highlighted for his/her efficiency in solving a problem quickly.

Maria sta cercando un specialista del marketing per la sua nuova impresa.

English translation of Maria sta cercando un specialista del marketing per la sua nuova impresa.

Maria is looking for a marketing specialist for her new venture.

This phrase presents an example where 'specialista' is used to describe a person skilled in a specific discipline, which in this case is marketing.

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