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English translation of speciale


The Italian word 'speciale' is used to describe something that is not ordinary or usual, something that has distinct qualities. It can also denote importance. It can be used in a variety of contexts just as it is used in English.

Example sentences using: speciale

Oggi è una giornata speciale.

English translation of Oggi è una giornata speciale.

Today is a special day.

This sentence is an example of how 'speciale' can be used as an adjective. In Italian the adjective usually follows the noun, differing from English word order.

Il tuo regalo è veramente speciale.

English translation of Il tuo regalo è veramente speciale.

Your gift is truly special.

In this sentence, 'speciale' is used to describe a noun. 'Veramente' is an intensifier, equivalent to 'truly' in English, which further emphasizes the 'speciale' or 'special' nature of the noun it describes.

Questa è una pizza speciale.

English translation of Questa è una pizza speciale.

This is a special pizza.

Again, 'speciale' is used as an adjective. Note that in this sentence, it's about a specific thing ('Questa', or 'this'). This means the speaker is referring to a specific pizza that is somehow special or different.

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