In Italian, 'sparare' is the verb used to express the action of shooting. It is used in a similar way to its English counterpart and can be used in various contexts, such as in sports, hunting, or in a military context. However, it is important to note that the past participle of 'sparare' is 'sparato' and not 'shooted' as in English.
Do not shoot at the moon.
This phrase, despite being literal, is often used metaphorically to warn against aiming for unrealistic goals.
I would like to fire some questions.
In this context, sparare is used metaphorically. It means to ask several questions quickly, similar to 'fire away' in English.
Be careful not to slam the door.
Here, 'sparare' is used to mean 'slam' or 'shut forcefully'. It's a colloquial usage of the word.