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English translation of solidarietà


Solidarity, in Italian, is expressed as 'solidarietà'. This term is used to express unity, mutual support, and common interests among a group of individuals or communities. It is often used in the context of social, political, or economic issues, where people come together to support a common cause or help those in need.

Example sentences using: solidarietà

Spero che il tuo gesto di solidarietà possa ispirare gli altri.

English translation of Spero che il tuo gesto di solidarietà possa ispirare gli altri.

I hope your act of solidarity can inspire others.

In this sentence, 'solidarietà' is used in the context of a social or community act that can have a positive influence or inspire others.

La solidarietà è fondamentale in tempi di crisi.

English translation of La solidarietà è fondamentale in tempi di crisi.

Solidarity is fundamental in times of crisis.

Here, 'solidarietà' is used to stress the importance of unity and cooperation during challenging times.

Abbiamo bisogno di più solidarietà in questa società.

English translation of Abbiamo bisogno di più solidarietà in questa società.

We need more solidarity in this society.

In this phrase, 'solidarietà' is used to express a need for more communal support and unity in society.

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