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English translation of sogno


The word 'sogno' is used in Italian to express the concept of 'dream'. It can refer to the images, thoughts, and sensations experienced during sleep, as well as to a cherished aspiration or ideal. In the context of sleep, a 'sogno' can be either a pleasant or a disturbing experience. When used to describe an aspiration, 'sogno' is often accompanied by the verb 'sognare', which means 'to dream'.

Example sentences using: sogno

Il mio sogno è viaggiare per il mondo.

English translation of Il mio sogno è viaggiare per il mondo.

My dream is to travel around the world.

The sentence is telling about someone's dream, or ambition, which is to travel around the world. The use of 'il mio sogno è' shows the subject's personal longing or ambition.

Il tuo sogno diventerà realtà.

English translation of Il tuo sogno diventerà realtà.

Your dream will become reality.

In this sentence, the speaker gives an assurance or a form of encouragement to the listener by saying their dream will turn into reality. The phrase 'il tuo sogno' indicates a dream or ambition that belongs to the listener.

Il sogno della pace universale è condiviso da molti.

English translation of Il sogno della pace universale è condiviso da molti.

The dream of universal peace is shared by many.

The sentence reveals a collective desire or dream, specifically 'the dream of universal peace'. It highlights an aspiration that isn't personal but is shared by many people.

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