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English translation of software


The word 'software' is the same in both English and Italian. It refers to the set of programs and procedures required to operate a computer system and perform specific tasks. It is a mass noun and is often used in the singular form.

Example sentences using: software

Il software è fondamentale per il funzionamento del computer.

English translation of Il software è fondamentale per il funzionamento del computer.

The software is fundamental for the computer's operation.

This sentence is an acknowledgment of the importance of software in enabling a computer to function and carry out numerous tasks.

Luigi sviluppa software professionale.

English translation of Luigi sviluppa software professionale.

Luigi develops professional software.

In this example, software is the product that Luigi creates in a professional capacity, implying he is likely a programmer or a software engineer.

Ho bisogno di aggiornare il software del mio telefono.

English translation of Ho bisogno di aggiornare il software del mio telefono.

I need to update the software on my phone.

This sentence demonstrates the need to perform software updates on a device - in this case, a phone - to ensure its optimal performance.

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