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English translation of sindacato


The word 'sindacato' in Italian is used to refer to a 'union', which is an organization of workers who have joined together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of their trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members and negotiates labor contracts with employers. In Italy, the term 'sindacato' is often used to refer to a labor union, but it can also refer to a professional association or a trade union.

Example sentences using: sindacato

Lui lavora per il sindacato.

English translation of Lui lavora per il sindacato.

He works for the union.

In this example, 'sindacato' is translated as 'union'. This is the general context for 'sindacato' in Italian, referring to labor or trade unions.

Il sindacato protegge i diritti dei lavoratori.

English translation of Il sindacato protegge i diritti dei lavoratori.

The union protects the rights of workers.

Here 'sindacato' again refers to a labor union, emphasizing the role of such an organization in safeguarding workers' rights.

Il sindacato ha convocato uno sciopero.

English translation of Il sindacato ha convocato uno sciopero.

The union has called a strike.

This example illustrates the authority of a 'sindacato' or union, in its capacity to orchestrate industrial action, like strikes, in defense or negotiation of workers' conditions.

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