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English translation of significa


The word 'significa' in Italian is used similarly to 'mean' in English. It is usually used to explain what something represents or is intended to express. Just like in English, 'significa' can be used in a variety of contexts, from everyday conversations to academic texts.

Example sentences using: significa

Cosa significa questo?

English translation of Cosa significa questo?

What does this mean?

This is a common phrase used in Italian when someone doesn't understand a word, concept, or situation and wants to learn more about it. It's a useful question to remember when learning the language.

Non so cosa significa.

English translation of Non so cosa significa.

I don't know what it means.

This phrase is said when someone doesn't know or understand the meaning of something. It can be used in a variety of contexts and is often said in response to a question about the meaning or significance of something.

Lo sai cosa significa?

English translation of Lo sai cosa significa?

Do you know what it means?

This phrase asks if the listener knows the meaning of something. It can be used to engage in a discussion, seek clarification, or confirm understanding.

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