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English translation of serio


The Italian word 'serio' is used to describe something or someone that is serious, sincere, or important. It can be used as an adjective to describe a person's character, a situation, or an event. For example, 'un problema serio' means a serious problem, and 'una persona seria' means a serious or sincere person.

Example sentences using: serio

Sto parlando sul serio.

English translation of Sto parlando sul serio.

I am speaking seriously.

The given sentence is in the present continuous tense and implies that the speaker's words should be taken seriously, indicating a serious discussion or context.

Questo è un problema serio.

English translation of Questo è un problema serio.

This is a serious problem.

The sentence states a fact, expressing the serious nature of a problem. 'Serio' here is used as an adjective to describe the gravity or importance of the 'problema'.

Lui è un uomo serio.

English translation of Lui è un uomo serio.

He is a serious man.

This sentence is a simple statement, indicating the personality or character of a man. 'Serio' is used here to convey that the man is serious by nature.

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